Monthly Archives: September 2014

9/18/2014 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×3 @ 85%+

2 Rounds For Time
100 Double Unders
50 KB Swings 53/35lb
25 C2B Pull-ups
10 Ring Muscle-Ups or 20 Slam Balls 50/35lb

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU are 250 singles. Scaling for C2B pull-ups is chin over bar.


Croc jumping rope

9/17/2014 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 1 EMOM For 10 Minutes @ 80%+
—Work up to a heavy single for the day, focus on form

3 Rounds
7 Clean n Jerk 235/145lb
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
500m Row
—Rest 3 minutes between rounds

4×10 GHD Back Extensions (weighted)

WOD Notes: Record times for each round. Try to be consistent with each round. CnJ weight should be 75% of 1RM (7 reps should take a little over 1 minute each round), which is heavy for reps. If you start to lose form, you will have to lower the weight. You may scale the RC to 15ft or do 10 strict pull-ups each round (choose band that will challenge you). The row is ALL OUT!


New toy at Rage! More to come!

9/16/2014 – WOD

Push Press – 5×3 @ 85%+
—Work up to a 3RM (no racks allowed)

6 Rounds For Time
10 DB Push Press 70/45lb (each arm)
15 Burpees
250m Run

Accumulate 3 minutes in a GHD Sit-up hold (weighted for advanced)

WOD Notes: Make sure to lock out DB on each rep for the push press (no jerks) & try not to drop them from overhead. Burpee standard is reaching overhead with arms straight.


Cleaning out the barbells after the 7pm class.

9/15/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 80%
—Week 1 of new squat cycle

For Time
1 Squat Clean + 2 Lunges (185/115lb)
9 T2B
2 Squat Clean + 4 Lunges
9 T2B
3 Squat Clean + 6 Lunges
9 T2B
4 Squat Clean + 8 Lunges
9 T2B
5 Squat Clean+ 10 Lunges
9 T2B
4 Squat Clean + 8 Lunges
9 T2B
3 Squat Clean + 6 Lunges
9 T2B
2 Squat Clean + 4 Lunges
9 T2B
1 Squat Clean + 2 Lunges

WOD Notes: If you participated in this squat cycle at the beginning of the new year, you should use slightly higher numbers each week. 5×5 Back Squats will be programmed Mondays & Fridays for the next 7 weeks. If you miss any of those days, please try to make them up on other days. Clean weight should be 60% of 1RM. You may scale the T2B to 5-7 reps if 9 will slow you down too much.


9/13/2014 – WOD

Snatch – 12 Minutes to Warm-up to 80% of your 1RM
—Full snatches for advanced athletes. Stay light and work on technique

2 Rounds For Time
21 DB Snatches (alternating) 80/55lb
21 Burpees
15 Thrusters 135/95lb
15 Burpee Pull-ups
9 Power Snatches 135/95lb
9 Burpee Pullovers

WOD Notes: You must use the same weight for the thrusters & snatches. Thruster weight should be heavy enough to where you have to break it up into 2 sets. Scaling for burpee pullovers are burpee pull-ups.


9/12/2014 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then do 3×3 @ 90%

For Time
250m Sled Drag (bodyweight)
30 Ring Muscle-Ups
250m Sled Drag (bodyweight)

WOD Notes: Scaling for the MU are 15-20 Banded Bar MU or Jumping MU. There is a 7 minute time cap to complete all the reps. You must move on to the sled drag at the end if you fail to complete the reps in that time. If you missed yesterday’s WOD, you can do 30 C2B pull-ups/30 Ring dips. You may also Row 1600m as another scaling option.


9/11/2014 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 @ 80%+

5 Rounds For Time
1 Pull-up Complex (3 Strict C2B, 5 C2B, 7 Chin over bar)
12 HR Push-ups (deficit between 45lb plates)
15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Extra Work
Tabata Air Dyne (don’t worry about counting calories or distance)

4×25 Weighted Sit-ups

WOD Notes: You may kip the 5 C2B & 7 Chin over bar pull-ups. If you cannot do strict unassisted pull-ups, you will use a band & do 10 strict pull-ups each round. Scaling for Push-ups are elevating your hands on a box. Your hips must be in line with your chest for the push-ups to count (no snaking). No rebounding is allowed on the box jumps!


9/10/2014 – WOD

Clean Complex – 1 Pwr Clean + 1 Sq Clean + 1 Hng Sq Clean
—1 every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (7 sets). Start @ 70% & climb to a heavy set

5 Rounds For Time
7 Deadlifts 315/205lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
—Rest 3 minutes
Run 800m For Time

WOD Notes: DL weight is 67% of 1RM. Focus on using your legs (not back) on the DL as they get fatigued from the wall balls each round.


Morning crew with the couch stretch

9/9/2014 – WOD

1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk EMOM for 8 Minutes
—Start @ 85% of 1RM Push Press & add as you go. No racks allowed, unless you absolutely need one!

3 Rounds For Time
50 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
10 Push Jerk 185/115lb
—Rest 3 minutes
Row 1000m For Time

3×12 Ring/Bar Dips (weighted for advanced)

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU is 125 singles. Scaling for RC are 15 ft, 3 up/downs per RC, or 2 laps sled pull with arms. Push jerk weight is 60% of 1RM Push Jerk. Have rower count down to get exact 1000m time. Try to stay within 10 seconds of best time.


9/8/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then do 3×3 @ 90%

Slam Balls 50/35lb
Bar Facing Burpees
OHS 115/75lb

WOD Notes: OHS should be light (40% of 1RM) & unbroken each round. If you lack overhead mobility, you may sub front squats instead. The time domain for this WOD is 7-10 minutes, so you should be able to move consistently throughout.
