
7/31/2013 – WOD

Hang Squat Clean – 2 EMOM for 7 minutes @ 80%

Row 1000m For Time
—Rest 3 minutes
3 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlifts 275/175lb
50 Double Unders (sub 150 singles)
—Rest 3 minutes
Bike 1 Mile For Time


7/30/2013 – WOD

Press Complex 5x (1 Strict Press, 2 Push Press, 2 Push Jerk) @ 95% of 1RM Press

1 Rope Climb 20′
10 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 250m
2 Rope Climbs 20′
15 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 400m
3 Rope Climbs 20′
20 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 800m
2 Rope Climbs 20′
15 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 400m
1 Rope Climb 20′
10 KB Swings 88/53lb
Run 250m

WOD Notes: This WOD will definitely test your grip strength & will force you to be efficient with rope climbs, so don’t plan on climbing them “Legless” like the games, haha. You may scale rope climbs by only climbing 15′ or you can pull the sled hand over hand 1 lap (60 ft) for each rope climb.

Community Notes: A special thanks to everyone who supported me this past week at the CrossFit Games! I’m so thankful to have such a wonderful group of people at Rage who are so loving & caring. Don’t expect to see a lot of demonstrations this week, since my body is completely beat up right now, haha. I hope you all are inspired to take your fitness to the next level as we move towards the 2014 CrossFit season. Also, congratulations to Kolby Stein for placing 4th at the 2013 CrossFit Kids Teen Gauntlet Results. Below is a pic of one the highlights of my 2013 CrossFit Games.

Final rope climb of the “Legless” event at the 2013 CrossFit Games.


Shannon doing 35lb KB Swings!

7/20/2013 – WOD

30 GI Janes
Run 800m
20 Laps Farmers Carry (88/53lb KB)
Bike 1 Mile
15 Tire Flips
Row 1000m
—As soon as you are finished the WOD you have 20 Minutes to establish a 2RM Front Squat

Games Week Schedule (7/22-7/27): Will remain the same except no 7pm classes the entire week. Friday will be 5pm & 6pm classes instead of 4pm & 5pm. It will also be “blackout” week, so you will not find out what you doing until you walk into Rage. Early morning “Ragers” do not give the evening “Ragers” any hints after you complete each WOD, since you should be prepared for anything. A special thanks in advance to E. Hill, Rich, & Dan for running all the classes next week!

Community Notes: Good luck to Candy, Kyle, Jenny, Mary, Rachel, & Stacey T. as they are competing at the Lehigh Valley Sportsfest’s “Test Your Metal” Competition today!


Great job Ragers at the “Test Your Metal” Competition!

Rachel taking home 2nd Place!

7/19/2013 – WOD

Snatch – 12 Min to work up to a heavy single

“Isabel”(Compare to 10/3/2012)
30 Snatches for Time 135/95lb

4×60′ Heavy Prowler Pushes

WOD Notes: This WOD is designed to be finished anywhere from 1-5 minutes, so choose a weight where you can string together at least 10 in a row. You should have about 65% of your max power snatch on the bar for this WOD. Focus on pulling yourself under the bar and receive it in a quarter squat without a press out!

7/18/2013 – WOD

Bench Press 1×5 (75%), 1×3 (85%), 3×1 (95-100%), 2×3 (90%)

2 Rope Climbs 20′
50 KB Swings 70/53lb
2 Rope Climbs 20′
50 Wall Balls 30/20lb to 10/9′ target
2 Rope Climbs 20′
50 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs 20′
50 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Scaling for each rope climb are 5 up/downs or sled pull (rope) outside one lap 60′. Time domain for this WOD is 15-25 min depending on your ability level. Rope climbs are all the way to the ceiling, however you may go halfway up 4x/round instead.

Nice job today everyone on the hottest day yet. Shout out to Teresa & Jenn for using 20lb MB!

Lauren owning the rope!