Author Archives: jordy

6/23/2015 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 15 Min To Work up to a heavy double
—6 sets total. Start @ 80% & work up to a heavy double. Don’t touch n go.

For Time
40 KB Swings 70/53#
20 HSPU (5″/2″ Deficit)
1200m Row
40 KB Swings

3×60 sec – Weighted Plank

WOD Notes: TD = 11-16 minutes. HSPU deficit = (2) 45’s + (1) 25 surrounding an abmat for men & (1) 45 + (1) 25 for women. Scale deficit if you won’t be able to knock out each set of 20 in less than 2 minutes. You may also do 20 DB Push Press instead of HSPU.  

6/22/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 85%

10 Minute AMRAP – “Granite Games Qualifer WOD #1”
5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105#
7 Bar Facing Burpees
—Rest 5 minutes
250m Sled Drag For Time 100/45#

WOD Notes: TD = 7+ Rounds. Record total reps (each round = 12 reps). HSC weight should be around 55% of 1RM full clean. You must jump off 2 feet and land on 2 feet for the bar facing burpees. Goal is to walk very fast or run the entire time for the sled drag.  

6/20/2015 – WOD

20 Min AMRAP
6 power clean 165/105#
6 front squat 165/105#
6 front rack lunges 165/105#
1 Rope climb 20ft
40 Double Unders
Run 250m

WOD Notes: TD = 4-5 Rounds. Same weight should be used for all 3 BB movements. Use around 50% of front squat. Scaling for RC = 1 lap sled pull with arms or 7 Strict Pull-ups. Scaling for DU = 100 singles.

Reminder: Snatch Clinic is today from 11:30-1pm. There are spots are still open. Please try to come to the 9am or 10am class. If you come to open gym, please try to stay outside while the clinic is going on. 

6/19/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 4×6 @ 80% + 1 rep (15 sec pause) @ 75%

Make-up/Skill Day! If you didn’t miss a day this week, I’d recommend using some odd objects (tire flips, prowler push, farmers carry, ski erg, etc.)

Reminder: Snatch Clinic is tomorrow from 11:30am-1pm. Cost is $20. I highly recommend it to those who missed the first time through. You will go through a series of drills using light weights & will get individual attention.

6/18/2015 – WOD

EMOM For 10 Minutes
ODD = Bench Press – 5×5 @ 75%
EVEN = Deadlift – 5×3 @ 80%
—If you can’t stay on pace for the EMOM that’s fine, just make sure you set-up properly for each DL. Try to partner up with someone who is similar in strength. so that your not constantly changing weights. 

2 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
3 T2B
4 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
6 T2B
6 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
9 T2B
8 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
12 T2B
10 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/45#
15 T2B
***Once you finish 15 T2B, start over with 2 DB Snatch/3 T2B. Score = total reps

WOD Notes: TD = 1-2 Rounds. DB Snatches are supposed to be light, so use weight accordingly. Scaling for T2B = hanging leg raises (knees above hip crease).

Reminder: Snatch Clinic is this Saturday from 11:30am-1pm. Cost is $20. I highly recommend it to those who missed the first time through. You will go through a series of drills using light weights & will get individual attention.  

6/17/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 2 EMOM for 8 Minutes
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy double

For Time
7 Power Snatches (77%)
100 Wall Balls 20/14#
7 Power Snatches
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
7 Power Snatches
1 Mile Run

WOD Notes: TD = 18-25 minutes. Power Snatches should somewhat heavy, but you should be able to maintain technique. Be sure to pace yourself throughout the WOD & maintain a pace you can hold for 20+ minutes. 

6/16/2015 – WOD

Clean Complex – 6x (1 above knee + 1 below knee + 1 ground + 1 Jerk)
—All sets between 75-85% of CnJ. Squat all 3 reps.

5 Rounds (interval style)
1 Round of “DT” 155/105#
3 Wall Climbs
20 Cal Row
—Rest 90 sec between rounds

WOD Notes: 1 rd of DT = 12 DL + 9 Hang Power Clean + 6 Push Jerks. Each round is 95%+ effort! Rx for WC = nose to the wall. You may scale them by climbing as high as you feel comfortable (or 10 burpees), but try to walk hands back out to the push-up position. Subtract 6 minutes from your total time.  

6/15/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 4×6 @ 80% + 1 rep (15 sec pause) @ 75%

5 Rounds For Time
10 Thrusters 115/75#
10 C2B Pull-ups
10 KB Swings 70/53#

WOD Notes: TD = 8-14 minutes. Thruster weight is relatively light (should be able to do at least 2 rounds unbroken). You may scale C2B to chin over bar. 

6/13/2015 – WOD

WOD #1 – 7 Min Amrap
Run 800m
Amrap of Wall Balls 20/14#
—Rest 3 minutes
WOD #2 – 7 Min Amrap
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Amrap T2B
—Rest 3 minutes
WOD #3 – 7 Min Amrap
30 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
Amrap Row (calories)

WOD Notes: Score for each WOD is total reps of WB, T2B, & Calories on the rower (record 3 separate scores). Goal for the wall balls is 50-100 reps. Goal for T2B is 25-50 reps. Goal for Calories on the rower is 50-100.

Reminder: Mobility Clinic is today from 11:30am-1pm. If you did not sign-up for the clinic but plan on coming to open gym, please be considerate & workout with the classes (9 or 10am) or workout in the parking lot while the clinic is going on. Thanks everyone!

6/12/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 4×8 @ 70-75%

Make-Up/Skill Day!

Reminder: Mobility Clinic is this Saturday from 11:30am-1pm. If you did not sign-up for the clinic but plan on coming to open gym, please be considerate & workout with the classes (9 or 10am) or workout in the parking lot while the clinic is going on.