Monthly Archives: May 2013

5/31/2013 – WOD

A) 2x Max Laps Farmers Carry (Pull-up Rig to End of Mats before Rowers) 70/53lb KB
B) Rope Climb Practice

15 Min AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs 20/15′
500m Row
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb

WOD Notes: The purpose of doing a max effort Farmers Carry is to test your grip strength and it will also force you to keep your midline tight. Scaling for rope climbs are 6 up/downs or 15 Burpees.


Wall Sit challenge!

5/30/2013 – WOD

Snatch – 2 EMOM for 8 Minutes (80% of 1RM)

3 Rounds For Time
8 Power Snatch 135/95lb (65% of 1RM)
12 Handstand Push-ups (4/2″ Deficit)
400m Run

WOD Notes: You may go work up to a 1RM Snatch instead of doing the EMOM, if you haven’t re-tested it in awhile. Squat is preferred for those who have mobility in the bottom of the Overhead Squat. Scaling for handstand push-ups are 10 Push Presses with the same BB as the snatches. The new 400m Run starts by running down to the end of the parking lot first before running up the street.


Laura L. – Handstand Hold

5/29/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 5×3 (85% of 1RM)

5 Rounds (Each Round is ALL OUT!)
30 Double Unders
12 KB Swings 88/53lb
15 Burpees
—Rest 90 seconds between rounds

WOD Notes: This is an anaerobic threshold style workout where each round is an all out effort! Do not hold back and save energy for the other rounds. Score is your total time minus 6 minutes of rest. Scaling for double unders is 90 singles.

Nice job in the hot weather. It’s only going to get worse this week!

Happy Birthday Stacey T!

5/28/2013 – WOD

15 Min to Find a 1RM Clean n Jerk

“Grace” (Compare to 7/3/2012)
30 Clean n Jerk For Time 135/95lb

4×25 Weighted Ab Mat Sit-ups 50/25lb

WOD Notes: This WOD is designed to be a short sprint, so pick a weight that will allow you to do at least 12 reps unbroken and finish under 7 minutes. The best games athletes can do this WOD in a little over a minute.

Announcement: CFRage raised $657 at the One Year Anniversary Celebration, in which half will be donated to CrossFit for Hope. Thanks again to all who participated!


5/27/2013 – Memorial Day WOD

***9am & 10am classes only. Open gym is 11-2pm

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

—In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

WOD Notes: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it. Please arrive early for warm-up as this WOD will be lengthy! If you plan on doing a full “murph” it should take about an hour or less. You may scale this WOD by doing half of the reps of all the movements.

Great work today everyone!

I’m going to Rage all over this WOD face!! Tim’s face says it all!

Happy faces!

5/25/2013 – WOD

4 Rounds “Gripper”
6 Hang Power Clean 185/125lb (65% of 1RM)
12 Toes To Bar
4 Rounds “Lungs”
15 Burpees
15 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/35lb Plate
1 Mile Run

WOD Notes: This entire WOD is to be done all together with no rest in between couplets. If the weather isn’t nice, substitute a 1600m Row instead of mile run.


Jen working on pull-ups

5/24/2013 – WOD

***Memorial Day 5/27 – We will follow a Saturday class schedule. 9am & 10am classes with open gym from 11-2pm

Snatch – 2 EMOM for 10 Minutes & 80% of your 1RM *Squat is preferred, but you may do power

3 Rounds For Total Reps (1 min at each station w/ no rest between stations)
GI Janes
Tire Flips
Farmer’s Carry 70/53lb (mat to mat)
Row (calories)
—Rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD Notes: If you can’t do an unassisted pull-up, try to get up as high as you can each GI Jane after doing a burpee under pull-up bar. You may do tire flips with a partner if it’s too heavy. There is no transition time between movements, so do your best to move quickly after each minute. Keep a running total of reps for each round.


Julie doing GI Janes!

5/23/2013 – WOD

Front Squat 4×3 (85-90% of 1RM)

12 Min AMRAP
1 Rope Climb 20/15′
6 Front Squats 185/115lb
30 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Front Squat weight should be 60% of your 1RM. Scaling for rope climbs is 12 Ring Rows or 4 up/downs. Scaling for double unders are 90 singles.


5/22/2013 – WOD

Clean — 2 cleans EMOM for 10 Minutes @ (heavier than last week) *Squat is preferred, but you may choose power

15 Deadlifts 245/165lb (45-50% of 1RM)
Run 400m
12 Deadlifts 245/165lb
Run 400m
9 Deadlifts 245/165lb
Run 400m
6 Deadlifts 245/165lb
Run 400m

3x Max Effort Static Holds (L-sit, GHD, Weighted Plank, Banded Oblique – resist rotation)

WOD Notes: The deadlift weight is light, since this WOD is designed to be short & quick (8-12 min time domain). You may touch and go the deadlifts or drop each one. Make sure you setup in proper position before each pull.

Nice job in the Heat everyone!

Rick running hard

5/21/2013 – WOD

Shoulder Press 5×3 (85-90% of 1RM)

Conditioning (Compare to 1/2/2013)
3 Rounds for Time
8 Burpee over Box 24/20″
8 Push Press 165/105lb (65-70% of 1RM)
Row 750m (All Out!)
—Rest 5 min then repeat

WOD Notes: Each round in this workout is all out! The Row is included in the times for each round. Record times for each round. Don’t save your energy for the 2nd Round. The goal is to be within 45 seconds of your first round. Racks will not be allowed for push presses.
