Category Archives: WOD

3/1/2021 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 1×20 @ 60% (Wk 1 of 5)
b) Front Rack Lunges – 3×12 @ 45% of BS
c) Strict Pull-ups – 4×8-10 Reps (advanced use weight)
—You should be able to knock out the 1×20 BS quick, but make sure to do a few warm-up sets of 4-5 reps. 

Conditioning (16 Min Cap)
125/100 Cal Row For Time
***Every 2 Min starting at 0:00, Do 5 Clean n Jerks 175/115#  (RX+ = 205/135#)

WOD Notes: Goal is to finish under 12 min so that you’re not doing more than 40 CnJ. Use around 65% of your max CnJ. You should have around 75-90 Sec per round to get as many cals, so make your transitions as fast as possible!

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off
b) DB Bicep Curls – 4×8 + 30 Sec Gun Hold

2/27/2021 – WOD

45 Min Running Clock – Partner WOD
100/80 Cal Assault Bike
120 DB Snatches (alternating) 50/35#
—Max Snatch by the 15 Min Mark
100/80 Cal Assault Bike
100 DB Hang Cleans 50/35#
—Max Clean by the 30 Min Mark
100/80 Cal Assault Bike
80 DB Thrusters 50/35#
—Max Jerk by the 45 Min Mark
100/80 Cal Ski For Time at the 45:00 Min Mark

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 5+ min at the end to max out snatch/clean/jerk. You should be able to get in 3-4 attempts in that time. You may use a rack for the jerk. DB’s should feel light to where you can do 10 at a time before you switch.

2/25/2021 – WOD

Snatch – 5×5  (Start @ 70%. Do one set every 2:30)
—Work up to a heavy 5 rep. Set must be completed in under 1 minute to count. You can touch n go or do singles.

13 Min AMRAP
11 Burpees
9 Front Squat 135/95#  (RX+ = 165/115#)
7 Deficit 3″ HSPU  (RX+ = Strict Deficit)

WOD Notes: Goal is 6+ rounds. FS = 55% of 1RM. HSPU sub = 7 DB shoulder Presses. Burpees = leave the ground at the top with hands together. 

a) Weighted Sit-ups – 4×25
b) GHD Back Extensions – 4×15 (weighted)

2/24/2021 – WOD

Sumo Deadlift – 15 min to work up to a heavy single

10 Strict C2B PU or 15 Kip C2B or 8-10 Muscle-ups
20 Russian KB Swings 88/70#
25/20 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 min. This is all posterior chain work today. You can choose whatever PU version you want to work on. If you plan on doing the Open & want to practice kipping choose that option. If you want to work on strength, do strict Pu (either w/ or w/o a band). If you have muscle-ups and want to do them that’s fine as well. There’s only 2 88# KB, so you may have to share & stagger the start.

a) DB Bicep Curls – 4×10 (focus on slow eccentric)
b) Side Plank – 6×30 Sec (each side – put DB on hip)

2/23/2021 – WOD

a) Bench Press – Work up to a heavy 1RM, 3RM, & 5RM (in that order) + 1 ME Set @ 70%
b) Hollow Rock – 4 Sets: 30-60 Sec (try to go to failure)

For Time
50/40 Cal Ski
15 (1 Pwr Clean + 2 Jerks) 155/105#
50 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
10 (1 Pwr Clean + 2 Jerks) 205/135#
50/40 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 min. Ski should take 3:30 or less each time. Barbell weight = 55% & 65% of your CnJ. You don’t have to stand up on the box jump overs, so focus on staying low when you land.

a) DB Skull Crushers – 4×10 (3 sec eccentric)
b) Glute Ham Raises: 4×12 or Lying Leg Curls: 4×20-25 (use rings – a few inches off floor).

2/22/2021 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 4×10 @ 65-75% (1st = light, 4th = heavy!)
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (each arm)
—superset a/b every 3 minutes. This is a transition wk where we increase volume with slightly lighter loads we’ve been using the last few wks.

10 RFT
12 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10/9.5ft  (RX+ = 30/20# to 10/9.5ft)
8 T2B  (RX+ = 10)
30 Double Unders  (RX+ = 35)

WOD Notes: Goal is 14-18 min. Try to make your transitions quick between movements! WB should be unbroken!! T2B sub = T2R, leg raises on bench with 5# weight between feet, or sit-ups/v-ups. DU sub = 15 DU, 50 singles, or 60ft versa. 

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 sec on / 30 sec off
b) DB One Arm Bent-over Rows: 4×12 (each arm)

2/20/2021 – WOD

Conditioning (with partner)
10-20-30-40-50 Reps of:
Deadlifts 225/155#  (RX+ = 245/165#)
Double Dutch Burpees
—Then Immediately into:
50-40-30-20-10 Reps of:
DB Lunges 50/35#
2 Arm DB Snatches 50/35#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 25 min. The entire WOD is “you go, I go” except for the burpees you will work at the same time. You must stand up your burpees before jumping over bar. DL = 50% of your max. Should be able to touch n go majority of reps. You can break up the work as needed. DB’s should be on the shoulders for the lunges. The entire workload is 75 reps for each movement/person.

2/18/2021 – WOD

Snatch – 1 EMOM x 6, 1 Every 90 Sec x 6  (12 reps)
—Work up to a heavy single. Start @ 70%

18/14 Cal Ski
12 HSPU  (RX+ = Strict)
9 Back Squats (BW or 50% of max)

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-17 min. HSPU sub = DB Strict Press (heavy for 12). Back squats should be unbroken each round but feel somewhat challenging. Normally I would program ending a WOD with an all out ski, but it’s active recovery thursday!

a) DB Lateral/Front Raises – 4×10 (3 sec eccentric)
b) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15

2/17/2021 – WOD

Deadlift – 15 Min to Work up to a Heavy Single

4 Rounds (interval style)
6 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 10-12 C2B or 4-6 Muscle-ups)
12 Hang Power Clean (m: 165/185#) (w: 105/125#)
6 C2B Pull-ups (RX+ = 10-12 C2B or 4-6 Muscle-ups)
24/18 Cal Assault Bike
—Rest 90 sec between rounds

WOD Notes: Goal is to be under 3:30 min/rd. C2B sub = chin over bar, banded pu, or 8 RR. Score = total time minus 4.5 minutes. Rounds 1&2 are the lighter weight (60%). Rounds 3&4 are the heavier weight (65%). You should be able to do the HPC in 3 or less sets.

a) BB Bicep Curls – 4×12
b) Weighted Sit-ups – 4×25

2/16/2021 – WOD

5 Burpees + 1 Clean Every 90 Sec x 10 Sets
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy clean

5 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
10 DB Bench Press (heavy)
15/12 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 min (avg 2:30/rd). Try to use a heavier dball/bag than normal, since it’s only 5 reps/rd. DB’s should feel challenging for 10 reps unbroken each rd. You shouldn’t have to break them up until after the 4th rd if you have to. 

a) 5 sets: 30 sec V-Ups + 30 Sec Hollow Rocks
—Rest 1 min between sets
b) Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×12