Category Archives: WOD

2/22/2019 – WOD

Make-up/Skill Day!
Open WOD 19.1 has been announced.
15 Min AMRAP
19 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10/9ft Target
19 Cal Row
***Saturday – we will run heats every 20 minutes starting at 8:30am. Attached is a google spreadsheet where you can sign-up for a heat and if you want a target. If you can’t make it Saturday that is fine. You may do it Friday, Sunday, or Monday, but you must find a judge! Reminder: Week 1 Scoring Criteria: Team who raises more money for our Charity of choice! Good luck everyone and let’s have some fun!

19.1 Heat List

2/21/2019 – WOD

20 min to work on 1-2 skills of your choice
—Examples: Handstand Walks, Muscle-ups, T2B, Rope Climbs, etc.

14 Min Running Clock – Partner WOD
Partner A: 5 Sq Cleans (55%) + 10 T2B
Partner B: Row For Max Cals
—You will switch once partner A finishes 1 RD of (5 Sq clean + 10 T2B)

WOD Notes: Score = total cals. Do not reset monitors! Cleans can be singles or touch n go, but shouldn’t feel super heavy or light. Focus on moving well today (like always). Try to push the pace on the rower 90%+, but don’t go all out.

2/20/2019 – WOD

Push Press – Work up to a heavy single, then do 3×10 @ 70%

15 Min AMRAP
15/11 Cal Ski
8 DB Hang Cleans 70/45#
15 DB Bench Press 70/45#
15/12 Cal Assault (30/24 AD)

WOD Notes: Goal is to avg 3:30-4 min/rd. If you need to use different DB’s for the WOD that’s ok, but try to stick with one set of weights. Cleans and DB bench should be unbroken for most of the WOD.

a) GHD Sit-ups – 4×25 + 30 sec hold at parallel
b) Reverse GHD Sit-up Hold – Accumulate 3 minutes

2/19/2019 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 7×2 @ 70-90% (one set every 90 secs)
—Try to do the 2 reps in under 20 secs. 

For Time
25 Deadlifts 225/155# (45%)
15 Strict Pull-ups
100 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts 275/185# (55%)
12 Strict Pull-ups
80 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts 315/205# (65%)
9 Strict Pull-ups
60 Double Unders

WOD Notes: DL should be touch n go for the majority of the reps (only if you can maintain a good position). Strict PU scale = banded strict pu or ring rows (start under with knees bent to simulate Pull-up). DU scale = 2x DU or 50/40/30 DU by round.

Ring AB Roll outs – 5×15
—just like a barbell ab rollout, but use the low rings & pause when hips rise. Rest 90 sec between.

2/18/2019 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 4×6 (each leg – heavier than 2 wks ago)
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (each arm)
—Superset a/b. Split squats should feel challenging for 6 reps but not a max.

Conditioning (12 Min Running Clock)
For Time – Open WOD 18.2/18.2A
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps of:
Dumbbell Squats (2 x 50/35 #)
Bar Facing Burpees
Then, “18.2 A”
1 Rep Max Clean

WOD Notes: Compare score to last year. Make sure your bar is preloaded before the WOD starts.

Weighted Plank – 5 sets: 60 sec on / 60 sec off (heavier than last wk)

2/16/2019 – WOD

3 RFT (with a partner)
20 (Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch) 135/95#
60 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
80/60 Cal Row

WOD Notes: RX+ = 155/105#, INT = 115/75#, 20/14# WB, SC = 65-85#/35-65#, 14/10# WB. One partner works at a time for the entire WOD. Alternate rep for rep on the BB complex. Id recommend sets of 10-15 on the WB. The row is meant to be fast since there’s built in rest. You should be able to hold a fast pace each round.

We will be having teams this year for the 2019 CF Open! It will be Boys against Girls! If you signed up for a shirt you are automatically participating. If you didn’t sign-up for a shirt, but still want to participate please let me know by Monday!! Scoring will be different each week and will be fun this year! We will do the Open WOD’s every Saturday for the next 5 weeks. You will need to sign-up for a heat each week and you’ll be responsible for warming up on your own!

2/14/2019 – Valentines Day WOD

Snatch – 1 Rep every minute for 12 minutes (12 lifts).
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy single. Rest more if needed by the end

Conditioning (16 min cap)
10 RFT
5 Thrusters 115/75#
7 C2B Pull-ups
30 Double Unders

WOD Notes: RX+ = 135/95#, INT = 95/65# + 7 PU + 20 DU , SC = 75/45# + 5 PU + 50 singles. Try to avg 90 sec/rd or under (15 min pace). You may use a band for PU if you can’t do an unassisted PU.

Reverse GHD Sit-up Hold (face down) – Accumulate 3 min (advanced – hold weight on stomach)

2/13/2019 – WOD

a) DB Bench Press – 4×12 (heavy)
b) BB Bentover Rows (supinated grip) – 4×12 (heavy)
—Superset a/b

Conditioning (14 Min Cap)
For Time
30/23 Cal Ski
20 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
40 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
20 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
30/23 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: DB should feel fairly light to where you can muscle snatch all the reps & also touch n go them in 1-2 sets. DO NOT Drop from Overhead! Choose a lower box for bbjo if you can’t consistently move the entire time! You’re goal is to get under the 14 min cap!

GHD Sit-ups – 4×20 + 30 sec hold at parallel

2/12/2019 – WOD

Jerk (from rack) – 15 Min to work up to a heavy single, then 1 set max reps @ 75%

2 Min AMRAP x 5 (with a partner)
50ft Handstand Walk or 10 HSPU
6 Power Cleans @ 75%
Max Cal Bike
—rest 2 minutes between rds

WOD Notes: You should be getting 45-60 sec on the bike each round. HS Walk = 2x25ft. HSPU = level (make it a deficit if that’s too easy). INT = 3 Wall Climbs. SC = 10 Pike Push-ups. PC should feel on the heavier side to where you do singles & should take around 30-35 seconds. Partner B will start 2 min later.

Ring AB Roll outs – 5×12
—just like a barbell ab rollout, but use the low rings. Rest 90 sec between.