Category Archives: WOD

7/7/2021 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 80%
b) Strict Pull-ups – 5×8-10 Reps (use band if necessary)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. 

5 Rounds (interval)
10 C2B PU or 20 DB Bent-over Rows (heavy)  (RX+ = 4-7 Muscle-ups)|
10 Front Rack Lunges (increase 10/5# each rd)
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
—rest 90 sec between rds

WOD Notes: If you can’t do kipping PU, you should do the 10R/10L Bent-over rows. FRL should be unbroken each set where you try to add weight each set if possible. 1st rd still shouldn’t feel super light. Try to push the bike! Each round should be under 2 minutes. 

a) 20 Sec Hollow Rocks + 20 Sec Hollow Hold x 8 Sets
—Rest 45 sec between
b) Reverse DB Flies – 4×15

7/6/2021 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×5 @ 75-80% (no touch n go)
b) DB Push Press – 5×8 (at least 10# heavier than SH press)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Try to go heavy since there’s more rest.

15 Min Clock – 10 Rounds
4 Dball Over Shoulder 125/80#
12/10 Cal Ski
*Then 30 Box Jump Overs 30/24″ or max reps in remaining time

WOD Notes: If you finish 30 BJO, your workout is over. Goal is to finish the 10 rounds in 14 min or less. That means you need to ski fast and have quick transitions. Dball/Bag should feel light to where you can grip & rip. You don’t have to reset monitors each rd.

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 sec on / 30 sec off
b) Barbell Bicep Curls + Skull Crushers – 4×12 (each)

7/5/2021 – WOD

Conditioning “2021 Rage 4th of July WOD”
Complete For Time w/ Partner
600m Run w/ Empty Barbell
10 Rounds
7 Double Dutch Burpees
4 Bear Complex 185/125#
*After 5th round, do a 250m BB Carry (w/ weight)
Then: 600m Run w/ Empty Barbell
Finish: 2021 Meter Row

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40 min. I tried to create a 4th of July Rep scheme and yes – we’re doing burpees again after Saturday & won’t the rest of the week! You will do 7 burpees each & 2 bear complex (each) per round. You should use around 60% of CnJ so it should feel moderately heavy. You will each do 2x500m sprints at the end of the WOD. 

7/3/2021 – WOD

For Time w/ a partner
200/160 Cal Assault Bike
100 Burpees over the Bar
*Partner Marches in place for 30 sec w/ Sandbag/ball 125/80#. Alternate between bearhug/shoulder.
100 T2B
100 Thrusters 95/65#  (RX+ = 115/75#)
100 Power Snatches 95/65#  (RX+ = 115/75#)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40 min. Yes – I know we already biked this week, but we’re limited with what we can do given the weather forecast tomorrow (and large classes). If for some reason, it’s nice out we will run 1 Mile instead of bike. This entire WOD is “you go, I go” and you will split everything in half. If for some reason your partner needs help, you can do more reps for them. Barbell weight should be light to where you can rep through 10 thrusters & 5-8 PS in a row unbroken. T2B sub = T2R, Knee ups, or weighted SU (behind head).

7/1/2021 – WOD

Clean – 5×5 (you must squat at least 1 one them)
—1 Set every 2:30. Must be touch n go

Conditioning “Time Cap 20 min”
For Time – Last Chance Qualifier WOD #4
100 double-unders
10 squat cleans, 135/95 lb.
5 legless rope climbs 15ft
80 double-unders
8 squat cleans, 185/135 lb.
4 legless rope climbs
60 double-unders
6 squat cleans, 225/155 lb.
3 legless rope climbs
40 double-unders
4 squat cleans, 245/175 lb.
2 legless rope climbs
20 double-unders
2 squat cleans, 275/185 lb.
1 legless rope climb

WOD Notes: DU sub = 50-75 DU, 150 singles, or 200ft versa. Sq cleans should be 45%/60%/75%/80%/90% by round. RC sub = climb with legs 12-15ft, 2x pulleys, or 4x ring rows. 

a) Glute Ham Raises – 5×10 (or lower yourself from the top slowly for 8 reps). Advanced = banded or weighted.
b) L-Sit Tapovers – 6×20 (advanced = lift feet over KB. Scale = Lift feet over a seam where 2 mats meet)

