7/12/2017 – WOD

Clean (full) + 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk – 1 set every 2 minutes for 12 min (7 sets)
—start @ 70% of CnJ & work up to a heavy set

2 Rounds (interval style)
35/30 Cal Air Dyne (25/20 Assault)
20 T2B
10 Strict HSPU 6″/no Deficit
125 Double Unders
10 Strict HSPU 6″/no Deficit
20 T2B
35/30 Cal Air Dyne (25/20 Assault)
—Rest 3 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: 6-10 min/rd. T2B Scale = Do 10-12 reps, 20 knee raises, or 20 hollow rocks. Strict HSPU scale = Kip (use deficit if 10 reps will be too easy) or 10 DB Push Presses (should feel very heavy for 10 reps). Use 2 45’s + 1 25lb plate on each side of ab mat for RX’d HSPU. DU scale = 175 singles or 60 DU. Advanced athletes should try to go unbroken on all movements. DO NOT hold back on the first Air Dyne! The calories come off very quickly if you pedal with high intensity!

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