
11/13/2017 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×6 (each leg) @ 48% of BS
–barbell should be in front rack. Heavier than last wk
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 (same wt as last wk)

Complete 10 Rounds For Time (with a partner)
50 Double Unders
30/25 Cal Bike (15/12 assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 1:15-1:45/round. There is a 20 min cap on this WOD. You should not be over 2 min/round. DU scale = 25 DU or 80 singles (spend no more than 45 sec, no matter what!). You should be able to go ALL OUT on the Bike! Partner B starts when partner A finishes the entire round. Scale Cals on bike if you can’t finish them in under 1 min!

a) Supinated Grip C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 70 Reps in the least amount of time
–Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 20 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 10 sets: 30 on/30 off (heavier than last wk)

11/11/2017 – WOD

10 Min AMRAP
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
12 T2B
—Rest 3 minutes
10 Min AMRAP
10 Push Jerk 135/95#
20/17 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 5-8 rd / 4-6 rd. Scale T2B to 6-10 reps if you have trouble linking or do 12 knee raises if you can’t do any t2b. PJ should feel light every round to where you can still row fast!

a) Floor Press – 5×5 @ 80%
b) #abseveryday – Banded Static Hold: 4 sets (45-60 sec hold – each side)
—attach band to rig at shoulder height. With tension on band, resist rotation of the trunk with arms straight.

***If you plan on following Bench Press cycle, it’s recommended that you do the floor presses.

11/10/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 77%
—slow tempo down + 2 sec pause in the bottom

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) 30 sec L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) + 25-50 Bicycle Crunches – 6 sets
b) Banded Sandbag March – 4×90 sec.
—use a thicker band than last time

11/9/2017 – WOD

3 Position Snatch (full) – 5 sets @ 75-85%
–above the knee, below the knee, floor

20 Min AMRAP – Complete With A Partner
30 Power Snatches 165/105#
8 Rope Climbs 20ft or 6 Pegboard Ascents
100/80 Cal AD Bike (60/40 assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 2-3 rd. PS = 75% of Power snatch. You should alternate singles back & forth for snatches. RC scale = climb to 12-15ft, which you may climb at the same time. You must alternate every 25/20 cals on the bike, which these should be sprints!

a) DB Shoulder Press (2 arms) – 5×10 (heavy)
b) One Arm Farmers Carry – 4×50 (50m each arm – use 42% of DL)
–Use straps if you have them. Walk across the street to the curb, then switch arms.
c) #abseveryday – 6 Sets: 45-60 sec side plank each side + 20-30 V-ups
—Rest 2 minutes between sets. Use weight for plank.

11/8/2017 – WOD

3 Position Clean n Jerk (full) – 5 sets @ 75-85% (little heavier than last wk)
–above the knee, below the knee, floor, split jerk

18 Min AMRAP
60 Double Unders
3 Clean n Jerk @ 75%
30 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10ft
3 Clean n Jerk @ 75%
15 C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: TD = 3-4 rd. DU scale = 100 singles or 30 DU (if you have trouble linking). CnJ should feel heavy to where you have to focus each lift & should take 30-45 sec for the 3 reps. You don’t have to squat them. Wall Balls should feel light to where you can do at least 15 in a row each rd. C2B scale = chin over bar or banded PU.

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×8
b) DB Bent-over Rows (1 arm) – 4×10 (pause at top of each rep)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4 sets (20 GHD Sit-ups + 30 sec hold at parallel)

11/7/2017 – WOD

a) Bench Press – 5×5 @ 82.5%
b) Hollow Rocks – 5×45-60 sec (rock longer than last wk)
–Super set part a/b 

15 Min AMRAP
8 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
20 Burpees
25/20 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: TD = 3-4 rd. Record score as total rounds + reps into the rd you were in. You must scale the cals on the ski if you can’t complete 25/20 in under 1:45. Classes will stagger 2 minutes a heat. If there are more 8 athletes in a class, some will have to bike 30/25 cal instead.

a) RDL – 4×8 @ 65%
b) Lateral/Front/Rear Delt Raises (use DB or small plate) – 3×12 each movement

Ragers representing at Ghouls & Gals!

11/6/2017 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×6 (each leg) @ 45% of BS
–barbell should be in front rack. Heavier than last wk
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (same wt as last wk)

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
10/8 Cal Row
6 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
15/12 Cal Row
9 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
20/17 Cal Row
12 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
25/20 Cal  Row
15 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
Max Cals on Rower in remaining time left

WOD Notes: TD = 30-60 cals. Score = max cals in the last rd. You will have anywhere from 3-5 minutes on the rower at the end. Use 60% of sq clean. You should be able to do the hang cleans unbroken through the round of 6 & maybe 9, but will have to break up the rd of 12 & 15.

a) Wide Grip Strict C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 60 Reps in the least amount of time
–Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 20 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 8 sets: 45 on/45 off (heavier than last wk)

11/4/2017 – WOD

For Time
250m Sled Drag 70/35#
50 Power Snatches 115/75#
250m Sled Drag 70/35#
100 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
250m Sled Drag 70/35#

WOD Notes: TD = 18-25 min. PS should feel light to where you can do 5-10 reps touch n go for all 50 reps. Please make sure the weights touching floor weigh more than barbell. WB should be done in sets of 10 minimum, so if you can’t do that choose a lighter ball! Sled Drag should be a slow jog the entire time.

#abseveryday – 4 rd: (30 sec russian twists, 30 sec flutter kick, 30 sec V-ups)
—Rest 15 sec between movements