Monthly Archives: July 2016

7/21/2016 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 7 reps @ 80-90%

15 Min AMRAP
70 Double Unders
8 Ring Muscle-ups (sub: 15 C2B Pull-ups + 15 HR Push-ups)
14 DB Snatches (alternating) 80/50#
100 meter Front Rack Carry w/ DB

WOD Notes: TD = 3+ rounds. DU scale = 100 singles. For MU, you may also do 15 GI Janes instead. Front rack carry is to the “Marcor Sign” and back. Make sure to drive elbows up & keep the DB racked high on shoulders.

7/20/2016 – WOD

Clean (full) n Jerk – 5 reps @ 80-90%

For Time
1 Rope Climb 20ft
10 Clusters 135/95#
30/25 Cal Row
2 Rope Climb 20ft
15 Clusters 135/95#
40/35 Cal Row
3 Rope Climbs 20ft
20 Clusters 135/95#
50/45 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 17-25 minutes. Cluster = 55% of 1RM thruster. RC scale = climb to 15ft, 5 strict PU/RC, 7 ring rows/RC, or 1 lap sled pull/RC. This WOD will be a grueling mental test to stay on the barbell when you get to the 3rd round & push as hard as you can on the last 50 cal row!

7/19/2016 – WOD

Push Press – 4×7 (heavy)
—Start @ 80% for set 1. Go for a 7RM by the 2nd or 3rd set.

For Time:
2 Mile Sled Drag Relay w/ Partner 45/25#
—This will be the same format as the 5k row with partner from last week. Each person will do 4×400’s ALL OUT!

WOD Notes: TD = 14-24 minutes. The Sled drag will start from the middle garage door. Partner A will sprint with the sled to the 400m mark (while partner B does 25 hollow rocks) turnaround and tag partner B who must be waiting inside the gym. Whenever someone is resting they must do 25 hollow rocks, so when partner A is finished with sled drag, they must do 25 hollow rocks before partner b gets back. Each person will end up doing 100 hollow rocks total. Do your best to run the entire time with the sled since it should be light!

7/18/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×4 @ 80-85%

5 Rounds For Time
9 Deadlifts @ 65%
15 Bar Facing Burpees
21 Wall Balls 20/14#

WOD Notes: TD = 13-18 minutes. Reminder that the TD will get more difficult this week, so please don’t get discouraged if you find yourself outside the domain. It’s time for you guys to really earn these entries! Nano 6 entry requirements include: 1) use 65% of DL 2) jump over the bar for the burpees 3) Men throw 10ft/women throw 9ft for the wall balls (you may use any weight but please be honest with yourself).

Nano 6 Challenge Announcement: This Saturday July 23rd there will be (5) tickets that will be picked out of the Reebok Box at 10am. Out of those 5 tickets, 4 will be picked to move on. This process will continue until (1) ticket remains! This person will win the pair of NANO 6. The good news is that all (5) finalists will receive cool prizes. I hope this will give you an extra incentive to push even harder this week! 3.2.1…Rage!

Image result for reebok nano 6.0

7/16/2016 – WOD

For Time
Run 800m
20 Thrusters 115/75#
20 C2B Pull-ups
20 KB Swings 70/53#
10 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 5 Wall climbs or 20 burpees)
15 Thrusters
15 C2B Pull-ups
15 KB Swings
8 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 4 Wall climbs or 15 burpees)
10 Thrusters
10 C2B Pull-ups
10 KB Swings
6 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 3 Wall climbs or 10 burpees)
Run 800m

WOD Notes: TD = 17-30 minutes. Thrusters should be relatively light to where you can do them all unbroken. C2B scale = chin over bar or ring rows.

7/15/2016 – WOD

Front Squat – 4×7 @ 70-75%

5 Rounds (interval style)
90 Second Rounds of:
2 Laps Prowler Push (120ft) 345/200#
Amrap of Burpees
—Rest 3 minutes between rounds
***Score = total burpees each round.

WOD Notes: TD = 10-25 burpees/round. Usually Friday’s are open gym/make-up day, but this will be class based for today. Each round starts with 2 laps of prowler push, which should take between 20-30 seconds. You will do max burpees in the remaining time left in the 90 sec round. This is absolutely 100% ALL OUT (DO NOT HOLD BACK!). As soon as you’re finished the prowler push, drop down and do your burpees in the parking lot. Record burpees for each round.

7/14/2016 – WOD

Snatch – In 7 sets, work up to a heavy touch n go snatch
—Start @ 65%.

4 Rounds For Time
50 Double Unders
2 Squat Snatches (65%)
1 Rope Climb 20ft
2 Squat Snatches (65%)
100m One Arm Farmers Carry 53/35# KB

WOD Notes: TD = 12-20 minutes. DU scale = 80 singles. You may power snatch instead of sq snatch if mobility is limited, however you should go a little heavier. RC scale = 3 up/downs (keep legs straight, use arms), 1 lap sled pull with arms, or 10 ring rows. The farmers carry is to the “Marcor” Sign and back to rage. Carry the KB with left arm up and the right arm back (should be a fast walk/slow jog). Make sure to set up KB outside and leave them there throughout the WOD.

7/13/2016 – WOD

Clean: Full + Below Knee + Above Knee + Split Jerk – 5 sets
—Start @ 70% @ work up to a heavy complex. Squat all 3 cleans.

5 Rounds For Time
5 Clean n Jerk 205/135#
15 T2B
20 Wall Balls 20/14#

WOD Notes: TD = 10-19 minutes. CnJ = 70% of power clean n jerk max (should start to feel heavy by round 3). T2B scale = reduce reps to 10/round, 15 sit-ups, or 8 cal ski erg. Wall Balls (10ft) should be done in 1-2 sets every round with minimal rest.

7/12/2016 – WOD

a) Bench Press – 4×7 @ 75-80%
b) Pull-ups: Strict C2B or Chin – 4×8 (use a weight if necessary)
—You may do inverted rows with barbell or ring rows instead of pull-ups

Complete with a Partner for Time:
5k Row
—You must switch every 500m. Each partner will do 5x500m sprints!

WOD Notes: TD = 17-25 minutes. Each 500m MUST be a sprint or at least 95% effort, since you will have about 1:45-2:30 minutes of rest depending on your partner. You may partner up with anyone. Classes with odd numbers, will have one group of 3, which 2 people will row at once. Do not reset monitors after each 500m. Averaging a 2:30 pace will put you at 25 minutes, so you have to average less than that between you and your partner.