
5/11/2016 – WOD

2 Rep Touch n Go Clean – 5 sets @ 80-90%
—Start @ 80% & work up to a heavy 2RM. You may drop between reps if you don’t feel comfortable hanging on.

5 Rounds For Time
4 Clusters @ 80%
400m Run

Midline (Day 10)
4×25 Ab Mat Weighted Sit-ups (55/30# heavier than last wk)

WOD Notes: TD = 13-18 minutes. Use 80% of your push press or thruster for the WOD (should be able to do 4 singles in about a minute each round). Run should be paced each round except for the last, which should be all out!

5/10/2016 – WOD

1 Split Jerk (pause at bottom of dip for 2 sec) + 1 Split Jerk (normal) – 5 sets @ 80-90%
—Work up to a heavy 1RM at the end if reps feel good. Use a rack.

4 Rounds (interval style)
8 Bench Press @ 70%
20 Slam Ball 50/35#
30 Cal Row
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Midline (Day 9)
Hollow Rock – 6 Rounds of 30 sec on / 15 sec off

WOD Notes: TD = 2-3:30 minutes. Make sure to partner up with someone who has a similar bench max. Each round is 95%+ effort, so do not hold back especially on the row. Make sure to get fingers under ball during each slam. Record 4 separate times on the whiteboard

5/9/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to 90% for a single, 1×20 @ 73-74%
—Use a little more than last Friday 

For Time
40 KB Swings 70/53#
25 GI Janes
600m Sled Drag 90/45#
25 GI Janes
40 KB Swings 70/53#

Midline – Day 8
6×45 sec weighted plank (110/50#)

—heavier than last week, rest 90 sec

WOD Notes: TD = 13-19 minutes. If you don’t have unassisted pull-ups you can do 25 burpees/25 ring rows each round instead of Gi janes. 600m = sewer drain around the turn and back to Rage.

5/7/2016 – WOD

For Time – Regional Event #7
21 Thrusters 95/65#
3 Legless Rope Climbs 15ft
15 Thrusters 95/65#
2 Legless Rope Climbs 15ft
9 Thrusters 95/65#
1 Legless Rope Climb 15ft
***At the 10 minute mark:
For Time
400m Sled Drag 90/45#
50 Burpees

Midline – Day 6
3×60 sec GHD Sit-up Hold (use weight 45/25#)
—rest 60 sec between rounds

WOD Notes: TD = 3-5 min / 6-10 min. Legless scale = climb with legs / 6-8 strict pull-ups each round / 8-10 ring rows. Thrusters should be unbroken each round (light).

***Good luck to Ross today at Nationals! He lifts around 11am!

5/6/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – 1×20 @ 70-72%
—Use a little heavier than Monday

Make-up/Skill Day!

Midline – Day 5
L-Sit (paralletes) or Tuck Hold – 6×30 sec —Rest 90 sec between 

5/5/2016 – WOD

Snatch – 2 Snatches (full) EMOM for 8 minutes @ 80-85%

3 Rounds For Time
7 Deadlifts (75%)
20 T2B (Rx+ = 25)
Run 800m

Midline (Day 4)
Side Plank – 6×60 sec (3 each side) 45/25# DB

WOD Notes: TD = 13-20 minutes. Deadlifts should be heavy for 7 reps (you may do singles if you can’t maintain a good position for touch n go). T2B scale = 20 knee above hips or 15 cal ski.

Announcement: The 4pm class will be open gym as well as the beginning of the 5pm class. Sorry for the late notice!

5/4/2016 – WOD

Power Clean n Jerk – 1 EMOM for 10 minutes.
—Start @ 80% & work up to a heavy single

100 Wall Balls For Time 20/14# to 10 ft target
—Rest 2 minutes then:
“2016 Regional WOD #4”
4 Rounds For Time
28 Pistols (sub: 28 walking lunges with 45/25# DB in front rack)
15 Power Cleans 115/80#

Midline (Day 3)
4×25 Weighted Sit-ups 45/25#

WOD Notes: TD = 3-6 minutes for 100 WB / 6-10 minutes for part 2. PC = 40% of 1RM (should be able to touch n go majority of reps).

5/3/2016 – WOD

Shoulder Press – Work up to a heavy single, then 4×8 @ 75%

12 Min AMRAP
4 Hang Squat Clean 205/135#
8 C2B Pull-ups (RX+ = 12 C2B)
40 Double Unders

Midline (Day 2)
Tabata Hollow Rock

WOD Notes: TD = 4-6 rounds. HSC = 65% of 1RM (should be able to link 4 in a row even though it should feel heavy towards the later rounds). You may scale c2b to chin over bar. DU scale = 80 singles or you may do 20 DU.

5/2/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – 1×20 @ 69-70%
—Increase roughly 5# from last Friday. Write down the time that 20 reps takes.

3 Rounds For Time
9 Power Snatches 155/105#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
21 Cal Row

Midline (Day 1)
4×60 sec plank (weighted 55/35#)
—rest 1 min between sets

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 minutes. PS = 68-70% of 1RM PS (should be able to do fairly quick singles). “30 Day Abs” is being programmed the month of May! If you want a strong/functional midline, I’d recommend you follow it!

Day 1 – 30 Day Midline Challenge