
9/26/2013 – WOD

Floor Press 5×3
—Start at 75% and work up to a heavy 3RM

12 Min AMRAP
10 Ring Dips
10 Toes To Bar
25 Double Unders
*Top of every minute 1 Squat Clean 235/155lb  (78%)

WOD Notes: Scaling for ring dips are parallette or HR Push-ups. Scaling for T2B are hanging knee raises. Scaling for double unders are 12 double unders or 60 singles. The WOD starts with the 1 squat clean.

Reminder: Friday Sept 27th there will only be a 5:30am & 5pm class. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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9/25/2013 – WOD

Sumo Deadlift 7×2
—Start at 75% & work up to a heavy 2RM

5 Rounds For Total Working Time
15 Unbroken KB Swings 88/53lb
300m Row Sprint
—Rest 90 sec between rounds

3×12 Glute/Ham Raises

WOD Notes: This is an interval style (anaerobic threshold) WOD where each round must be all out! Do not hold back & save energy for the last round.

Announcement: Friday Sept 27th there will only be a 5:30am & 5pm class. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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9/24/2013 – WOD

Split Jerk – Work up to 90%, then do 5×1
—Work on speed under the bar. Rest 90 sec betweeen sets

6 Rounds For Time
1 Rope Climb 20′
6 Push Jerk 185/115lb
Run 250m

WOD Notes: Weight should be between 65-70% of 1RM Jerk. Scaling for rope climbs are 10 ring rows, 1 sled pull 60′, or 10 burpees.

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9/23/2013 – WOD

Front Squat – 1×5 (70%), 1×3 (80%), 1×2 (85%), 4×1 (95-100%), 2×3 (90%)

8 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Front Squats 155/105lb
3 GI Janes
6 Front Squats 155/105lb
6 GI Janes
9 Front Squats 155/105lb
9 GI Janes
12 Front Squats 155/105lb
12 GI Janes
*Climb ladder for the remainder of 8 min. Score = total reps

Tabata weighted plank. May use rings if available.

WOD Notes: Front squat weight is about 50% of 1RM. Pull-up bar height should be a few inches above your reach. You may jump right into the pullup (faster) or swing & kip to complete each rep. Approach this workout as a controlled sprint. No racks will be allowed for the WOD.

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9/21/2013 – WOD

Run 800m
25 Pull-ups
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
Run 800m
20 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
Run 400m
15 Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls 20/14lb
Run 400m
10 Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls 20/14lb
Run 250m
5 Pull-ups
5 Wall Balls 20/14lb

WOD Notes: Rx’d heights for the wall balls are 10′ (black line) for everyone. Elite = 15-18min. Advanced = 18-21 min. 21 min+ = Intermediate. Open Gym on Sunday from 1-4pm.

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9/20/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 6×2 (90%)

30 Tire Flips For Time
—Rest 5 minutes
30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ For Time
—Rest 5 minutes
1 Mile Air Dyne For Time

WOD Notes: You may scale tire flips to 20 reps if doing it individually. Make sure to go all out for each test, since there is built in rest time.

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9/19/2013 – WOD

Snatch – 5x (1 high hang + 1 below the knee + 1 full snatch) @ 70%
—Squat is preferred. You may drop after the 2nd rep & reset

5 Rounds For Time
5 Squat Snatch 135/95lb
1 Rope Climb 20′
—Rest 5 minutes
250m Sled Drag For Time 90/45lb

WOD Notes: Use 60% of your 1RM Squat Snatch. This highly technical WOD is designed to be short and quick (5-7 minutes), however I want you to focus more on your snatch technique as you go through this, especially if you are a beginner.  Scaling for squat snatch is a power snatch + OHS or just a power snatch w/o the OHS. Scaling for Rope Climbs are 10 burpees/1 rope climb or 1 lap sled pull with arms only.

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9/18/2013 – WOD

Bench Press 6×2
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy set of 2 reps

Row 1k
20 Toes To Bar
30 Clapping Push-ups
60 KB Swings 70/53lb
30 HR Deficit Push-ups (3″/2″)
20 Knees To Elbow
Row 1k

WOD Notes: Scaling for T2B are hanging leg raises. Scaling for clapping push-ups are elevated push-ups on a box. Make sure that you lock out arms completely before clapping hands together. HR Push-ups Rx’d for men are hands on 45lb plates & 25 plates for women.

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Jeff L. doing T2B!

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kyleigh locking out bench press!

9/17/2013 – WOD

Hang Power Clean – 12 min to work up to a heavy 1RM

4 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlifts 275/175lb
50 Double Unders
Run 400m

3×12 GHD glute ham raises or weighted hip extensions

WOD Notes: Weight for the deadlifts should be 60% of 1RM. Scaling for double unders are 125 singles or 25 double unders.

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Rachel locking out the Deadlift

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Patrick doing double unders

9/16/2013 – WOD

Thruster – 1×5, (70%), 1×3 (80%), 1×2 (85%), 4×1 (95-100%)
—Work up to a heavy 1RM

75 Thrusters 135/95lb
***4 Burpees @ top of every minute

3x ME L-Sit, GHD Hold, or Ring Plank
—Rest 90 seconds between

WOD Notes: Weight used for the WOD should be about 55% of 1RM thruster. Time domain for this WOD is 10-15 min, so make sure weight isn’t too light or too heavy.

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