
3/3/2018 – WOD

“Open WOD 18.2/18.2A”
12 Min Running Clock
1-10 reps of:
DB Squats 50/35# (35-20# masters)
Bar Facing Burpees
—When finished you have remaining time to establish:
1RM Clean

WOD Notes: Good luck to everyone competing today. Please make sure to check this blog in the morning for any updates with the power at Rage! We may have to push back the heat times, so stay tuned!

3/2/2018 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 75-77% (Pause every rep in the bottom)

Make-up/Skill Day!

Announcement: Open WOD 18.2/18.2A have been announced! We will try to run heats every 15 minutes, so that means you are going to have to be ready to go & know what your starting weight is going to be for the clean. Please let me know (#DB you need) which heat you’d like and I’ll organize the heats on a first come basis. Remember, you are responsible for warming yourself up. I’d recommend really warming up your quads as this WOD is really quad intensive. Doing a few air dyne sprints with some burpees & squats would be a good idea. Ideally – the shorter the WOD, means the longer your warm-up should be. Good Luck Ragers!

3/1/2018 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 10 min running clock: 4 EMOM for 6 minutes (24 total reps) @ 65-70% of CnJ, then work up to a heavy single until the 10 min is up.
—3 PCnJ + 1 SQ CnJ

20 Min AMRAP (complete with a partner interval style)
50ft Handstand Walk or 10 HSPU
15/12 Cal Row
20/15 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: TD = 1:45-2:15/rd. Partner B will start when Partner A gets to 15/10 cals on the bike. Each round should be 95%+ effort! Transition quick between movements! HS Walk or HSPU Scale = 2-3 wall climbs or 10 DB strict presses.

a) One Arm Shoulder Press – 4×10 (lower down slow)
b) Banded Dball Carry (march in place) – 4×60 sec (heavier band)
c) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – Accumulate 4 minutes

REMINDER: Open WOD 18.2 gets announced tonight at 8pm! Come hang out at Rage for the Live Announcement!

2/28/2018 – WOD

Snatch – 10 min running clock: 5 EMOM for 6 minutes (30 total reps) @ 70% of PS, then work up to 90% for the remaining 4 minutes.
—3 PS + 2 full snatch

13 Min AMRAP
15 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
12 C2B Pull-ups (Rx+ = 15)
250m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 4-5 rd. C2B scale = 8-10 reps/rd or chin over bar. You may also do banded Pu if you can’t do an unassisted PU. The run is to the fire hydrant and back to Rage.

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×10 (work on slow eccentric)
b) Ring Rows – 4×10 (pause at the top)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4×25 (rest 60 sec between sets)

2/27/2018 – WOD

a) Bench Press – 5×6 @ 75% (3 sec down + pause on chest)
b) Hollow Rocks – 5 sets: 45-70 sec
—Superset a & b together

15 Min AMRAP
6 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
15/11 Cal Ski
50 Double Unders

WOD Notes: TD = 4-6 rd. You should be able to ski the cals in a min or less each round. DU scale = 75 singles, 25 DU, or 60 sec cap each round of DU attempts. Stagger heats 45 sec.

Snatch Grip Pulls – 5×4 @ 120% of snatch
—Start from floor each rep. Contact + drive elbows up

2/26/2018 – WOD

a) Back Squat –  4×6 @ 70-75% (Pause in the bottom on every rep)
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (slow tempo on the way down)

Conditioning (20 min cap)
For Time
27 Thrusters 75/55#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Rope Climbs 20ft
21 Thrusters 125/85#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
15 Thrusters 165/105#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: TD = 12-17 min. Thrusters should be super light & unbroken the first set. You should have to break up the 2nd/3rd round 2-3 times. You must follow “the open” burpee standard. RC scale = climb to 15ft or do 2 up/downs per RC.

a) Strict C2B Pull-ups (supinated grip) – 5×10 or accumulate 50 reps. Scale = 20 negatives
b) Weighted Plank: 8 sets: 45 sec on/ 45 sec off (heavier than last wk)

2/24/2018 – WOD

CrossFit Open 18.1 – 20 Min AMRAP
8 T2B
10 DB CnJ 50/35/20#
14/12 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 7-14 rd. T2B should be unbroken if you are proficient at them. If you have trouble linking, you can still keeping moving by doing quick singles on a low pull-up bar. The DB CnJ should be unbroken without putting the DB down if it’s light for you. If it’s heavy, think about putting the DB down after you do 5 reps with the one arm. Choose a pace on the rower that will allow you to get off the rower and transition right to the T2B. I’d recommend not pulling straps tight on the rower.

8am – Ryan B, Marie, Seth, Tim G, Dave P, Josh
8:30am – Stacey T, Rachel, CandyDenise, Claire
9am – EthanMaria Van Buren, Lisa Ann, Gwen, Jacob, MarlenaDavid BroderickAmberKeithSara Thomas Gill
9:30am – Sam P, Frank, AY, DJ, MaryAllison Volpe, Bonnie, Julian, Dom, Balder
10am – JenAnnetteDonnieLyssaJoe FargoAlison, Chris, Angie B, Mike FretzSteve Wilcher
10:30am – EvanTonyBrent, Steve S, Teresa, Andy B, Eric HillShayne Tobin, Deb
11am – Ryan HutchisonMaria Gaio Gallagher

2/23/2018 – WOD

Back Squat – 4×7 @ 65-70% (Pause in the bottom on every rep)

Make-up/Skill Day!

Open WOD 18.1 has been announced! Tomorrow (Sat) we will run heats every 30 minutes starting at 8am. You will be responsible for warming up on your own. You may still sign-up for a heat even if you aren’t competing in the Rage Open. Please email me & let me know what heat you’d like to be in if you haven’t already responded on Facebook! Feel free to invite any family or friends to come out and cheer everyone on! Good luck everyone!