
7/5/2013 – WOD

Front Squat 1×5 (75%), 1×3 (85%), 3×1 (90-100%), 2×3 (85%)

1 Rope Climb 20′
Row 200m
2 Rope Climb 20′
Row 300m
3 Rope Climb 20′
Row 500m
2 Rope Climb 20′
Row 300m
1 Rope Climb 20′
Row 200m
—Rest 5 minutes
Air Dyne: 1 Mile For Time

WOD Notes: The time domain for this WOD Rx’d should be around 8-12 minutes for the elite/advanced and 13+ for intermediate novice. Make sure to pace the rows each round to save energy for the rope climbs, however this is still designed to be a quick WOD. Sub for each rope climb is 7 Burpees (63 total). If you do not want to climb all the way up to the top, you may climb up half way and repeat for each rope climb.


7/4/2013 – 4th of July WOD

3 Rounds For Time (Time Cap 35 minutes)
15 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24″
30 Wall Balls 20/14lb
Run 800m

WOD Notes: Scaling for burpee box jumps are step-ups. You may sub 800m row or 1 mile on the Air Dyne if you’re unable to run. Any ragers out there who think they can break 20 minutes Rx’d?!

***REMINDER: 9am & 10am classes only! Open gym 11-2pm!


Thankful to have such a great Rage Family! Love the faces everyone!

7/3/2013 – WOD

12 Min to Find 1RM Clean n Jerk

10 Min AMRAP
2 Deadlifts 335/215lb (70% of 1RM)
30 Double Unders
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
—Rest 3 minutes
1 Min AMRAP of GI Janes (6″ above reach)

WOD Notes: Full cleans are preferred for the clean n jerk (instead of power clean). Deadlifts must be dropped in between each rep (no touch & go reps). Scaling for double unders are 90 singles. Choose a band that will allow you to touch your chest to the bar each time if you can’t do an unassisted one. Chin over bar will be considered scaling.

Reminder: Thursday 4th of July – 9am & 10am classes only. Open Gym from 11-2pm.


Fiorella linking pull-ups!

7/2/2013 – WOD

Push Press 1×5 (70%), 1×3 (80%), 3×1 (90-100%), 2×3 (85%)

6 Rounds For Time (Each Round is ALL OUT!)
12 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 250m
—Rest 90 sec between Rounds

3x ME L-Sit, GHD Hold, Weighted Plank

WOD Notes: Score is total time minus 7 1/2 minutes of rest. This is an anaerobic threshold interval style WOD where each round is meant to be as fast as possible, so do not hold back to save energy for later rounds. KB Swings should be unbroken every round if possible.


7/1/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 1×5 (75%), 1×3 (85%), 3×1 (90-100%), 2×3 (85%)
—This is the 3rd week of working up to a heavy 1RM. Next week will be a deload week.

21-15-9 Reps of
Overhead Squat 155/105lb (50% of 1RM)
Toes To Bar
Lateral Burpee over Bar
—Rest 5 minutes
2x (1 min AMRAP Tire Flips) – You may work with partner if necessary

WOD Notes: Scaling for OHS are front squats (if you don’t have the proper mobility). Scaling for toes to bar are hanging knee raises or lying leg raises with med ball between knees. You do not need to stand all the way up when you jump over the bar for the burpees. This WOD Rx’d is designed to be in the 7-10 min range for elite/advanced & 11-15+ for intermediate/novice.

1) Thursday 4th of July we will follow a Saturday Schedule. 9am & 10am classes followed by open gym from 11-2pm.
2) The week of July 22-26, we will also be modifying the schedule, since I will be out in CA competing at the CrossFit Games.
3) As you all have noticed, classes are starting to get more crowded so please be sure to arrive on time & finish the general warm-up by the 10 min mark. Also be sure to say hi to someone that you don’t know as well and make them feel welcome @ Rage!

Ray – 485lb BS PR. Jeff – 250lb OHS PR


6/29/2013 – WOD

Complete For Time
25 Thrusters 175/115lb (70% of 1RM)
50 GI Janes
100 Double Unders (Sub: 300 Singles)
1 Mile Run

WOD Notes: You may partition reps anyway you’d like.


Eric & Shayne bromance

6/28/2013 – WOD

Snatch – 2 EMOM for 7 min @ 80% *Squat is preferred if you have the mobility

7 Min AMRAP Ladder
1 Power Snatch 135/95lb (65%)
2 HR Push-ups
2 Power Snatch 135/95lb
4 HR Push-ups
3 Power Snatch 135/95lb
6 HR Push-ups
***Climb ladder until 8 minutes is up

Assistance Work
4×60′ (Length of Rage) Max Effort Prowler Pushes

Community Notes
1) ICA’s 2 Year Anniversary (31 Heroes) is Saturday July 13th and CF Rage is planning on going to support them again as we did last year.
2) Test Your Metal 2013 competition is Saturday July 20th for individuals and Sunday July 21st for Team. We have a few members from Rage signed up already. You may sign-up as Rx’d or scaled. Let me know if you have any questions.


6/27/2013 – WOD

Weighted Front Rack Walking Lunges 3×8 (Heavy as possible)

5 Rounds For Time
1 Rope Climb 20/15′
15 Wall Balls 20/14lb
*3 Box Jumps 36/27″ @ the top of every minute
—Rest 5 minutes when finished then:
Air Dyne: 3 Minutes for total calories/distance

WOD Notes: The 3×8 (working sets) for the lunges should be near an 8RM. You will do a few warm-up sets before that at a lighter weight as you build up to the working sets. Scaling for rope climbs are 5 up/downs or 10 burpees. Box jumps are supposed to high so pick a height that won’t scare you too much, but will challenge you.

Community Notes
1) ICA’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration is Saturday July 13th and CF Rage is planning on going to support them again as we did last year.
2) Test Your Metal 2013 competition is Saturday July 20th for individuals and Sunday July 21st for Team. We have a few members from Rage signed up already. You may sign-up as Rx’d or scaled. Let me know if you have any questions.


6/26/2013 – WOD

12 Min To Work up to a Heavy 1RM Squat Clean

10 Rounds
3 Power Cleans (80% of 1RM)
200m Row
—Rest 1 Minute between rounds

WOD Notes: This is an anaerobic threshold WOD where each round is to be all out! You may take a few extra seconds rest between rounds to recover so you can maintain the intensity. Score is the total time minus rest time, so if you rest 1 minute each round you would subtract 9 minutes from your total time. Focus on pulling yourself under the bar (receive bar in quarter squat with hips back) instead of trying to muscle the bar up.


Welcome Missy!

Stacey T – Squat Clean PR 88lb!

6/25/2013 – WOD

Shoulder Press 1×5 (70%), 1×3 (80%), 1×2 (85%), 2×1 (Find 1RM), 2×3 (85%)

15 Min AMRAP
5 HSPU 7/4″ Deficit
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings 70/53lb

WOD Notes: Rx’d for the HSPU is 3 45’s on each side of an Ab Mat. You may scale the HSPU by lowering the deficit or 5 Push Presses at 60% of your 1RM. Yes, this WOD is very shoulder intensive so do the best you can with being as efficient as possible with each movement (kip HSPU, snake the burpees, use hips on KB Swings).
