
12/12/2014 – WOD

Front Squat – 5×5 @ 80%

Make-Up Day! You may also work on any skills you want to improve on. If you haven’t missed a day this week you can do this.
4 Rounds For total Reps (1 minute at each station)
DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45lb
GI Janes
Rope Climbs 20ft
Plank (hold for 60 sec)
Air Dyne (cal/distance)
—Rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD Notes: There is a 4 minute running clock each round with 1 minute rest between. Try to keep track of total reps for each movement. Make sure the seat is set to the appropriate height on the air dyne before starting.

12/11/2014 – WOD

Power Clean – 15 Min to Work up to a 1RM
—Try to keep feet under hips when you receive bar instead of jumping them out too wide

6 Rounds For Time
5 Power Cleans 205/125lb
5 Ring Muscle-Ups (Sub: 8-10 C2B Pull-ups)
—Rest 3 minutes
2×60 sec Ski Erg Sprints (Rest 2 min between)

3×10 – Matador/Ring Dips

WOD Notes: PC weight is 70% of 1RM. You may scale the reps of MU to 2-3 each round, if you will lose too much intensity doing 5.


Safe travels to VA! Rage will miss you Jeff, Regina, Kaley!

12/10/2014 – WOD

Snatch – 15 Min To Work up to a heavy single
—Try to get 5 reps at 85%+. Go for a PR if you feel good

For Time
12 Power Snatch 165/105lb
30 T2B
40 Wall Balls 20/14lb
9 Power Snatch
20 T2B
30 Wall Balls
6 Power Snatch
10 T2B
20 Wall Balls

WOD Notes: Snatch weight is 75-80% of max power snatch. Black line is Rx’d for men & women.

1) Rage Sweatshirts are reduced to $30 from last year
2) Rx Bars = $2.50/bar
3) FitAid Case (24 cans) = $55
4) Mil Spec Ropes = $40 (won’t be in for another 3 weeks)
5) Rage Journals = $20


12/9/2014 – WOD

Push Press (no rack) – 5×5 @ 75%+
—Work up to a 5RM

For Time
50 Cal Row
25 HSPU (1″ Deficit)
200 Double Unders
50 Cal Row

3×60 sec Plank (weighted – heavy as possible)
—Put plate on middle/lower back

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU are 500 singles. Scaling for HSPU are 25 DB Push Presses (use a weight where you have to break up reps 2-3 sets). Rx’d for HSPU is (1) 45# plate on each side of Abmat. We will have to run 2 heats that will stagger 3-4 minutes.

1) Rage Sweatshirts are reduced to $30 from last year
2) Rx Bars = $2.50/bar
3) FitAid Case (24 cans) = $55
4) Mil Spec Ropes = $40 (won’t be in for another 3 weeks)
5) Rage Journals = $20


Make sure to sign “Lograsso” Box if you haven’t yet!

12/8/2014 – WOD

Back Squat 3×10 @ 70%

100 Burpees For Time
*Top of every minute do 4 Front Rack Lunges 205/125lb

WOD Notes: The WOD starts with the lunges. Make sure chest hits the ground & feet leave the ground while opening hips all the way on the burpees. Lunge weight is 60% of 1RM Front Squat.

1) Rage Sweatshirts are reduced to $30 from last year
2) Rx Bars = $2.50/bar
3) FitAid Case (24 cans) = $55
4) Mil Spec Ropes = $40 (won’t be in for another 3 weeks)


12/6/2014 – CLOSED

We will be supporting CrossFit Kazam today from 8-12pm!

CrossFit Kazam is located at:
75 Industrial Parkway, Unit C, Pottstown, PA 19464

Reminder: Rage Christmas party at the Levines is tonight! Come prepared to Rage!

12/5/2014 – WOD

Front Squat – 15 Min to Work up to a 1RM

4 Rounds For Time
15 Thrusters 95/65lb
1 Rope Climb 20ft
15 Cal Ski/Row

WOD Notes: You should be doing this WOD if you were here everyday this week, if not you may make-up another WOD. Thruster weight is very light to where you should be able to do all 15 reps unbroken every round. This WOD is designed for you to move the entire time, unlike some of the WOD’s earlier this week that involved a heavier barbell. Scaling for RC are 3 up/downs or 10 slam balls.

Reminder: No classes this Saturday! We will be over at CrossFit Kazam (75 Industrial Parkway, Unit C, Pottstown, PA 19464)


12/4/2014 – WOD

Clean (tempo) – 10×1 @ 75-80%
—Same as yesterday for the Snatch. Slow pull off the ground, build speed, & stay over bar while bringing it to hips.

12 Min AMRAP
2 Deadlifts 365/225lb
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
5 Strict C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: DL weight is 75-77% of 1RM. Take extra time if necessary to setup properly before each DL & focus on neutral spine. You may scale C2B to Chin over bar.

Reminder: No classes this Saturday! We will be over at CrossFit Kazam (75 Industrial Parkway, Unit C, Pottstown, PA 19464)


Ed blowing up the forearms!

12/3/2014 – WOD

Snatch (tempo) – 10×1 @ 75-80%
—Pull to above the knee must take at least 2 sec. Build speed throughout lift. This will force you to be patient, engage hamstrings, & not pull early with arms. Full squat is preferred.

6 Rounds (each round is 95%+ effort)
5 Power Snatch (75% 1RM Power Snatch)
15 Wall Balls (unbroken) 30/20lb
300m Row
—Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Accumulate 3 minutes in a reverse GHD Sit-up Hold

WOD Notes: Power snatches must be touch n go. There is a 10 burpee penalty for each time you break up the wall balls that you will do after the workout if necessary. Rx’d height is black line for men & women. Score = total time minus 7.5 minutes.


Handstand fun!

12/2/2014 – WOD

Bench Press (deload) – 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 75%, 2×2 @ 85%, 1×2 @ 95%, 1×1 @ 100%
—If you feel strong today you can go for a new 1RM, if not test at the end of the wk.

15 Min AMRAP
40 Double Unders
2 (Pwr Clean + Hng Power Clean + Jerk) 235/145lb
12 T2B

Acccumulate 3 Minutes in L-Sit/Knee-up Hold

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU are 100 singles. BB weight should be 75-80% of 1RM CnJ. You may scale the reps down to 8-10 for T2B if 12 is going to slow you down significantly.

1) I’m ordering Mil Spec Jump Ropes this week, so let me know if you want one ASAP! They come in all colors ($35)
2) No classes this Saturday! CrossFit Kazam is hosting an 8am (beginner), 9am, 10am, 11am classes (Partner WOD)
3) RX Bars are now $2.50

Lots of Bench Press PR’s today!

Coach Dan relaxing