Monthly Archives: June 2016

6/30/2016 – WOD

Hang snatch + Below Knee snatch – 1 set every 90 sec for 9 minutes.
—7 sets. Stay between 75-85%

6 Rounds For Time 
40 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls 30/20# (unbroken)
1 Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: TD = 9-14 minutes. Du scale = 80 singles or 20 du. Wb must be unbroken to be RX (10ft). RC scale = climb to 15ft, 3 up/downs, or 1 lap sled pull with arms.

Ryne – Snatch Complex

6/29/2016 – WOD

1 Full Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
—5 sets: 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%, 90% (based off cnj max)

3 Rounds For Time
10 Clean n Jerk 175/115#
20 C2B Pull-ups
800m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 minutes. CnJ = 60% of 1RM (should be quick singles). C2B scale = chin over bar or 20 ring rows. This is a WOD where you should be able to maintain the same pace each round.

6/28/2016 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 heavy across all sets

5 Rounds For Time
8 DB Snatches (alternating) 100/60#
12 HSPU (6 strict + 6 Kipping)
20 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 11-17 minutes. DB should be heavier than normal. You may kip all of the HSPU if you cannot do strict, however it must be a level surface (no stacking abmats to limit range of motion). You may also do 12 DB push presses or 12 HR Push-ups instead of the HSPU.

Reminder: Kyle Pagerly Memorial WOD is Monday July 4th at CF Rage! More details to come!

Custom Rage Milspec Ropes & spare cables are in!

6/27/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single, then 3×5 @ 87%+
—use a little heavier than last week

Conditioning (compare to 6/22/2015)
10 Minute AMRAP – “2015 Granite Games Qualifer WOD #1″
5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105#
7 Bar Facing Burpees
—Rest 5 minutes
250m Sled Drag For Time 100/45#

WOD Notes: TD = 7+ Rounds. Record total reps (each round = 12 reps). HSC weight should be around 55% of 1RM full clean. You must jump off 2 feet and land on 2 feet for the bar facing burpees. Goal is to walk very fast or run the entire time for the sled drag. 

6/25/2016 – WOD

***Open gym is from 11am-1pm***

25 Min AMRAP
50 KB Swings 53/35#
40 Wall Balls 30/20#
30 Cal Row
20 Push Jerks 165/105#
10 Strict L-C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: TD = 2-3 rounds. Use a light KB & a little heavier WB. Jerk weight = 55% of 1RM (should have to break up 2-3x). L-C2B pullup scale = L-pull-up or strict chin over bar. 

6/24/2016 – WOD

Front Squat – Work up to 95%, then 3×5 @ 87%
—use a little heavier than last week

Make-up/Skill Day!

Announcement: Open Gym will only be from 11am-1pm on Saturday! 9am & 10am class are on as scheduled..

6/23/2016 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 7 reps
—80%, 80%, 85% 90%, 90%, 95%, 95%+ 

4 Rounds (interval style)
10 Overhead Lunges 165/105#
15 T2B
200m Sled Drag 100/50#
—Rest 90 sec between rounds

WOD Notes: TD = 2:30-4 min / round. You may do front rack lunges if OH mobility is limited. Lunges should be challenging for 10 steps each round, but shouldn’t have to break them up. Sled Drag should be a very fast walk up & a run on the way back if possible. The 200m turnaround is the first curb (parking lot entrance) before the fire hydrant. Subtract 4 1/2 minutes from your total time. Each round is 95%+ effort!

6/22/2016 – WOD

Clean (full) – 7 sets
—75%, 80%, 85%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 95%+

3 Rounds For Time – “Barbell Madness”
15 Power Clean 135/95#
12 Thrusters 135/95#
9 Power Snatch 135/95#

WOD Notes: TD = 8-14 minutes. Use same weight for all 3 movements unless snatch is significantly lower, then use a 3rd bar. Power cleans should feel light. Thrusters & snatches should start to get difficult during 2nd & 3rd rounds, but never super heavy. Thruster should be around 50% of 1RM Thruster/push press.

Shannon – Fighting to stand up

6/21/2016 – WOD

Split Jerk (use rack) – 7×1 (same as last week)
—75%, 80%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 95%+

10 Min AMRAP – “Gymnastics Biased”
10 GI Janes
1 Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: TD = 5-8 rounds. Score = total reps. GI Jane scale = burpee jump to pull-up bar + swing & kip as high as possible. RC scale = climb to 15ft, 10 ring rows or 1 lap sled pull with arms only. Use a bar that is just out of your reach if possible. Intensity should be higher than yesterday’s WOD, since this is much shorter!

Amie – 138# Jerk!