
11/2/2017 – WOD

3 Position Snatch (full) – 5 sets @ 72-82%
–above the knee, below the knee, floor

4 Rounds For Time
15 C2B Pull-ups (Rx+ = 20)
20/15 Cal Ski
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 13-17 min. C2B Scale = chin over bar or do 15 banded pull-ups. The ski erg scale is max cals in 90 sec if you can’t do the Rx’d amount. Heat 2 will go 90 sec later.

a) DB Shoulder Press (2 arms) – 4×10 (heavy)
b) One Arm Farmers Carry – 4×50 (50m each arm – use 40% of DL)
–Use straps if you have them. Walk across the street to the curb, then switch arms.

11/1/2017 – WOD

3 Position Clean n Jerk (full) – 5 sets @ 75-82% (little heavier than last wk)
–above the knee, below the knee, floor, split jerk

Complete 12 Rounds with a Partner For Time
6 DB Clean n Jerks 70/45# (each arm)
300m Row

WOD Notes: TD = 1:30-2 min / rd. Partner B will start DB CnJ when partner A gets to 250m on the rower. Each athlete will do 6 rounds. Each round is 95%+ effort, so keep the intensity high on the rower! You may touch only one head of the DB to the ground on the CnJ & they should be touch n go. DO NOT drop DB from overhead!

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×10
b) DB Bent-over Rows (1 arm) – 4×10 (pause at top of each rep)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4 sets (15 GHD Sit-ups + 30-45 sec hold at parallel)

10/31/2017 – Happy Halloween

a) Bench Press – 5×5 @ 80%
b) Hollow Rocks – 5×45-60 sec
—Super set part a/b 

For Time
50/40 Cal AD Bike (30/20 Assault)
27 Thrusters 95/65#
27 T2B
21 Thrusters 115/75#
21 T2B
15 Thrusters 135/95#
15 T2B
9 Thrusters 155/105#
9 T2B
50/40 Cal AD Bike (30/20 Assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 min. Bike should take no more than 2-2:15, so scale the cals if you can’t do that. I’d recommend changing weights as soon as you finish each set of thrusters. Please don’t drop weights that will break the bumper plates! T2B scale = scale reps to 20/15/10/5 if you can do them but have trouble linking or you can do hanging knee raises.

a) RDL – 4×10 @ 60%
b) Lateral/Front/Rear Delt Raises (use DB or small plate) – 3×10 each movement

10/30/2017 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 4×8 (each leg) @ 40% of BS
—barbell should be in front rack. Use weaker leg first
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×8 (each arm – heavy)
—use arms only, no hips

For Time
75 KB Swings 70/53#
250 Double Unders
100 Burpees

WOD Notes: TD = 13-19 minutes. You may scale this WOD by breaking this up into 3 rd: 25/115/34. You should choose this option if you have trouble doing big sets of each movement. DU scale = 400 singles or 125 DU.

a) Wide Grip Strict C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 50 Reps in the least amount of time
–Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 20 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 8 sets: 45 on/45 off

***Core will be programmed everyday starting tomorrow for the entire month of November. It is recommended that you follow this whether you do it at Rage or at home! Lets go! #abseveryday

10/28/2017 – WOD

For Time
75 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft
15 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
800m Sled Drag 45/25#
15 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
75 Wall Balls 20/14#

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. Wall balls should be done in sets of 20+ reps, so pick a ball that is light.

10/27/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 20 Min to Find a 1RM

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – 10×30 sec (rest 90 sec between)
b) Banded Sandbag Bear Hug Walk– 4×60 sec
—Stand on a band and loop it around shoulders

10/26/2017 – WOD

3 Position Snatch (full) – 5 sets @ 70-80%
–above the knee, below the knee, floor

12 Min AMRAP
12 DB Snatches 70/45# (6R + 6L)
15 T2B
50 Double Unders
—Rest 1 minute
1500m Ski For Time With a Partner (switch every 30 sec)

WOD Notes: TD = 5-7 rd. The DB Snatches should be touch n go (6 reps with the Right arm then 6 with the left). T2b scale = 10/rd if you have trouble linking. DU scale = 80 singles or 25 DU.

a) DB Bench Press – 5×8 (heavy)
b) DB Reverse Fly – 4×10
c) One Arm Farmers Carry – 2x100m (100m each arm – use 33% of DL)
–Use straps if you have them. Walk to Marcor Sign with right arm, then switch. Heavier than last wk.

10/25/2017 – WOD

3 Position Clean n Jerk (full) – 5 sets @ 70-80%
—above the knee, below the knee, floor, split jerk

5 Rounds For Time
10 Overhead Lunges 155/105#
1 Rope Climb 20ft OR 1 Pegboard Accent
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. OH lunges should feel heavy for 10 reps, but not a 10 rep max. You may do them reverse or normal. RC scale = 3 up/downs each rd.

a) Glute Ham Raise Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×10
b) BB Bent-over Rows (supinated grip) – 4×10 (heavy)
c) GHD Sit-ups (hold 5 sec at parallel, go down & up) – 4×10

10/24/2017 – WOD

Shoulder Press – 15 Min to Find a 1RM & do 4×8 @ 75%
—You may use a rack if necessary

10 Rounds For Time With a Partner
1 Round of DT 165/105#
25/20 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: TD = 2-2:30/rd. Partner B will start when Partner A gets to 20/15 cal on the bike. DT = 12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 jerks. You should be able to do it unbroken the first 3 rounds and maybe break up the cleans once in the later rounds.

a) Hex Bar DL – 10×2 @ 80% of DL
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (heavy)
c) Hollow Rocks – Tabata 10 rounds