Category Archives: WOD

3/27/2020 – WOD

Do the following on an Assault Bike / Rower / Ski Erg:
20 Cal FT  or  Run 200m
—Rest 1 minute
40 Cal FT  or  Run 400m
—Rest 2 minutes
60 Cal FT  or  Run 600m
—Rest 3 minutes
80 Cal FT  or  Run 800m
—Rest 4 minutes
100 Cal FT or Run 1000m

WOD Notes: Record your time for all 5 sets. CHALLENGE = Can you do this with a partner & get it done within each time window?! For example, you & your partner must do 20 cal each in 2 minutes, 80 cal in 4 minutes, and so on…Fast transitions will be key, so be fast!! 

3/26/2020 – WOD

10 Power Cleans 135/95#  (RX+ = 155/105#)
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
10 Front Rack Lunges 135/95#  (RX+ = 155/105#)
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
50 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-18 min. PC = 50%. WC sub = elevate feet on a box while in pike position & walk around the box 180 degrees. Make sure to switch the direction you’re walking each time. DU sub = 25 DU or 75 singles. Scale WC back to 1 per rd if necessary.

2 DB Version – 5 RFT
12 DB Cleans 50/35#’s
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
12 DB Lunges 50/35#’s
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
50 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-18 min. You’re doing 2 more reps on the PC/Lunges b/c you’re going to be using less weight than a barbell most likely. Only one head hits the floor. The notes are the same otherwise

1 DB Version – 5 RFT
24 (12R + 12L) One Arm DB Cleans 50/35#
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
24 DB Lunges 50/35#
2 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 25ft HS Walk)
50 Double Unders

WOD Notes: You may use a normal stance and have DB touch the ground outside your legs or you may touch inside your legs. Hold DB in front rack for lunges. The notes are the same otherwise.

3/25/2020 – WOD

For Time
30 One Arm Hang Snatches (alternating) 70/45# DB
30 T2B
50 Push Jerks 135/95#
30 T2B
30 One Arm Hang Snatches 70/45# DB

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 13 min. One arm hang snatches should feel challenging to where you have to break them up in 2-3 sets. T2B sub = 15-20 reps or knee above hips. PJ = 45% of max. Should be able to do sets of 10.

2 DB Version – Minimal Equipment
50 One Arm Hang Snatches (alternating) 50/35# DB (30 reps if you have a heavier DB)
50 Sit-ups
50 Push Presses 50/35# DB
50 Hollow Rocks
50 One Arm Hang Snatches 50/35# DB (30 reps if you have a heavier DB)

WOD Notes: Choose a DB to where you can do 10-15 reps at a time for snatches/PP. Yes – I never program sit-ups in WOD’s but it seemed fitting here if you don’t have a pull-up bar. Make sure you touch the floor behind you and finish by touching your toes. Hollow Rocks – up/down = 1 rep. 

1 DB Version – Minimal Equipment
50 One Arm Hang Snatches 50/35# DB (30 reps if you have a heavier DB)
50 Sit-ups
100 One Arm Push Presses 50/35# DB (alternate arms every 10 reps)
50 Hollow Rocks
50 One Arm Hang Snatches 50/35# DB (30 reps if you have a heavier DB)

WOD Notes: This is the same WOD except for the Push Presses are one arm. 

3/24/2020 – WOD

Conditioning Option #1 (If you did the DL/Burpee WOD yesterday)
10 RFT
8 DB Squats 50/35#’s
4 Bar Muscle-ups
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Do a 5×3 Back Squat @ 80%+ before this WOD. Use 2 DB’s. Squats & MU should be unbroken each rd. Scale reps back to 2 if necessary or do 5 strict C2B/chin over bar each rd. Goal is 15-18 min.

Conditioning Option #2 (if you did weighted burpee/db squat yesterday)
10 RFT
5 Deadlifts 275/185#
4 Bar Muscle-ups 
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Do 3×3 Deadlifts @ 80%+ before this WOD. DL should be around 60% for WOD (unbroken) & MU should be unbroken each rd. Scale reps back to 2 if necessary or do 5 strict C2B/chin over bar each rd. Goal is 15-18 min.

Minimal Equipment #1 – 2 DB’s
10 RFT
10 One Leg RDL (5R + 5L) 50/35#DB’s
12 Gorilla Rows (alternate each rep) 50/35# DB’s
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Focus on keeping hips square to the floor (belly button to the floor) on the one leg RDL’s. Always keep one DB on the floor for the gorilla rows as you alternate which arm you pull with each rep & make sure low back is arched.

Minimal Equipment #2 – 1 DB
10 RFT
10 One Leg RDL (5R + 5L) 50/35#DB
12 Bent-over Rows (6R + 6L) 50/35# DB
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Try to use the heaviest DB you have for this WOD. For RDL, place DB in your left hand if the left leg is doing the work. You must also hold at the bottom of each rep for 2 sec since you have less weight.

3/23/2020 – WOD

8 Deadlift 275/185#
16 Lateral Burpees over Bar

WOD Notes: If you have more weights, work up to a few heavy triples for DL (3×3 @ 80%+). DL weight in the WOD should be around 60% (should be able to do quick sets of 3-4 reps touch n go). Burpee standard = stand up all the way for each burpee! Goal is sub 12!

