Monthly Archives: September 2016

9/10/2016 – WOD

2 Rounds For Time
10 (1 pwr snatch + 2 ohs) 145/100#
20 Box Jumps 30/24″
30 KB Swings 70/53#
40 Burpees
800m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 20-30 minutes. Use about 50% of your ohs. If you can’t get depth on the ohs, you can do 10 power snatches in a row + 20 front squats. Box Jumps should be a little higher than normal. 

Reminder: Rage will be open today at 8am for open gym. Please try to clean up before the 9am class!

9/9/2016 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to a heavy single (95%), then do 1×7 @ 82% & 2×7 @ 70%
—Use a little heavier than last week for the 1×7. The 2×7 sets should feel light

Make-up/Skill Day!

Reminder: Rage will be open at 8am again on Saturday, with a normal schedule.

9/8/2016 – WOD

Full Snatch + Hang Snatch
—2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%

4 Rounds For Time
8 Reverse Front Rack Lunges @ (60% of Front Squat)
15 C2B Pull-ups
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 11-17 minutes. Lunge weight should feel heavy for 8 reps, which you should be able to do all 8 steps without dropping bar. C2B Scale = 10/round or you can do chin over bar. You should be able to hold roughly the same pace each round, which the last run should be the fastest!

9/7/2016 – WOD

Full Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
—6 sets. Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy complex.

5 Rounds For Time
15 T2B
12 Thrusters 115/75#
9 Deficit HSPU 6″

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 minutes. T2B scale = less reps on T2B (10/round), 15 knee above hips (if you can’t do any t2b), or 8 cal ski erg. Thrusters should be unbroken every round, which the 4th and 5th round should feel difficult. Deficit HSPU = 3 45# plates on each side of abmat. Scale the # of plates to keep intensity if you can’t knock out 9 HSPU in under 60 sec. Kipping is allowed for once! HSPU scale = 3 wall climbs, 9 HR Push-ups, or 9 burpees.

9/6/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single (95%), then do 1×7 @ 82% & 2×7 @ 70%
—Use a little heavier than last week for the 1×7. The 2×7 sets should feel light.

100 Bar Facing Burpees For Time
***Top of every minute you must do 4 deadlifts @ 62%

WOD Notes: TD = 8-15 minutes. The WOD starts with 4 deadlifts! You must jump & land over the bar on 2 feet if you want the WOD to be RX’d. If you have a hard time jumping over bar pick a seam where 2 mats meet & jump over that. Work on setting up properly before each DL.

9/5/2016 – Labor Day Partner WOD

For Time (with a partner)
1 Mile Run with 30/20# ball
60 Clean n Jerks 185/125#
150 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10ft target
2k Row (partner must do 5-8 strict c2b pull-ups + 20 hollow rocks)

WOD Notes: TD = 25-35 minutes. You will have one ball between you & your partner. You may switch as many times as you’d like, but you must run together. I’d recommend the better runner to carry the ball longer. Cnj weight should be around 60%. Wall Balls you must switch every 10 reps (last set should be 5 each). The 2k row must be broken up into 4×500’s, which they should be all out! The partner that is resting must do 5-8 strict c2b pull-ups or 10 ring rows + 20 hollow rocks while the other partner rows. You will end up just doing 2 sets of this.

9/3/2016 – WOD

Buy In: 200m Sled Drag 90/45#
1-10 Reps of:
Thrusters 115/75#
C2B Pull-ups
KB Swings 70/53#
Buy-Out: 200m Sled Drag 90/45#

WOD Notes: TD = 13-20 minutes. The WOD starts and ends with the 200m sled drag (up to the next parking lot entrance curb & back to rage). You will do 1 thruster, 1 PU, 1 KB swing. Add 1 rep each round until you finish the round of 10. As soon as you finish 10th KB swing, go right into sled drag to finish. You may scale C2B to chin over bar. Thrusters & swings should be unbroken. Heats will stagger 3 minutes in larger classes.

***Rage will open at 8am again today for open gym. Please try to clean up before the 9am class if you choose to come at 8am.

Announcement: Labor Day Hours: 9am & 10am classes only. Open gym 11-1pm.

9/1/2016 – WOD

Power Snatch + Full Snatch – 5 sets
—Start @ 85% of PS & work up to a heavy complex. You may drop bar between reps.

For Time
100 Double Unders
30 GI Janes
15 Power Snatches @ 75%
30 GI Janes
100 Double Unders

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 minutes. Try to use a pull-up bar that is above your reach for the GI Janes. Scaling option for GI Janes = 3 sets (10 burpees + 10 ring rows). Snatches should all be singles, since the weight should feel relatively heavy in the middle of the WOD. DU scale = 200 singles.