Category Archives: WOD

11/12/2019 – WOD

Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
a) Deadlift – 6 Reps @ 70-75% (heavier than last wk)
b) DB Bench Press – 8-10 Reps (heavy)

12 Min Running Clock – 3 Rounds
20 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
100 Double Unders
***Max Cal Row in remaining time

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 4+ min on the rower. DB Snatches should be relatively light to where you can muscle snatch, but shouldn’t feel like a paper weight. DU sub = 50-75 DU or 150 singles. 

a) Hollow Rocks – 30 sec on / 30 sec off for 10 sets
b) Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×12

11/11/2019 – WOD

Every 3:30 minutes x 5 sets
a) Front Rack Lunges – 8 reps (should feel like 8RM by last set)
b) Close Grip Pull-ups (supinated) – 8-10 reps
c) DB Shoulder Press – 6 reps (5 sec tempo eccentric)
—Lunges should be a little heavier than last week

20 Min AMRAP (with a partner)
20 Curtis P Complex 185/125#
40 Double Dutch Burpees
80/65 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Curtis P = 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Lunges + 1 Push Press. Double Dutch burpees = 20 each. You may break up the work anyway you’d like on the ski, but alternate back & forth on the Barbell. Goal is 2 rds.

Weighted Plank – 10 sets of 30 on / 30 off

11/8/2019 – WOD

Make-up/Skill Day!

Open WOD 20.5 has been announced! Remember the winner of this week is the overall winner! The AM & PM teams are tied 2-2. We will run heats every 30 minutes starting at 8am. If you have Muscle-ups or are very close to getting one we recommend that you try this RX! Click here for heat list (Open WOD 20.5). Lets try to get as many people to come to the gym Saturday to cheer everyone on!

“Open WOD 20.5”
For Time (Partition as you want)
40 Ring MU or 40 C2B Pull-ups
80 Cal Row
120 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10/9ft
***20 min cap

11/7/2019 – WOD

Every 2:30 Min x 6 sets
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat @ 75-85%
Push-ups (hands on 45# plates): 8-15 reps

10 Min AMRAP
4 (1 DBall Over Shoulder 125/80# + 24ft Bear Hug Carry)
1 Rope Climb 20ft (RX+ = Legless)
50 Double Unders
—Rest 2 minutes
30/23 Cal Assault Bike For Time

WOD Notes: Goal is 5+ rds. You will do 1 dball over shoulder, then pick it up again & walk with it in bear hug position for 4 mats then dump it. Do that 4x each round. RC sub = climb to 12-15ft or 3 heavy pulleys. DU sub = 25 DU or 75 singles.

L-Sit/Tuck (Pegboard) – Accumulate 3 minutes

11/6/2019 – WOD

Snatch – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full Snatch
—One set every 90 sec for 7 sets @ 75-85% of full snatch

18 Min AMRAP – Partner WOD
60 Wall Balls 30/20# To 10/9ft
30 Hang Snatches 135/95#
60 DB Bent-over Rows (heavy)
***Complete 500ft Versa Climber at any point each rd

WOD Notes: Goal is 2 rds. You can break up the work anyway you’d like. 3 teams will have to start on the versaclimbers (try to treat them as sprints!). Each athlete will do 30 bent-over rows each arm total per rd & work at the same time!

a) DB Bicep Curls – 4×12 (each arm)
b) 20 GHD Sit-ups + 30 sec hold – 5 sets

11/5/2019 – WOD

Every 3:30 min x 5 sets
a) Deadlift – 8 reps @ 65-75% (you may touch n go)
b) DB Shoulder Press (both arms) – 8 reps
c) Hollow Holds – 30-45 sec

12 Min Running Clock – 3 Rounds
15 Devil Press 50/35#
20 T2B
***Max Cal Ski in remaining time

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 3+ minutes on the ski erg at the end. T2B sub = 12-15 reps, toe through rings, or leg raises against rig. 

Hamstring Curls (banded) – 4×20 (each leg)
—Lay on bench stomach down. Attach band to rig

11/4/2019 – WOD

a) Front Rack Lunges – 5×10 (should feel like 10RM by last set)
b) Max Strict Pull-ups – Use any grip you’d like (test day)

Conditioning (15 min cap)
For Time
40/33 Cal Row
30 Overhead Squats 115/75#
20 Muscle-ups OR 25 GI Janes
30 Overhead Squats 115/75#
40/33 Cal Row

WOD Notes: OH Squats should feel light to where you can do them in 1-3 sets max. Muscle-ups should be 10 ring + 10 bar. You may do all bar if you don’t have ring.

a) Weighted Plank – 10 sets: 30 on / 30 off
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 (each arm)

11/1/2019 – WOD

Make-up/Skill Day!

Open WOD 20.4 has been announced! We will run heats every 30 minutes starting at 8am. I’d recommend doing the WOD RX if you can lift the first 2 bars. Click on the heat sheet here (Open WOD 20.4) to sign-up for a time. The AM Team won last week, so now the score is 2-1 (PM team).
Open 20.4 WOD
For time:
30 box jumps, 24/20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 95/65 lb.
30 box jumps, 24/20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 135/85 lb.
30 box jumps, 24/20 in.
10 clean and jerks, 185/115 lb.
30 single-leg squats
10 clean and jerks, 225/145 lb.
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 275/175 lb.
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 315/205 lb.
***Time cap: 20 min***

10/31/2019 – Happy Halloween

Hang Snatch – 6×3
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy set. You may start above or below knee

Conditioning (14 Min Cap)
For Time
15 Power Snatches 115/75#
100 Double Unders
30/25 Cal Ski
12 Power Snatches 135/95#
75 Double Unders
25/20 Cal Ski
9 Power Snatches 155/105#
50 Double Unders
20/16 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: You should be able to touch n go a lot of the reps on the first rd of snatches. 2nd/3rd should be quick singles. DU sub = 1/2 DU or 150/100/75 singles/rd. Try to change weights quickly!

L-Sit/Tuck (pegboard) – Accumulate 4 min as quickly as possible

10/30/2019 – WOD

Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Push Jerk: 3 reps @ 80-85%
DB Bent-over Rows: 8-10 each arm (heavy)

18 Min AMRAP (with a partner)
80/65 Cal Assault Bike
60 DB Push Presses 60/40# DB’s
40 C2B Pull-ups
20 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#

WOD Notes: Goal is 2+ rds. The bike is meant to be a sprint since you will have rest between! You may break up the work anyway you’d like. You may do chin over bar pull-ups or ring rows.

a) Pull-up Challenge (wk 8) – 20 Negatives (5 sec count down)
b) GHD Sit-ups – 5×20
c) Barbell Bicep Curls – 4×15