“Minimal Equipment Version”
12 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Weighted Burpees 50/35# DB’s
3 DB Squats
6 Weighted Burpees
6 DB Squats
9 Weighted Burpees
9 DB Squats

WOD Notes: If you only have one DB that’s ok, just alternate arms each rep & do Goblet Squats (hold DB vertical). Goal is to get to & beyond rd of 21. Note: It will be much easier to get more reps with one DB, since you’re moving less weight throughout the WOD.

Announcement: We have been doing “At Home” Workouts now for over a week! I hope you all have been following the Rage programming each day! Please remember to keep tagging CrossFit Rage in your Instagram posts/stories!! I miss you all very much & hope we can get back into the gym sooner than later! 

3/21/2020 – WOD

4k Row For Time
***Every 5 min starting at 0:00, do 10 Power Snatches 155/105#

WOD Notes: Goal is to finish this WOD in 4 sets. PS should be quick singles which you should be able to do in under a min each time.

Running Version w/ Barbell
800m Run
10 Power Snatches 155/105#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 20. Try to keep your runs between 3-4 minutes.

2 DB Version
800m Run
20 2 Arm DB Snatches 50/35#’s

WOD Notes: It’s your choice if you want the DB’s to contact inside or outside feet. Only one head has to hit the floor. Please do not drop DB if you borrowed from Rage!!!!!

1 DB Version
800m Run
30 Clean n Presses 50/35# (15 each arm)
*Switch every 5 reps

WOD Notes: Weight should feel light to where you can rep through these quick!

3/20/2020 – WOD

150 Wall Balls For Time 20/14# to 10ft
***Top of every minute including 0:00, do 8 T2B or 8 Abmat Sit-ups

WOD Notes: Goal is to avg 12-15 WB each minute & finish sub 15 minutes. Scale T2B back to 5 reps or whatever you can get done in 15 sec each rd.

Minimal Equipment Version -Tabata (20 sec on / 10 sec off) – 8 Rounds
Goblet Squats (hold DB vertical in front)
Hollow Rocks
Wall Climbs (Advanced = HS Walk for 20 sec)
Shuttle Run (30ft increments)

WOD Notes: You will do 8x (GS/HR/WC/SR) following the 20 sec on / 10 sec off protocol. You will rotate through each exercise. DO NOT do all 8 rds in a rows of the squats first. WC Sub = shoulder taps in a pike position with feet elevated. Set up cones 30 ft apart & sprint back & forth.

3/19/2020 – WOD

10 RFT
5 Power Clean 185/125#
7 DB Bench Press 80/40#’s
9/7 Cal Assault Bike or 300m Bicycle Ride or 15 Low Box Jumps 12-15″

WOD Notes: PC = Quick singles the whole WOD. Use about 65% of PC. DB bench should be challenging but unbroken every rd. Find something to jump on that’s not too high so that you can cycle through these quick! Goal is 15-20 min. 

2 DB Version – 5 RFT
10 DB Hang Cleans 50/35#
15 DB Bench Press 50/35#
25 Box Jumps 12″ or 400m Bicycle Ride

WOD Notes: HC/BP should be unbroken each round & the box jumps should give your upper body a little break to recover. Choose something to jump on that’s low to where you can cycle quick. It could be a step in your house even though that’s less than 12″. 

1 DB Version – 5 RFT
10 One Arm Hang Cleans (L) 50/35#
10 One Arm Hang Cleans (R) 50/35#
15 One Arm Bench Press (L) 50/35#
15 One Arm Bench Press (R) 50/35#
25 Box Jumps 12″ or 400m Bicycle Ride

WOD Notes: I’d have the DB outside your legs for the hang cleans. If you don’t have a bench, you can do floor presses where you lay on the ground and elbow hits the ground each rep. Choose something to jump on that’s really low!

3/18/2020 – WOD

10 Push Press 155/105#
10 Front Rack Lunges 155/105#
12 C2B Pull-ups  (sub: 8 Strict PU or 12 ring rows)

WOD Notes: This is done with a barbell. PP/FRL should feel difficult for 10 reps especially the later rounds. If you have a BB but don’t have a pull-up bar you can do 12 pendlay rows. Goal is 7-10 minutes.

DB Version – 5 RFT   (Rx = 50/35# DB)
10 One Arm Push Press (R)
10 One Arm Push Press (L) 
10 OH Lunges Right Arm 
10 OH Lunges Left Arm
15 Bent-over Rows Right Arm
15 Bent-over Rows Left Arm

WOD Notes: If you have a really light DB, do strict press instead of push press. This will take 2:00-2:30 min / rd so you looking at 12-15 minutes depending on your DB weight.


3/17/2020 – WOD

AGOQ #2 – For Time
100 DB Snatches (alternating) 50/35#
50 Cal Row
100 Bar Facing Burpees

Minimal Equipment Version (no rower)
100 DB Snatches (alternating) 50/35#
800m Run
100 Bar Facing Burpees (or jump over DB)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 20 minutes. DB should feel really light to where you’re doing at least 20-30 at a time & switch mid air. This workout is all about the burpees since that’s what takes the most time out of the 3 movements.