
8/29/2013 – WOD

a) 3x ME Strict Pull-ups (8-10 Reps)
b) 3x ME Shoulder Press (8-10 Reps @ 75%)
—Rest 1 min between movements. Alternate between pull-ups & presses.

7 Min AMRAP Ladder
2 Pull-ups
2 Push Jerk 135/95lb
4 Pull-ups
4 Push Jerk 135/95lb
6 Pull-ups
6 Push Jerk 135/95lb
8 Pull-ups
8 Push Jerk 135/95lb
*Keep climbing the ladder until 7 minutes is up. Score = Total Reps
—Rest 3 minutes
3 Min AMRAP of KB Swings 70/53lb

WOD Notes: Weight for the push jerk should be about 50% of 1RM Push Jerk or 45% of Split Jerk. Standard for pull-ups is chin over bar, but Rx’d+ is Chest to Bar

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Laura 35lb KB Swings!

Laura 35lb KB Swings!

8/28/2013 – WOD

Banded Deadlifts – 12×2 @ 55-60% (use green or blue bands)
—Do 1 set each min & focus on moving weight quickly with proper technique

6 Rounds For Total Working Time
5 Squat Clean 205/125lb  (70%)
Row 300m
—Rest 90 seconds between rounds

3×12 Weighted Back/Hip Extensions

WOD Notes: This is an interval style WOD where each round must be all out, since there is built in rest within the workout. Do your best to sprint the rows each round & don’t conserve energy. Score = total time minus 7.5 minutes of rest.

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8/27/2013 – WOD

Bench Press – Work up to a heavy 1RM, then do 3 sets of Max Effort Reps @ 75%

Buy In: 50 Burpees
5 Rounds
1 Rope Climb 20′
40 Double Unders
Buy Out: 50 Burpees

Accumulate 2 Minutes in a Ring L-Sit, Ring Plank Hold, GHD Hold, or 6 inches (choose one)

WOD Notes: Make sure to open hips all the way on the burpees & stand tall when leaving the ground. Scaling for rope climbs are 15′ rope climbs, 5 up/downs or 1 lap of a sled pull.

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Jenny Holding L-Sit with Knees Bent
Jenny Holding Modified L-Sit

Henry Holding L-Sit
Henry looking good on the L-Sit

8/26/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 6×2 (90%)

Overhead Squat 135/95lb
Toes To Bar
400m Run
—Rest 5 minutes
2 Min AMRAP of Tire Flips

WOD Notes: Weight for overhead squat should be about 50% of your 1RM. Beginners will go light & focus on technique. Scaling for Toes to Bar are hanging knee Raises or weighted leg raises.

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The deadline for donating school supplies is August 31st!

8/24/2013 – WOD

Partner WOD – “End Of Summer”
400m Barbell Run 95/65/45lb
100 Thrusters 95/65/45lb  (Partner hangs from pull-up Bar/Rings)
100 Nsync Leg Raises
100 Burpees Over Partner (holds plank)
100 Box Jumps 24/20″ Alternating
100 Pendlay Rows 95/65/45lb (Partner must do 1 rope climb or 10 Pull-ups)
400m Barbell Run 95/65/45lb

WOD Notes: Try to pick a partner who is at a similar ability level as you, if not no worries. This is supposed to be fun, so (those who are really competitive) try not to get too discouraged if you or your partner is holding you back a bit. I will go over all movement standards during class. Let’s enjoy these last few weeks of summer as we Rage all over this partner WOD!

Announcement: September 22 – Heart To Heart 5k Run. Lets get a group of Ragers to attend this event!

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Great job everyone today on the Partner WOD. I hope you all enjoyed it, haha!

8/23/2013 – WOD

Front Squat 6×2 (90%)

12 Power Snatch 135/95lb (65%)
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
9 Power Snatch 155/105lb (75%)
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
6 Power Snatch 175/115lb (85%)
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
3 Power Snatch 185/120lb (90%)
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb

Prowler Pushes (Heavy) – 4×60′  (Air Dynes to where my car is parked)

WOD Notes: Make sure to set up weights to allow for fast transitions each round. Rx’d for the wall balls is 10′ for both men & women. Focus on technique for the snatches, but move quickly through the wall balls!

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8/22/2013 – WOD

Weighted/Banded Pull-ups – 3x Max Effort  (Limit 8-12 reps)
—Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets. 

3 Rounds For Time
25 C2B Pull-ups
25 KB Swings 70/53lb
Run 800m (Backwards 400m, Forward 400m)

WOD Notes: Scaling for C2B Pull-ups are Chin over Bar. For the run, you must run backwards up the hill to the circle. Once you reach the circle, you may turn around and run forward on the way back. I expect this to be a 20 min+ WOD for a lot of you, so make sure to pace each round.

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Ryan starting to make his trip outside backwards!


8/21/2013 – WOD

Clean Complex – EMOM for 7 min – (1 Sq Clean + 1 Pwr Clean + 1 Hang Sq Clean)
—Use 80% of your 1RM Sq Clean. You must hang on for all 3 reps.

“DT” – 5 Rounds For Time (Compare to 2/20/2013)
12 Deadlifts 155/105lb
9 Hang Power Clean 155/105lb
6 Push Jerks 155/105lb
—Rest 5 minutes
4×30 sec Sprints on the Air Dyne (Rest 90 sec between)

WOD Notes: This is one of the more popular Hero WODs. Click on the link above to see what your time was & what weight you used. The hang power cleans are usually the toughest part of this WOD, which a hook grip will be critical in hanging on to the bar. Use about 55-60% of your Hang Power Clean.

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Lauren pushing herself under the bar nicely!


8/20/2013 – WOD

a) Split/Push Jerk – 12 min to find 1RM
b) 3×5 Shoulder Press (80%)

Row 1000m
50 Double Unders
40 Double Unders
30 Double Unders
20 Double Unders
10 Double Unders
Row 1000m

Midline (Choose one)
3×10 Strict Toes To Bar
3×12 Barbell Rollout
3×12 Tempo GHD Sit-up (5 sec count down & up)

WOD Notes: There is no deficit on the HSPU. Advanced athletes should do reps as Rx’d (45 total reps). You may scale the reps of HSPU by doing 10/8/6/4/2 each round for a total of 30 in the WOD or if you don’t have any HSPU you may do Push Presses @ 55% of your 1RM Push press for Rx’d reps. Scaling for double unders are 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 double unders each round or you will do triple the amount of singles each round. The WOD starts and ends with a 1000m row.

Lots of Jerk PR’s tonight! Great job everyone!

Julie all the way to the top for the 1st time last Saturday!

8/19/2013 – WOD

Pause Back Squats 5×3 (75%) – Maintain neutral spine
—3 sec count descend into bottom. Hold for count of 4 seconds

4 Rounds For Time
5 Back Squats 205/125lb
50′ Barbell Walk
5 Back Squats 205/125lb
50′ Barbell Walk
20 HR Burpees

WOD Notes: Weight for the BS should be 55-60%. At 3-2-1 Rage, you will complete 5 BS, walk 50′ , do 5 more BS, then walk back 50′ to where you started. This complex must all be unbroken without putting the barbell down. HR Burpees = lift hands off the ground at the bottom of the burpee.


Amarra hanging out in the bottom of squat.

Joan doing pause squats!