Category Archives: WOD

2/1/2021 – WOD

Strength (wk 5)
a) Back Squat – 5×2 @ 87%+ 2 ME @ 80% (7+ reps – slightly heavier than last wk)
b) BB Bicep Curls – 5×10 (slow eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

15 Min AMRAP
10 GI Janes
15/11 Cal Assault Bike
20 Hang DB Snatch 45/30# (2 DB’s)

WOD Notes: Goal is 4+ rds. Use a bar above your reach if you can do a strict pu. Each segment should take around 1 minute each. I’d recommend swinging the DB’s outside your legs for the hang snatches. These should be done in 1-3 sets max. AT HOME VERSION = 10 Burpees + 10 Bent-over rows / Run in place for 1 minute / 20 Hang DB Snatches.

a) Weighted Plank – 10 sets: 30 sec on / 30 sec off
b) Hip Adduction (use rower seat) – 3×10 (each leg)

1/30/2021 – WOD

30 Min AMRAP w/ partner
50 Double Dutch Burpees
4 Rope Climbs 20ft
40 Front Rack Lunges 185/125#
4 Rope Climbs 20ft
30 Power Snatches 165/105#

WOD Notes: Goal is 3 rounds. You may use the same weight for the snatch/lunges if necessary but lunges should be heavier than snatches. Lunges should feel heavy for sets of 10 reps & snatches should be singles back & forth but should feel moderately heavy. RC sub = 3x pulleys or 7 ring rows/rc.

1/28/2021 – WOD

2 Position Snatch – Floor + Hang
—8 sets @ 70-85%. Every 90 sec do a set. Take extra rest after set 6 if needed.

10 (Front Squat+Thruster) 135/95#  (RX+ = 155/105#)
15 C2B Pull-ups   (RX+ = 10 Bar MU)
10 Laps Sandbag/Dball Carry 125/80#

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-16 min. You will do 20 squats each round. C2B sub = chin over bar, banded pu, or ring rows. Try to position bag/ball behind your head and not on the shoulder so much.

a) Strict Pull-ups (wide grip) – 5×6 (3 sec eccentric)
b) Weighted Sit-ups – 5×20 (slow eccentric)

1/27/2021 – WOD

a) Deadlift (3″ deficit) – 5×4 (heavier than wk 1 – 75%+)
b) DB Bench Press – 5×6 (heavy) + 1 ME Set @ Lighter (12+)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Go heavier than normal on DB’s.

14 Min AMRAP
12/9 Cal Ski
8 Deadlift 275/185# (60%)
3 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 48ft HS Walk)

WOD Notes: Goal is 5+ rds. DL should be touch n go for most of the reps but feel challenging. You should have to wait a few sec before picking bar up after the ski. WC Scale = 2 reps or 20 Shoulder Taps.

a) GHR Raises or Back Extensions (GHD) – 4×10
b) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15 (slow eccentric)

1/26/2021 – WOD

Clean + Hang CL + 1 Jerk – 5 sets @ 80-90%+
—One set every 2 min. Heavier than last wk. Squat 1 or both of them.

2:30 Min AMRAP x 6
20/16 Cal Row  (RX+ = 25/20)
15 T2B
Rounds 1-3: Max Push Press 165/105#
Rounds 4-6: Max Push Jerks 195/125#
—Rest 1 min between rounds

WOD Notes: Record total PP reps & PJ reps. Goal is to have at least 30 secs to get as many reps with the barbell & aim for 10 reps/rd. Use around 65% for both your PP & PJ. You should be able to link at least 5 reps at a time with little break.

a) Banded Lateral & Front Raises – 4×12 each exercise
—Attach low/light band to an upright on the rig. Try to have constant tension on the band throughout & use a PVC (face away) for FR.
b) 6 Sets: 20 Sec Hollow Rock + 20 Sec Hollow Hold

1/25/2021 – WOD

Strength (week 4)
a) Back Squat – 5×3 @ 85%+ 1 ME @ 77% (8+ reps – slightly heavier than last wk)
b) One Arm High Pulls  – 4×10 (each arm – slow eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

12 Weighted Burpees 50/35#  (RX+ = 60/40#)
15 DB Hang Cleans 50/35#
60 Double Unders
18/14 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-16 min. Use same DB for burpees/hang cleans. DU sub = 30 DU, 100 singles, or 120ft versa. You should be able to avg 4 min or less/round. 

a) Weighted Plank – 10 sets 30 sec on / 30 sec off (heavier than last wk)
b) Banded Abduction (attach band to rig & have constant tension) – 3×15 each leg

1/23/2021 – WOD

Conditioning (40 min cap)
For Time w/ partner
200/160 Cal Row
8 Rounds of “Cindy-Karen”
30 Bear Complex 185/125#
8 Rounds of “Cindy-Karen”
200/160 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40. You can break up the work anyway you’d like. Cindy-Karen = 5 Strict C2B PU + 10 HR Push-ups + 15 Wall Balls 20/14#. You should be sprinting the row! Only movement where you work at the same time is “Cindy-Karen”. Bear Complex = Power clean + FS + Jerk + BS + Jerk.

1/21/2021 – WOD

2 Position Snatch – Hang + Floor
—8 sets @ 70-85%. Every 90 sec do a set.

Every 4 Min x 5 Sets
12 Bulgarian Split Squats (6R+6L) – Increase weight each rd
100ft OH Carry (R) + 100ft OH Carry (L) – Heavy DB
2 Rope Climbs 20ft

WOD Notes: Goal is to have around 1 minute rest each round so that you can recover and change weights. This is similar to last Thursday’s WOD where it will be lower intensity & working on going heavy on the split squats. RC sub = 8-10 strict Pull-ups or 10-15 ring rows.

a) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (each arm)
b) DB Front Raises + DB Lateral Raises – 4×10
c) Weighted Sit-ups – 4×25 (rest 45 sec between)

1/20/2021 – WOD

a) Deadlift (3″ rise) – 5×4 @ 77% + 1 ME Set @ 72% (8+ reps)
b) DB Bench Press (DB Touching) – 5×8 (heavy) + 1 ME Set @ Lighter (12+)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. DB should be touching so will be less ROM & will hit triceps more.

15 Min AMRAP
10 (Burpee + 2 DB Snatches) 50/35#  (RX+ = 60/40#)
20 T2B
70 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 4+ rds. You will use 1 DB, where you will drop down into burpee with one hand on DB, bring your feet up then do 1 DB snatch each arm. I’d recommend swinging DB through your legs. T2B sub = T2R, v-ups/sit-ups or you can do a mix of T2B/V-ups. DU sub = 35 du, 130 singles, or 140ft versa.

a) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15
b) Banded Lat Pulldown (arms straight) – 4×20

1/19/2021 – WOD

Clean + Hang CL + 2 Jerks – 5 sets @ 75-85%
—One set every 2:30. Heavier than last wk. Squat 1 or both of them.

For Time
30/23 Cal Assault Bike
30 Hang Clean n Jerk (15 @ 155/105# + 15 @ 205/135#)
30/23 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 8-12 min. BB weights should be around 55% & 70%. Bike should take no more than 2 minutes each time, so try to do short bursts with limited rest periods or hold a steady RPM. 

a) One Arm Shoulder Press – 4×8 each arm (3 sec eccentric)
b) 5 Sets: 20 Sec Flutter Kicks + 20 Sec Hollow Rock + 20 Sec Hollow Hold