6/30/2021 – WOD

Hang Snatch – 5×5 (you may choose hang or low hang)
—One Set every 2:30. Try to hang on for all 5 reps

“Last Chance Qualifer WOD #1”
42-30-18 Reps of:
Cal Row
Hang DB Snatch (alternating) 50/35#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 15 since that’s the cap on the CrossFit Games Site. DB should feel light to where you can go unbroken each round. 

a) DB Bench Press – 6×8 (heavy)
b) GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups – 6×20
—superset a/b every 3 minutes

6/29/2021 – WOD

a) Jerk (from rack) – 5×5 @ 75%+
—Work up to a heavy single after if you feel strong.
b) Hollow Rock – 5×30-60 sec
—Superset a/b every 2:30 minutes

18 Min AMRAP w/ a Partner
20/15 Cal Assault Bike
10 Deadlift 315/205# (65%)
10 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 8 Muscle-ups)
40/30 Cal Assault Bike
20 Deadlift
20 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 16 Muscle-ups)
60/45 Cal Assault Bike
30 Deadlift
30 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 24 Muscle-ups)
80/60 Cal Assault Bike
40 Deadlift
40 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 32 Muscle-ups)
*Continue Pattern until 18 min is up

WOD Notes: Goal is to get to the 80/60 cal assault bike rd. Try to sprint the bike each time you get on it! You should be able to touch n go in sets of 3-5 reps even when fatigued. It shouldn’t feel crazy heavy, but not light either. C2B sub = chin over bar or banded pu. No scaling reps! 

a) Strict Pull-ups – 5×8-10
b) Glute/Ham Raises – 4×12 (sub: 6 negatives. Lower down slow)

6/28/2021 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then 1×8-12 Reps @ 75%
—Go for a max if you feel strong

250m Run
20 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
20/16 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 20. WB should be unbroken every rd if possible & feel challenging so go heavier than normal if you can. 

a) Weighted Plank – 6 Sets: 45 sec on / 45 sec off
b) One Arm High Pulls – 5×8 (control tempo down)

6/26/2021 – WOD

Conditioning (40 Min Cap)
Complete For Time w/ Partner
20 Double Dutch Burpees
2 (10 FR Lunges + 10 Push Press) 135/95#
40/35 Cal Row (5 Throws at WB Target when resting)
40 Double Dutch Burpees
4 (8 FR Lunges + 8 Push Press) 155/115#
60/50 Cal Row (5 Throws at WB Target when resting)
60 Double Dutch Burpees
6 (6 FR Lunges + 6 Push Press) 175/125#
80/65 Cal Row (5 Throws at WB Target when resting)
80 Double Dutch Burpees
8 (4 FR Lunges + 4 Push Press) 195/135#
100/80 Cal Row (5 Throws at WB Target when resting)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40. Increase weight on BB each rd. You should be able to do barbell unbroken each round but feel challenging. You may break up the work as needed. Game = Team with most hit targets gets a Fitaid & RX Bar. The distance thrown will increase each round. 

6/24/2021 – WOD

1 Clean n Jerk every min x 10 @ 70-90%+
—Work up to a heavy single. Go for PR if you feel good.

Complete For Time w/ Partner
Buy In: 200m Sled Drag 200/135#
5 Rounds
1 Rope Climb 20ft
10 DB Bench Press (heavy)
16 Power Cleans 185/125# (add 10# each rd)
Buy Out: 200m Sled Drag 200/135#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 25. Sled Drag should feel heavy but shouldn’t be a slow walk! Sled Drag is to the first parking lot entrance (there will be a line on the ground). When you get back from SD, Partner A will RC, while Partner B does 10 DB Bench. You will then switch. RC sub = 5-8 Strict PU (use band if necessary). You will then alternate back and forth with the power cleans. Start @ 65% & increase by round.

a) Glute Ham Raises – 4×15 (or lower yourself from the top slowly for 8 reps). Advanced = banded or weighted.
b) L-Sit Tapovers – 5×20 (advanced = lift feet over KB. Scale = Lift feet over a seam where 2 mats meet)