Category Archives: WOD

12/24/2018 – Christmas EVE WOD

***8am Open Gym, 9am & 10am classes, Open Gym 11-1pm

a) Back Squat (5 sec tempo down) – 10×1 @ 70-95%
b) One Arm High Pull – 4×10 (each arm – keep trunk square)

4 RFT (with a partner)
12 Squat Clean n Jerk 205/135# (65%)
24 Double Dutch Burpees
2018 Meter Row (Switch every 500m)
8 Rope Climbs 20ft (Do 2 while partner is rowing)

WOD Notes: Sq CnJ should feel heavy & you should switch every rep. Burpees are at the same time with partner. Each Burpee is worth 2 reps so you’re only do 12 each round.

12/22/2018- WOD

Rage 2018 – “12 Days of Christmas”
1 100m Run
2 Muscle Ups or 2 GI Janes
3 Power Snatches 115/75#
4 Sumo DL High Pull 115/75#
5 Thrusters 115/75#
6 Front Rack Lunges 115/75#
7 Hang Power Clean 115/75#
8 Lateral Burpees over Bar
9 T2B
10 C2B Pull-ups
11 Devil Press 45/35# DB’s
12 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: This WOD is going to take 40-60 minutes, so please arrive early to warm-up on your own. The run is to the other side of the street. We will start the WOD 5-10 minutes after the top of the hour! Enjoy everyone this will be the best one yet!

12/21/2018 – WOD

Back Squat 5 sec tempo down) – 8×2 @ 80-90%

Make-up/Skill Day!

REMINDER: Rage 2018 “12 Days of Christmas” is tomorrow. Please arrive early to warm-up on your own as I anticipate this WOD taking at least 8-12 minutes longer than last years version!
8am – Open Gym (not eligible for song prizes)
9am & 10am – Classes

12/20/2018 – WOD

3 Position CnJ – 5 sets (1 every 2 min). Start @ 70% & work up to 90% (or heavier than last wk)
—Floor + Below Knee + Above Knee

13 Min AMRAP
2 Wall Climbs (Rx+ = 3 WC or 30ft HS Walk)
4 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
8/6 Cal Assault Bike (15/12 AD)

WOD Notes: Goal is to avg 1:30/rd throughout the 13 min. This is a WOD where you should be able to move the entire time since the rep scheme is low. Classes with 9 or more people will stagger 45 sec behind.

a) Glute/Ham Raises – 4×10 (advanced – weighted or banded)
b) DB Bicep Curls – 4×12 (each arm)
c) L-Sit (paralletes) – 5×20-40 lateral taps over an object

12/19/2018 – WOD

3 Position Snatch – 5 sets (1 every 2 min). Start @ 70% & work up to 90% (or heavier than last wk)
—Floor + Below Knee + Above Knee

3 Min AMRAP x 8 with a partner
10 GI Janes
20 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
Max Cal Ski
–rest 2 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: Each partner will do 4 rounds. Partner B will start 2 minutes behind Partner A. Score = total cals. You should have about 60-80 secs on the ski each round. Use a bar that’s above your reach for the GI Janes if you can do a strict pu. Each round should be 95%+ effort!

a) DB Reverse Flys (on incline bench) – 4×15
b) GHD Sit-ups or Sit-ups (weighted behind head) – Tabata 15 Rounds or Accumulate 150 reps as fast as you can

12/18/2018 – WOD

Deadlift – 1×10 (72%), 1×8 (77%), 1×6 (82%), 1×4 (87%), 1×2 (92%)
—No touch n go. Lower under control each rep. No more than 5# jump from last wk.

Conditioning (20 min cap)
5 Power Cleans 225/155# (75%)
10 DB Bench Press 85/50#
15 T2B
50 Double Unders

WOD Notes: PC should feel heavy and be singles (take 30 sec or less for 5 reps). DB bench should be challenging for 10 reps per round, but you shouldn’t have to break them up. T2B scale = 8-12 reps, toe through rings, or knee above hips. DU scale = 25 DU, 100 singles or 45 sec worth of DU.

Hollow Rocks – Max Rounds of Tabata (Scale with hands to the side or under butt). Shoot for 1 more rd than last wk.

12/17/2018 – WOD

a) Back Squat (5 sec tempo down) – 8×2 @ 80-90%
b) One Arm High Pull – 4×12 (each arm – keep trunk square)
—Superset a/b. Rest 90 sec between each superset.

Conditioning (18 min cap)
30 Sec Wall Sit 50/35#’s
15 DB Squats 50/35#’s
2 Legless Rope Climbs 15ft or 2 Pegboard Ascents
20/15 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Wall Sit = sit at parallel with DB’s in the front rack. Goal is to avg 3 min/rd. Squats should be unbroken & are open standard. RC scale = climb with legs, 6 rope pulleys, or 5 up/downs.

a) Strict Pull-ups – 9 E2MOM for 10 minutes (advanced = use weight) or do 5×5 negative PU
b) Weighted Plank – 5 sets: 1 min on / 1 min off (heavier than last wk)

12/15/2018 – WOD

20 Min AMRAP – 3 Person Team WOD
Athlete 1: Ski For Max Calories
Athlete 2: 10 DB Thrusters 50/35#
Athete 3: 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

WOD Notes: Score = max cals on the ski erg. Athlete 3 will dictate when your team will rotate. Athlete 3 will go to DB thrusters & Athlete 2 will go to the ski erg. You will rotate this way for 20 minutes. You will have roughly 1 minute on the ski erg each round, so try to push the pace since that is your score.