
7/18/2014 – WOD

EMOM For 10 Minutes
ODD = 5-7 Bench Press @ 70%
EVEN = 5-7 Strict Pull-ups

5 Push Press 165/105lb
10 T2B
2 Power Snatch 165/105lb
1 Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: Barbell should be 65% of 1RM Push Press. You should use same weight for push press and power snatch. Scaling for RC are 1 lap sled pull with arms only or 3 up/downs.


7/17/2014 – WOD

“Triple 3” – 2014 CrossFit Games
For time: (Time Cap: 45 min)
Row 3,000 meters
300 double-unders
Run 3 miles

WOD Notes: Scaling options are 2k row, 200 DU, Run 2 miles (I recommend majority of you to do this version). The other is option is a shorter version (15-20 min) 1k row, 100 DU, Run 1 mile. Scaling for 300 DU is 600 singles. Please come early to warm-up if you need extra time as we won’t take long to start this especially if we have to run 2 heats.




7/16/2014 – WOD

a) Clean – 12 Min to work up to a 1RM clean (full)
b) Front Squat – Work up to a 1RM, then 3×4 @ 85%+

Air Dyne: 12 Minutes (30 on @ 80%, 30 off @ 50%)
—Compare to 6/2/14

For Time
20 Hang Squat Cleans 185/115lb
50 Wall Balls 20/14lb
250m Sled Drag 90/45lb

WOD Notes: HSC is 60% of 1RM clean. You should be able to knock those out in 2-3 sets at the most. Try to finish wall balls in under 5 sets or under 3 minutes. Try to jog with sled the entire 250m as well.


7/15/2014 – WOD

EMOM For 8 Min (1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk)
—Start @ 85% of 1RM Push Press then work up to 90%

5 Rounds For Time
3 Wall Climbs
6 Power Cleans 205/125lb
10 Box Jumps 30/24″
—Rest 5 minutes
100 yard prowler push 300/200lb for time (Entire length of parking lot)

WOD Notes: PC weight is 70% of 1RM. Scaling for wall climbs are 3 Push Jerk with same weight as PC or 3 laps bear crawl.

7/14/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a 1RM, then do 3×4 @ 85%

“OPT Repeatability Test”
3 rounds, at 100% effort:
Row 250m
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs
Row 250m
—Rest 12 minutes between rounds.

WOD Notes: The goal of this WOD is to test your ability to recover after each round while giving 100% effort. The range of times from Round 1 to Round 3 is suggestive of your body’s ability to recover, regenerate ATP, disburse lactic acid, and return your body’s systems to a near normal state. You may rest 5-6 minutes between each round since time is limited. Make sure to record times for each round!


7/12/2014 – WOD

For Time
400m Run
10 Thrusters 185/115lb
20 T2B
30 Burpees
40 KB Swings 70/53lb
30 Burpees
20 T2B
10 Thrusters 185/115lb
400m Run

WOD Notes: Thruster weight should be heavy for 10 reps, but not quite a 10RM. You should have to break them up once

7/11/2014 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy 1RM, then 3×5 @ 75%

1 Mile Run for Time (Compare to 6/6/14)

6 Rounds
5 Bench Press @ 75%
5 Power Cleans @ 75%
1 Lap Prowler Push (Heavy)
—Rest as much as needed between rounds

WOD Notes: This is an anaerobic threshold WOD where each round should be 100% effort, especially the prowler push! Each round should be well under 90 seconds. We will do this workout “snake” style where 2 people will go out once, since there are 2 prowlers. Make sure to spread out enough so that you can do each round straight through without stopping. Don’t worry about recording times as well.

7/10/2014 – WOD

5 Rounds For Time
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
6 Strict C2B Pull-ups
***after last round Row 2k

Back Extensions 3×12 (weighted)

WOD Notes: Score is total time including the 2k row. However, I would like you to record your 2k row time as well. You may scale C2B to chin over bar. If you don’t have unassisted strict pull-ups, use a band that will challenge you for 6 reps, but you shouldn’t have to break them up.


7/9/2014 – WOD

a) Snatch Complex – 1 EMOM for 8 min (1 Sq Snatch + 1 Hang Sq Snatch + 1 OHS)
—Start @ 70% & work up to 80%
b) Front Squat – Work up to a 1RM, then 3×3 @ 85%+

Air Dyne: 10 Minutes (30 on @ 80%, 30 off @ 50%)

6 Alt DB Snatch 80/55lb
4 Ring Muscle-Ups
30 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Scaling for MU are 10 burpees each round. Scaling for DU are 75 singles.


7/8/2014 – WOD

Shoulder Press – 5×3
—All sets @ 85%+

5 Rounds For Time
10 SDLHP 135/95lb
1 Rope Climb 20ft
30ft Unbroken Handstand Walk (length of 5 mats)
Run 250m

Accumulate 3 minutes in GHD Sit-up Hold

WOD Notes: SDLHP = SumoDL High Pull. Scaling for RC are 3 up/downs or 1 lap sled pull with arms. Scaling for Handstand Walk are 3 wall climbs.
