8/18/2020 – WOD

Every 3 Min x 5 Sets
a) RDL – 8 Reps @ 65-67%
b) 30-45 Sec HS Hold (against wall) or 45 Sec HS Walk Practice
—Lower bar until it’s slightly off the ground. Even rounds face the wall for HS Hold.

3 RFT (w/ a partner)
30 Hang Power Clean 185/125#  (RX+ = 205/135#)
50 T2B
80/64 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: You may break up the work anyway you’d like but try to do the same amount of work as your partner. HPC = 65% (should feel moderately heavy). T2B sub = toe through rings, scale the # of reps if you can do T2B, or weighted sit-ups. The ski erg should be sprints since you will have built in rest!! You can use towels over your hands if you’re sharing a ski erg with a partner.

a) Arnold Presses (2 DB) – 5×8
b) Glute Ham Raises: 4×10-12 or Banded Leg Curls: 4×15

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