
4/1/2017 – WOD

“Open WOD 17.6”

Conditioning (35 min cap)
4 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 Front Rack Lunges @ 185/125# (55% of FS)
3 Rounds
15 C2B Pull-ups
10 DB Burpee Ground to OH 45/35#
2 Rounds
30/25 Cal Row
25 Deadlifts (same weight as lunges)
20 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

WOD Notes: TD = 22-30 min. This WOD is to be performed straight through w/o any rest. Classes will have to split up in 3 groups. Group 1 will start at DU/Lunge. Group 2 = C2B/DB burpee. Group 3 = Row/DL/burpee. Rowers should be facing the wall as close as possible. DB should either be under the rig or close to it. Barbells can be spread throughout the middle of the gym. DU scale = 20 DU or 80 singles. C2B Scale = chin over bar or ring rows.

Reminder: Open gym is over at 12pm today!

3/31/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 4×8 @ 80% (32 reps – same weight as last week)
—You must do one set every 3 minutes for 4 sets.

Make-up/Skill Day!

Image result for giraffe long neck
Saturday’s WOD

3/30/2017 – WOD

3 Position Snatch – Floor + Below Knee + Above Knee (6 sets: 1 set every 2 min)
—Stay between 75-80% & work technique

5 Rounds (interval style)
8 Power Snatches (unbroken) 135/95#
15 T2B
25 Cal Bike (assault = 15 cal)
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: TD = 1:30-2:15 / round. Choose a weight to where it’s challenging to touch n go all 10 snatches. Use around 65% of 1RM PS. T2B scale = 20 Hollow rocks. The bike should be 100% ALL OUT!

3/29/2017 – WOD

Pwr Clean + Hang Pwr Clean + Split Jerk – 1 set every 2 minutes for 6 sets
—Start @ 70% of Pwr clean & work up to a heavy complex

3 Rounds For Time
10 Power Clean @ 70%
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 13-19 min. PC should be quick singles, which touch n go isn’t necessary. RC scale = climb to 12/15ft or you can do 5 up/downs per round or 2 laps sled pull with arms only.

Bob – Looking strong overhead!

3/28/2017 – WOD

a) 5×8 Shoulder Press (no rack) —heavy
b) 5 sets: 40-60 Sec Hollow Hold
—Superset these 2 movements together with no rest. Rest 90 sec after hollow hold each round.

2 Rounds For Time
70/60 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10/9ft
30 Push Jerk 145/100#

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. Wall balls should feel light to where you can knock out big sets. PJ = 50% of 1RM. You should be able to string 10+ reps together. Large classes will have to stagger 4 minutes.

Amie & Julie using their “weighted vests” to work on grip strength!

3/27/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 4×8 @ 80% (32 reps – same weight as last week)
—You must do one set every 3 minutes for 4 sets.

8 Rounds For Time
5 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
8 GI Janes

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 min (20 min cap). GI Jane scale = 8 burpees + 8 ring rows. Your dball should be close to rig so that you can minimize your transition time.

Announcement: The 2017 CrossFit Games Open ends tonight at 8pm. We will announce the final standings for the “Rage” 2017 Open by Wednesday! It’s going to be a close one!

Dave B smoking DU!

3/24/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 4×7 @ 80% (28 reps – same weight as last week)
—You must do one set every 3 minutes for 4 sets.

Make-up/Skill Day!

3/23/2017 – WOD

2 (tempo) Snatches every minute for 10 minutes @ 70-80%
—Pull bar slowly off the floor to where it should take 2-3 sec by the time it clears knee.

For Time
2k Row
50 Russian KB Swings 70/53#
150/125 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: TD = 17-23 min. Approach this WOD as “active recovery”, since I want everyone to be prepared/rested for 17.5. It’s ok to push hard a little towards the end of the WOD, but make sure to hold back a bit.

Reminder: Open WOD 17.5 gets announced tonight at 8pm! Stop by Rage for the live announcement! Also, I want to see Rage blow up this Saturday with spectators, so make sure to invite family & friends!!

3/22/2017 – WOD

1 Clean (full) + 1 Hang Sq Clean + 1 Front Squat – 5 sets
—Start @ 80% of clean & work up to a heavy complex. Should be around 90% by the end.

6 Rounds (interval style)
6 DB Clean n Jerk 70/45# DB (each arm)
12 T2B
15 Burpees
—Rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD Notes: TD = 1:15-1:45/round. Beginners should go lighter on the DB to make sure form is proficient/safe. DB Clean n Jerk should be touch n go (tap one head of DB on ground) for all 6 reps. You don’t have to squat them either. No dropping from OH! T2B should be unbroken as well, so scale the reps if 12 will take too long. Burpees should be all out!! Larger classes will stagger 1 minute behind. Record total time minus 5 minutes.

Mary hitting 185# clean complex!