Monthly Archives: December 2016

12/9/2016 – WOD

Find 1rm front squat

Make up day/ skill work

If you are competing on Saturday, this is a great opportunity to work on a weakness skill. Ask your coach about progressions for whatever you need work on. Don’t be afraid to not do a WOD.

12/8/2016 – WOD

Find 1rm snatch (unless you are competing on Saturday)

Toes to bar

10 min amrap
20 deadlift (135/95)
20 power clean
20 front squat
20 push jerk

250m farmers carry (heavy as possible)

WOD Notes: Wondering where the barbell was this week? Here it is. Go for big sets on the front squats and push jerks. Singles are fine on the cleans.

12/7/2016 – WOD

Find 1rm clean and jerk

5 rounds (interval)
In 2 min
Row 250m
Max burpees with remaining time
Rest :90

3×10 kb high pull

WOD Notes: Row hard and hang on for the burpees. You should have 1 min or more to do burpees. If your rowing pace is above 2:10/500 then row 200m each round.

12/6/2016 – WOD

Find a 1rm bench press
*Skill – handstand push up

Slamball (50/35)
Box jump over

Assistance – 4x50m waiter walk (heavy)
Notesyour coach will work with you on handstand push up progressions. (Kicking into the wall, tripod position, negatives, kipping)
WOD is meant to be FAST! Do not pace. Go all out.


12/5/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – 20 Min to Work up to a new 1RM

4 Rounds For Time
10 Unbroken Thrusters 135/95#
10 C2B Pull-ups
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 11-16 min. 18 min cap.

Accessory Work
a) 50 Plank to Push-up
b) 3×8 bottoms up press

Burj Khalifa

12/3/2016 – WOD 

Complete with a partner 
100 Wall Balls 20/14#
100 Sit-ups
100 Push-ups
100 KB Swings 70/53#
100 DB Snatches 70/55#
400m run

WOD Notes: You must hold the ball at all times. Everytime you drop the ball there is a 10 burpee penalty for each person.

12/1/2016 – WOD

Snatch – Work up to a heavy double in 15 minutes.
—7 sets @ 70-90% at the most. You should drop every rep & reset

Conditioning (Time cap 23 min)
Overhead Squats 115/75#
GI Janes

WOD Notes: TD = 15-21 min. OHS should be unbroken every round, so pick a weight to where you can do that. OHS scale = front squats. If you mobility is severely limited, I’d rather you put some weight on the bar and do fronts squats instead of doing an empty bar OHS. GI Janes should be above your reach.

Assistance Work (Day 31)
a) Strict C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 30 reps in the least amount of sets/rest
b) Weighted Plank – 3 sets max effort with 90/45# plate