Monthly Archives: March 2015

3/19/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 6×2 @ 80%+ then do 1×5 Pause ( 70%)
—Start @ 80% @ work up to a heavy double

3 Rounds (interval style)
25 Wall Balls (unbroken) 30/20# to 10ft
1 Rope Climb 20ft
15 GI Janes
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

3×10 Strict C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: Score = total time – 4 minutes. Each round should take under 3 minutes so approach each one as a sprint! You should be sprinting on the GI Janes & use a bar that is just out of your reach. You may jump right into the pull-up or may swing with a kip. Use a ball that will challenge you for 25 unbroken reps each round.

7 PM class watching the 15.4 live announcement!

3/18/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 15 Min to Work up to a 2RM Touch n Go
—Try to get 5 sets @ 80%+

15 Min AMRAP
50 Cal Row
40 Burpees
30 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
20 HSPU (10 Strict/10 kipping – no deficit)

WOD Notes: The goal is to get through 1 round + 50 cal row on the 2nd round. Anyone who completes 2 full rounds will receive a prize (Rx or Scaled). Scaling for HSPU are 20 DB Push Presses with same weight as snatches. This will be the last tough WOD before Open WOD 15.4.

Reminder: Gymnastics seminar (March 22nd) sign-up sheets are on my desk. Please try to pay the $20 as soon as you can once you are signed up!

3/17/2015 – WOD

BB Complex – (1 Pwr Clean + 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk)
—Do 1 complex every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. Start @ 75% of 1RM CnJ

12 Min AMRAP
5 Power Clean 175/115#
10 T2B
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

6×30 sec weighted GHD Sit-up Hold (rest no more than 1 min between sets)

WOD Notes: PC weight is 60% of 1RM. Goal is to get 5+ rounds. You may do lateral box jump overs instead of facing the box (your choice). You may do step-ups if necessary (scaling).

3/16/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×2 + 2×1 (30 sec hold in absolute bottom) @ 60-65%
—Start @ 80% @ work up to a heavy double

4 Rounds For Time
10 Thrusters 145/100#
10 Back Rack Lunges 145/100#
Run 400m

WOD Notes: Time Domain for this WOD is 12-20 min. The goal is to do all thrusters & lunges unbroken (20 reps total) without dropping the bar. Use the run as recovery between rounds, but try to sprint the last 400m. If you don’t feel comfortable bringing bar behind neck, you can do front rack lunges instead.

Reminder: Gymnastics seminar (March 22nd) sign-up sheets are on my desk. Please try to pay the $20 as soon as you can once you are signed up!

3/14/2015 – WOD

“Open WOD 15.3″ – 14 Min AMRAP
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
50 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10/9ft
100 Double Unders

14 minute AMRAP
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders

14 Minute AMRAP
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots
7 muscle-ups

Tony – Congrats on first MU!

3/13/2015 – WOD

Bench Press – Work up to 95% of 1RM, then do 3×6 @ 75%+

Make-Up Day! This will run like an “open gym” just like last Friday. You may also practice the skills in 15.3 or work on any other movements you want to improve.

Announcement: Open WOD 15.3 has been announced! What do you all think? We will run heats every 20 minutes starting at 9am on Saturday. If you are trying this WOD Rx’d and want to use the MU station next to the bathroom you will have to let me know so that I can put you in the right heat. Details on this workout can be found here: Open WOD 15.3

“Open WOD 15.3” – 14 Min AMRAP
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
50 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10/9ft
100 Double Unders

3/12/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to 95% of 1RM, then do 3×6 @ 75%+

For Time
5 Thrusters 155/105#
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb 20ft
10 Thrusters 155/105#
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb 20ft
15 Thrusters 115/75#
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb 20ft
20 Thrusters 95/65#
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: Set up 3 different weights to where you can transition quickly between each round. The goal is to try and do all the thrusters unbroken each round, so pick weights to where its challenging but possible. The round of 5 & 10 is the same weight. Scaling for DU are 75 singles. Scaling for RC are 6 Strict Pull-ups.


3/11/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 15 Min to Work up to a 1RM
—Beginners will stay light & work on technique

3 Rounds For Time
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
8 Ring Muscle-Ups
Run 400m

3×60 Sec Weighted Plank (Heavy)

WOD Notes: For warm-up, we will be practicing Double Unders, since there is a good chance you will see them in 15.3. Scaling option #1 for MU = 4-5 reps each round if 8 is too many to where you lose intensity. Scaling #2 = 5-8 Banded bar MU. Scaling #3 = 15 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#.

Reminder: Gymnastics seminar (March 22nd) sign-up sheets are on my desk. Please try to pay the $20 as soon as you can once you are signed up!


Dan F looking like the hulk!!

3/10/2015 – WOD

BB Complex – 7x (1 Cluster + 1 Split Jerk)
—Start @ 70% of CnJ & work up to a heavy complex. The split jerk should be easy relative to the cluster, so make sure to work on speed under bar.

5 Rounds
10 Power Clean 155/105#
10 Push Jerk 155/105#
20 Cal Row
—Rest 90 sec between Rounds (Subtract 7.5 min from time)

WOD Notes: The goal is to go unbroken (touch n go) for all 10 PC & 10 PJ. So try to do all 20 reps in a row unbroken for as long as possible. Each round is 95% effort! Barbell weight should be around 55-60% of 1RM. Cluster = Sq Clean Thruster

Reminder: Gymnastics seminar (March 22nd) sign-up sheets are on my desk. Please try to pay the $20 as soon as you can once you are signed up!


Dan F looking huge!

3/9/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to 95% of 1RM, then do 4×6 @ 80%

20 Min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls 30/20#
20 Burpees
20 KB Swings 70/53#

WOD Notes: This WOD is pure conditioning and should be good prep for 15.3, since I think either WB or Burpees will be in it (but who knows). Goal is to get 4+ Rounds. I still want you to use a slightly heavier ball than normal for this (Rx is 10ft for men/women).

Reminder: Gymnastics seminar (March 22nd) sign-up sheets are on my desk. Please try to pay the $20 as soon as you can once you are signed up!


Post WOD recovery position