Author Archives: jordy

7/16/2015 – WOD

a) Bench Press – Work up to a heavy single, then do 3xME Reps @ 70%
b) Strict C2B Pull-ups – 4×6 (heavier than last week or use lighter band)

For Time
200m Sled Drag 135/85#
21 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
25 T2B
250m Sled Drag 90/60#
15 DB Snatches 80/50#
20 T2B
400m Sled Drag 45/35#
9 DB Snatches 100/60#
15 T2B

WOD Notes: TD = 15-21 minutes. You must step foot inside Rage after each sled drag before you stop. When you take plates off after each round, do not drop them outside (drop them inside!) Notice the weights get heavier on the DB snatches each round. Scaling for T2B = 30/20/10 of hanging knee above hips or sit-ups. Please no dropping DB during the snatches! 

7/15/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 1 EMOM for 10 minutes @ 90%
—If you feel strong, go for a PR

20 Min AMRAP
50 Cal Row
75 Wall Balls 20/14#
15 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 30 GI Janes)
***If you signed up for Cult Athletics, do only 12 Min AMRAP

WOD Notes: Novice should shoot between 1-2 rounds. Advanced/Elite should be 2+ Rounds.   

Mike – Congrats on 135# snatch PR


7/14/2015 – WOD

BB Complex – 5x (sq clean + hang sq clean + push jerk + split jerk) @ 80%+

For Time
6 Clean n Jerk 225/155#
60 Double Unders
9 Clean n Jerk 205/135#
60 Double Unders
12 Clean n Jerk 185/115#
60 Double Unders
—Rest 3 minutes
50 Cal Air Dyne For Time

WOD Notes: TD = 6-11 Minutes & 90 sec-3 minutes for AD. Make sure to have weights ready for quick transitions (70%, 65%, 60% by round). DU scaling = 120 singles or 30 DU.  

7/13/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×2 @ 90% + 1 set ME @ 75% (aim for 10+ reps)

5 Rounds For Time
6 Overhead Squats 155/100#
1 Rope Climb 20ft
12 Bar Facing Burpees

6×45 sec Weighted Plank (heavy)

WOD Notes: TD = 8-14 minutes. OHS weight should be around 60% of 1RM. If mobility is limited in the bottom of OHS, you may do front squats instead at 60% of FS 1RM. Jump & land on 2 feet for the bar facing burpees. Scaling for RC = climb to 15ft or 1 lap sled pull with arms.  

7/11/2015 – WOD

Complete with a partner for time:
100 Thrusters 135/95#
1 Mile Run
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″ (partner must do 4 strict C2B pull-ups every 10 reps)

WOD Notes: I’d recommend alternating every 5 reps for the thrusters. You may set up 2 weights if strength levels are different, but only one partner works at a time. You don’t have to run with your partner. The first partner may start on Burpee box jump overs when they return from run. You may scale C2B to chin over bar.

Reminder: Mobility Clinic is tomorrow July 11th from 11:30am-1pm. There are still spots available! Cost is $20 for members & $30 for non-members.

7/10/2015 – WOD

a) Front Squat – 6×3 @ 87%
b) Romanian Deadlifts – 4×6 @65-70% of 1RM DL

Make-Up/Skill Day! The Romanian DL are a great exercise to strengthen low back/hamstrings/glutes. If you are weak in those areas, make sure to do these.

Reminder: Mobility Clinic is this Saturday July 11th from 11:30am-1pm. There are still spots available! Cost is $20 for members & $30 for non-members.  

7/9/2015 – WOD

a) Bench Press – 5×3 (tempo) @ 80%
—5 sec count down, then drive up fast
b) Strict C2B Pull-ups – 4×8 (weighted for advanced)

10 KB Swings 70/53#
10 HR Push-ups
10 T2B
—Rest 3 minutes
5 Push Jerk 185/115#
10 C2B Pull-ups
—Rest 2 minutes
3 Min AMRAP Row For Calories

WOD Notes: Try to get 4+ rounds on both WOD’s & 50-75 cal for men 35-50 cal for women. Scaling for T2B are hanging knees above hips or 10 sit-ups. You may scale C2B to chin over bar. Jerk weight is 62% of 1RM push jerk.

Reminder: Mobility Clinic is this Saturday July 11th from 11:30am-1pm. There are still spots available! Cost is $20 for members & $30 for non-members.  

7/8/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 7x (1 Halt Snatch + 1 Full Snatch) @ 70-85%
—You may drop bar in between reps. For the halt snatch, DL to the knee (hold for a sec), then snatch. 

5 Rounds For Time
40 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
6 Squat Snatch 155/100#

WOD Notes: TD = 11-16 minutes. Scaling for DU = 80 singles. WB height is 10ft for Rx. Sq Snatch weight should be around 65% of 1RM. You may do Power snatches if mobility is limited in the bottom of OHS. 

7/7/2015 – WOD

BB Complex – 5x (1 full clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk)
—all 5 sets should be @ 80%+. Work up to a heavy complex

For Time
15 Power Clean (70%)
20 Strict HSPU (3″ deficit/level)
400m Sled Drag 100/60#
20 Strict HSPU
15 Power Clean

Tabata Hollow Rocks

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 minutes. Scaling for HSPU = 20 kipping HSPU or 10 Strict. You may also do 20 DB Push Presses (should take at least 2-3 sets) if you haven’t done HSPU in a WOD yet. Men will put a 100# plate on sled. Women will put a 45# + 15# plate on the sled. 

7/6/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×3 @ 87%

1.a) 50 Cal Row For Time
—Rest 2 minutes
1.b) 25 Lateral Burpees Over Bar For Time
—Rest 2 minutes
2.a) 50 Cal Row For Time
—Rest 2 minutes
2.b) 25 Lateral Burpees Over Bar For Time
—Rest 2 minutes
3) For Time: 50 Cal Row + 25 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
—no rest between row/burpees

WOD Notes: TD = 1:30-3:00 For Row / 45 sec-90 sec for burpees / 3-4 minutes for part 3. For round #2, try to stay within 20 seconds of your first round for both the row/burpees. Round #3 is no rest between the 2 movements. You will record 5 separate times. Do your best to go 100% ALL OUT for each segment! Keep in mind, rowing for calories will favor the larger/taller athlete & burpees favors smaller/shorter athletes.  Dan H getting his heavy squats in!