
1/27/2015 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 7×1 @ 80%+
—Work up to a heavy single

“Open WOD 13.4″
3 Clean n Jerk 135/95/65lb
3 Toes To Bar
6 Clean n Jerk 135/95/65lb
6 Toes To Bar
9 Clean n Jerk 135/95/65lb
9 Toes To Bar
12 Clean n Jerk 135/95/65lb
12 Toes To Bar
***Continue on until the 7 min is up. Score is total reps.

Announcement: 5:30am class is cancelled. Check back later for evening classes.


1/26/2015 – WOD

***Evening classes are 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, open gym 7pm
Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then do 1×20 (75%)
—Week 3. Use a little heavier than last week.

Thrusters 135/95lb
GI Janes

WOD Notes: Thruster weight is about 55% of 1RM. You should only have to break it up once during the rd of 21 & 15. Pick a bar that is above your reach for the GI Janes. Time Domain is 7-12 minutes for this WOD.

Reminder: Since we are supposed to get a snowstorm, please check the blog on or the CrossFit Rage FB Page for class updates.


1/24/2015 – WOD

Complete the following with a Partner
150 Wall Balls 30/20lb
200 Burpees
100 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45lb
25 Muscle-Ups or 60 C2B Pull-ups
1k Row

WOD Notes: You both work at the same time for the burpees, but only one can work at a time for the other movements.

***9am class is cancelled due to the weather


1/23/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then do 1×20 (67-70%)
—Use a little heavier than last week

Make-Up Day! You may also use the time during class to work on any skills/goals. If you haven’t missed a day this week, here’s a WOD you can do.
2 Rounds
10 Thrusters 135/95lb
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Front Rack Lunges 135/95lb
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Buy Out: 500m Ski Erg

***CF Kids is this Sunday at 4pm. Let me know if you plan on bringing your kids.


Sit, Shoot, Swim – Wodapalooza 2015

1/22/2015 – WOD

Bench Press – Work up to a heavy single, then do 1×20 (58-65%)
—Try to make it as close to a 20RM as possible

For Time
50 Cal Row
1 Rope Climb 20ft
50 KB Swings 70/53lb
1 Rope Climb 20ft
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
1 Rope Climb 20ft
50 T2B
1 Rope Climb 20ft
50 Cal Row

3×15 Back Extensions (weighted)

WOD Notes: Scaling for RC are 10 Strict Pull-ups (especially if you missed yesterday) or 12 slams 50/30lb. You may scale reps of T2B if 50 will take you more than 4 minutes.


Coach Eric doing T2B

1/21/2015 – WOD

Clean (full) – 7×1 @ 80%+
—Work up to a heavy single

10 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Squat Clean 135/95lb
3 C2B Pull-ups
6 Squat Clean
6 C2B Pull-ups
9 Squat Clean
9 C2B Pull-ups
12 Squat Clean
12 C2B Pull-ups
15 Squat Clean
15 C2B Pull-ups
***Keep climbing ladder until 10 min is up. Score = total reps

Weighted Plank – Accumulate 3 minutes

WOD Notes: Clean weight should be less than 50% of your 1RM (light). You may scale to chin over bar, but keep in mind that C2B pull-ups are usually in the Open (not chin over bar). If you plan on doing the open Rx’d, do C2B.


1/20/2015 – WOD

Push Jerk – 5×3
—Start @ 80% & work up to a heavy 3RM

5 Rounds
40 Double Unders
8 Push Jerk 155/105lb
400ft Shuttle Run (8 laps)
—Rest 1 min between rounds

3×10 Bar Dips (weighted)

WOD Notes: Scaling for DU is 80 singles. PJ weight is 55-60% of 1RM. The shuttle run will go from the pull-up rig to the back part of the lifting platforms. You should be giving 95-100% each round. Jerks should be unbroken every round. Subtract 4 minutes from total time.



1/19/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then do 1×20 @ 70%.
—heavier than last week

“2013 Open WOD 13.1″ (Compare to 8/31/2013)
17 Min AMRAP
40 Burpees
30 Snatches 75/45/35lb
30 Burpees
30 Snatches 135/75/55lb
20 Burpees
30 Snatches 165/100/75lb
10 Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 210/120/90lb
***Score is total reps.

WOD Notes: snatches should be super light the first round. Add weight each round.


13.1 Post WOD

1/17/2015 – WOD

***10am class only today. Open gym 11-1pm
For Time
50 Cal Row
21 Deadlifts 205/125
25 Burpees
15 Hang Power Cleans 205/125lb
25 Burpees
9 Squat Cleans 205/125lb
25 Burpees
50 Cal Row

Announcement: Good luck to Mary, Eric, Jenny, Kurt, Joe, Rachel. and Steve who are competing at the Unfinished Business Comp!

1/16/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 1×20
—You should be around 65%

Make-Up Day! Come in and make up a WOD you missed or work on any skills you want to improve on.

Reminder: 5:30am, 8am, 4pm classes today with open gym from 5-6pm.