Category Archives: WOD

9/4/2021 – WOD

30 Min Clock
50 Deadlifts 275/185# (65%)
50 Overhead Squats 135/95#
100/80 Cal Ski
40 Deadlifts 315/205# (70%)
40 Overhead Squats 155/105#
80/65 Cal Ski
30 Deadlifts 345/225# (75%)
30 Overhead Squats 185/125#
60/50 Cal Ski
***Max Cal Assault Bike in remaining time

WOD Notes: This is not a CAP WOD. Goal is to have about 5 min on the bike at the end. You should be able to touch n go 10 reps at a time on the first bar, 5 reps at a time on the 2nd & 3rd bar. You may do quick singles if necessary. OHS sub = FS. You should be able to do 10 reps at a time on the first 2 bars. 

9/2/2021 – WOD

a) Barbell Hip Thrusts – 5×10 (pause top of each rep – heavy!)
b) DB Incline Bench Press – 5×8 (load 2 45’s under one end of bench)
—superset a/b every 3 minutes 

15 Min AMRAP
25 T2B
50 Burpees
75 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10ft

WOD Notes: Goal is 1.5-2 rounds. Complete T2B in 5 sets or less. Complete WB in 6 sets or less. T2b sub = V-ups or weighted leg raises. Find a pace and stick to it on the burpees and wall balls.

a) L-sit Tapovers – 5×12
b) Hip Adduction (rower seat) – 3×10 each leg

9/1/2021 – WOD

Snatch Grip DL + Full Snatch + Hang Snatch – 7 Sets: 1 Every 90 Sec
—Start @ 70% & work up to a heavy complex. Touch n go is preferred but not required.

12 Min AMRAP
2 Power Snatches 155/105#
4 Power Cleans 155/105#
40 Double Unders  (*was supposed to be 60)

WOD Notes: Goal is complete 7+ rounds. If you’re proficient at DU you should be 10+ rds. Weight should feel moderate to where you can keep moving the whole time and move with good technique. You can either do quick singles or touch n go some of the reps. DU sub = 20-25 DU, 60 Singles, 20 lateral bar hops, or 80ft versa.

a) GHD Sit-ups – 4×25 (sub: weighted sit-ups)
b) Landmine Rows – 4×10 (each arm – use barbell attachment)

8/31/2021 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×6 (3 Pause + 3 Normal) @ 75%+
b) DB T-Out + T-In DB Raises – 4×10 (its a lateral + front raise)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

400m Run
4 Rope Climbs (1 Legless + 3 w/ legs) 15ft

WOD Notes: Day 2 of CAP Programming. Goal is 13-20 min. Spend no more than 2 min on any of the 400m runs. Spend no more than 1:30 performing the rope climbs each rd. RC sub = 3/rd, 5 up/downs per rd, or 1:00 ring row climb. 

a) 30 Sec Flutter Kicks + 30 Sec Hollow Hold – 4 Sets
b) 10 DB Bicep Curls + 50ft gun walk – 4 Sets

8/30/2021 – WOD

a) Push Press – 5×5 @ 80%+ (try to hit heaviest set on #4)
b) Good Mornings – 5×10 (try to work up to 2 heavy sets)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Use same barbell & adjust weight

For Time
10 Muscle-ups or 20 C2B Pull-ups
100 Air Squats
10 Muscle-ups or 20 C2B Pull-ups
100/75 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Today is the first day of the CAP (CrossFit Affiliate Programming). We will try to follow this for at least 2 weeks (even though I mentioned in email that we would do the entire month of Sept). Goal is 10-15 minutes on this WOD. Should be able to finish row in under 6 minutes. C2B sub = chin over bar or banded pu. Do not scale reps on this WOD! 

a) Weighted Plank – 1 Min on / 1 Min off x 5 Sets
b) Banded Tricep Extensions – 4×20-25

8/28/2021 – WOD

For Time w/ a Partner
400m Sled Drag 135/100#
30 Power Snatches 135/95#
30 Clean n Jerks 185/125#
160 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
30 Clean n Jerks 185/125#
30 Power Snatches 135/95#
400m Sled Drag 135/100#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 30 min. Try to use a run/walk strategy for the sled drag. You shouldn’t have to walk the entire thing, so try to run parts of it! PS & CnJ should be around 60% for each movement. Should feel moderately heavy to where you can do quick singles. Please load barbells accordingly to protect weights. I prefer a 15#+10# to load 95# on a mens bar now. If its raining, you will bike 100/80 cals with a partner instead of sled drag.

8/26/2021 – WOD

Snatch – 1 Rep every 30 Sec x 5 min (10 reps) @ 70-75%. Rest 2 minutes then 5×1 @ 80%+. Work up to a heavy single by the end.
—You can alternate between power/sq for the first 5 minutes

12 Min AMRAP
15/12 Cal Ski
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
8 Deadlifts 275/185# (60%)

WOD Notes: Goal is 5+ rds. You don’t have to stand up on the BJO. DL should be touch n go for at least 3-4 reps at a time and feel moderately heavy. 

a) BB Bicep Curls – 4×10
b) Lateral/Front/Reverse Raises – 3×12 each (slow eccentric)

8/25/2021 – WOD

Clean n jerk – 1 Rep every 30 Sec x 5 min (10 reps) @ 70-75%. Rest 2 minutes then 5×1 @ 80%+. Work up to a heavy single by the end.
—You can alternate between power/sq for the first 5 minutes

For Time
10 Bar Muscle-ups  or 15 C2B Pull-ups
20 (Thruster + Push Press) 115/75#
40/33 Cal Row
10 Bar Muscle-ups  or 15 C2B Pull-ups
40/33 Cal Row  
20 (Thruster + Push Press) 115/75#
10 Bar Muscle-ups  or 15 C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 18 min. C2B sub = chin over bar or banded pu. You should have to break up the barbell complex after 5 reps or so. The row will take the longest so try to relax and lower your HR each time you get on it.

a) GHD Sit-ups – 5×12 (3 sec eccentric each rep) or Weighted Sit-ups 5×20
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 (each arm)

8/24/2021 – WOD

a) Deadlift – Find a heavy 3RM, 2RM, 1RM (focus on 1RM the most)
b) DB Bench Press – 1×20, 1×15, 1×10, 2×5-8 Reps
—20 Min Clock to finish both a/b

16 RFT w/ a Partner
8 Double DB Hang Snatches 50/35#’s
10/8 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Each round should take no more than 1:15 so scale cals if necessary! It should be around a 60 sec on / 60 sec off work to rest ratio. You will do 1 full round while Partner B rests (8 rounds each). Reset monitor each round! You should be able to do 8 unbroken but feel challenging after the 4th-5th round.

a) 30 Sec Russian Twists + 30 Sec Hollow Rock (rest 1 min) : 6 Sets
b) Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×10 (heavy)

8/23/2021 – WOD

a) Back Squat – Find a heavy 3RM, 2RM, & 1RM
b) Ring Pull-ups – 5×8  (Sub Ring Rows)
—20 Min Clock to finish everything

10 Back Rack Lunges 155/105#  (RX+ = 185/125#)
15 Burpees (no jump)
60 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 11-15 min. Pick a challenging weight for 10 reps each rd of lunges. You don’t have to jump for burpees, but make sure to stand up all the way. DU sub = 30 DU, 100 singles, or 120ft versa. 

a) Weighted Plank – 8 Sets: 45 sec on / 45 sec off
b) Banded Lat Pull-down: 4×15-20 reps (heavy band)