
11/20/2014 – WOD

Snatch – 2 Every 90 sec for 9 Minutes (use 80% for 1st 3, 85% for last 4)
—Full snatch is preferred, however you may power if mobility is limited in OHS

For Time
100 Double Unders
30 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45lb
20 C2B Pull-ups
Row 1k
20 C2B Pull-ups
30 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45lb
100 Double Unders

3×8-10 Strict Pull-ups (use weight if necessary)

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU is 250 singles. DB Snatch weight should be light so you can get through the reps quickly. You may do chin over bar pull-ups if C2B is too difficult.


11/19/2014 – WOD

BB Complex – 1 Sq Clean + 1 Hang Sq Clean + 1 Split Jerk – 1 every 90 sec for 9 minutes
—Use 85% of your max CnJ for all 7 lifts

15 Min AMRAP
50 Wall Balls 30/20lb
10 Clean n Jerks 225/145lb
15 Ring Muscle-Ups

3×12 GHD Back Extensions (weighted)

WOD Notes: WB weight is a little heavier than you normally use. Black line is Rx’d for men & women in this WOD. CnJ weight is 73% of your 1RM. You may scale the reps of MU down to 7-10 each round. You may also scale the movement to banded MU or 15 burpees/15 Strict Pull-ups.


11/18/2014 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 @ 87.5%
—Week 4. Little heavier than last week

6 Rounds For Time
5 Hang Power Snatch 155/105lb
10 T2B
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

4x ME Weighted GHD Sit-up Hold (at least 30 sec each set)
—Focus on pulling ribs down/maintain hollow position/don’t arch low back

WOD Notes: HPS weight should be 75% of 1RM (should get heavy towards the end but be able to do 5 unbroken). You may do box jump overs any way you want (lateral or facing).


Jenny K – Hanging out in the bottom of snatch

11/17/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×3 @ 90%
—Week 3. Use a little heavier than last week

2 Rounds (each round is fast)
30 Burpees
30 DB Thrusters 45/30lb
750m Row
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: Pick DB where you can do the thrusters in no more than 3 sets. Both rounds should be as fast as possible, so that means your 2nd round should not be faster than your first.


Katie & Christy leaving it all out there during final WOD!

11/15/2014 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 @ 85%
—Week 3. Same as Tuesday

20 Min AMRAP – ECC Online Qualifer WOD #3
50 Wall Balls 20/14lb
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 24/20″
40 T2B
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Cleans 145/100lb
20 Jerks 145/100lb
10 Snatches 145/100lb
10 Muscle-Ups or 10 Cal Ski Erg

Reminder: 10am class only on Saturday. No Open Gym!

***Good luck to all Ragers competing at the Lumber Games tomorrow!

11/14/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×3 @ 87.5%
—Week 2. Same weight as Monday

Make-up Day! If you have made it in everyday this week you can do Saturday’s WOD, which will be:
20 Min AMRAP – ECC Online Qualifer WOD #3
50 Wall Balls 20/14lb
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 24/20″
40 T2B
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Cleans 145/100lb
20 Jerks 145/100lb
10 Snatches 145/100lb
10 Muscle-Ups or 10 Cal Ski Erg

Reminder: 10am class only on Saturday. No Open Gym!


11/13/2014 – WOD

BB Complex – (1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk) – 1 every 90 sec for 9 Minutes @ 85%+
—7 total lifts. Should be a full clean

3 Rounds For Time
6 Power Cleans 205/125lb
1 Legless Rope Climb 15ft
8 Front Rack Lunges 205/125lb
1 Rope Climb 20ft
6 Push Jerks 205/125lb

WOD Notes: BB weight is about 70% of your 1RM Power Clean. Use the same weight for all 3 movements. You may scale legless by using your legs or if you can’t do a RC you may do 3 up/downs.

Announcement: There will only be a 10am class this Saturday due to the Lumber Games @ Paul Bunyan CF.


11/12/2014 – WOD

Deadlift – 15 Min To Work up to a new 1RM
—Focus on driving through the floor, while staying tight

10 Min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 T2B
3 Hang Squat Clean 185/115lb

4×8 Romanian Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM DL – (use straps)

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU is 70 singles. Scaling for T2B are hanging knee raises/sit-ups. HSC weight is 60% of 1RM full clean. Score is total reps. Each round is 43 reps no matter whether you’re scaling or not.


Saturday crew at the Rally in the Valley!

11/11/2014 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 @ 85%
—Week 3. Little heavier than last week

For Time
21 HSPU (no deficit)
21 Pull-ups
250m Run
15 HSPU (4/2″ deficit)
15 C2B Pull-ups
400m Run
9 Strict HSPU (4/2″ deficit)
9 Strict C2B Pull-ups
800m Run

Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-Sit (legs straight out or bent)

WOD Notes: 1st rd = 45lb plate surrounding an abmat. 2nd & 3rd rd = 2 45lb plates surrounding an abmat. You may scale the deficit as needed or you may do DB Push Presses all 3 rounds with the same weight. You may kip the pull-ups on the 1st & 2nd round.

Coach Jordy taking 1st place at Rally In The Valley!


11/10/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×3 @ 87.5%
—Week 2. Slightly heavier than last week

For Time
1000m Row
30 Overhead Squats 155/105lb
50 Burpees

WOD Notes: OHS should be done less than 3 sets, so use 50% or less of your max OHS. You may scale to front squats if mobility is an issue.



