
1/19/2018 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 10(75%), 8(77%), 6(80%), 4(82%), 2(85%)
—Pause on the last rep of each set
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×8 (slow tempo on way down)

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) Bicep Curls + Gun Walk – 4×12 reps
b) Lat Pulldown – 4×20 (keep arms straight – heavier band)
c) 4 sets: 30 sec Russian Twists + 30 sec flutter kicks + 30 sec v-ups or tuck-ups
—Rest 15 sec between movements

1/18/2018 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 12 Min EMOM (24 total reps)
—Min 1-4: 3EMOM @ 72%, Min 5-8: 2EMOM @ 77%, Min 9-12: 1EMOM @ 82%

10 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Burpees
3 C2B Pull-ups
3 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
6 Burpees
6 C2B Pull-ups
6 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
9 Burpees
9 C2B Pull-ups
9 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
***Continue with this pattern. If you finish round of 15, start the round of 3 over & continue for the remainder of 10 min.
—Rest 2 minutes then at the 12 min mark do:
30 GI Janes For Time

WOD Notes: TD = Completing round of 15 / 2:15-3:30 (30 GI Janes). Record score as total reps on the whiteboard. Finishing round of 15 = 135 reps. Practice switching DB midair if you feel comfortable doing that. C2B scale = chin over bar or banded pu.

a) One Arm Shoulder Press (banded) – 5×6 (use light band)
b) Banded Dball Carry (march in place) – 5×60sec
c) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – Accumulate 4 minutes

1/17/2018 – WOD

Clean (full) – 12 Min EMOM (24 total reps)
—Min 1-4: 3EMOM @ 67%, Min 5-8: 2EMOM @ 72%, Min 9-12: 1EMOM @ 77%

Conditioning (23 min cap)
2 Rounds For Time
40 T2B
60 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
80/60 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: TD = 16-22 min. T2B scale = 15-20 T2B + 20 V-ups (if you can do t2b, but have trouble linking). You should be able to do 10-15 reps per set on the WB. You may also break up the WOD into 4 rounds and cut the reps in half, but this is considered scaling.

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×12 (heavier band)
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 4×15 (each arm – pause at the top)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4×15 (5 sec hold at parallel each rep)

1/16/2018 – WOD

Push Jerk + Split Jerk (use rack) – 10(67%), 8(70%), 6(72%), 4(77%), 2(82%)
—Each set you must do half reps PJ & the 2nd half of SJ.

Complete For Time (with a partner)
60/40 Cal Ski
30 Hang Power Cleans 205/135# (70%)
300 Double Unders
30 Hang Power Cleans 205/135# (70%)
60/40 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: TD = 18-22 min. Switch every 10 cals (should be sprints) on the ski erg. Switch every 5 reps on the HPC. You may break up HSPU anyway you’d like. HSPU scale = DB PP (switch every 10 reps). You may work at the same time for DU and break those up anyway you’d like, but don’t spend more than 3 min on them.

a) RDL (snatch grip) – 4×10 @ 110% of snatch (same wt as last wk)
b) DB Floor Press – 4×8 (heavier than last wk)
c) Hollow Rocks – Tabata: 10 Rounds

1/15/2018 – WOD

Back Squat – 10(75%), 8(77%), 6(80%), 4(82%), 2(85%)
—Pause on the last rep of each set

3 Rounds For Time
12 DB Burpee Box Step-ups 24/20″ (45/30#)
500m Row

WOD Notes: TD = 11-15 Min. You may use KB if DB are taken (do a normal Burpee then pick up KB). You must stand on top of the box each rep. Share a box with someone else and face them.

a) Strict Pull-ups: 6×5-9 reps every 90 sec
b) Weighted Plank: 6 sets: 45 sec on / 45 sec off (heavier than last wk)

1/13/2018 – WOD

***Rage closes at 1pm today!!!!***

3 Rounds For Time
10 Power Snatches 135/95#
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Clean n Jerks 135/95#
15 C2B Pull-ups
—Rest 2 minutes then:
For Time
400m Run
500m Ski
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 12-16 Min / 5-7 Min. Try to use the same weights for the Snatches and CnJ but if you have to use a lighter weight for Snatch that’s fine. They should both feel light. Please remember not to drop bar with light plates!! C2B scale = 8-12 reps, chin over bar, or banded PU.

1/12/2018 – WOD

Back Squat (no belt) – 10(72%), 8(75%), 6(77%), 4(80%), 2(82%)
—Pause on the last rep of each set

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) Bicep Curls + Gun Walk – 4×12 reps
b) Lat Pulldown – 4×25 (keep arms straight)
c) 4 sets: 30 sec Russian Twists + 30 sec flutter kicks + 30 sec v-ups or tuck-ups
—Rest 15 sec between movements

Rage will close today at 6pm!

1/11/2018 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 12 Min EMOM (24 total reps)
—Min 1-4: 3EMOM @ 70%, Min 5-8: 2EMOM @ 75%, Min 9-12: 1EMOM @ 80%

Conditioning (15 min cap)
150 Wall Balls For Time (20/14# to 10/9ft)
***Top of every min do 3 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 min. WOD starts with Dball. Pick a WB that you can consistently do 15 reps unbroken & throw to 10/9ft (which is usually the open standard). The 3 dball cleans should take no more than 20 sec. If you pick a light ball, do 4 reps. Set-up equipment close to a wall to minimize transitions.

a) One Arm Shoulder Press (banded) – 4×8 (use light band)
b) Banded Dball Carry (march in place) – 4×60-75 sec
c) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – 8×30 sec (rest 90 sec between)

1/10/2018 – WOD

Clean (full) – 12 Min EMOM (24 total reps)
—Min 1-4: 3EMOM @ 65%, Min 5-8: 2EMOM @ 70%, Min 9-12: 1EMOM @ 75%

20 Min AMRAP (with a partner – relay style)
5 Ring Muscle-ups or 6 GI Janes
10 Deadlifts 225/155#
25/20 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: TD = 10-14 rd. Each round should be 95%+ effort. Partner B will start when Partner A gets to 20/15 cal on the bike. You may do Bar MU instead of GI Janes. If you can do a PU, use a bar that is above your reach. DL (45%) should be light to where you can do all 10 reps touch n go each round (with good form).

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×12 (heavier band)
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 4×12 (each arm – pause at the top)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4×20 (3 sec count down + 3 sec count up)