
7/17/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 82.5%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 53% of 1RM (little heavier than Fri)
b) One Arm High Pull – 3×8 @ 100% 10 rep max
*Superset a & b together only if you’re doing the strength squats*

For Time (18 min cap)
100 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft
50 Burpee DB Ground to OH 45/30#
30/25 Cal Bike (18/12 Assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 11-17 min. The goal of this WOD is to be under the 18 min cap!! You will get cut off after 18 min, so scale the reps if you have to! You should be able to do 20+ reps in a row on the WB, so go lighter in order to achieve this if necessary! WB should take no more than 6 min. DB should also feel very light to where you can keep moving the entire time! The bike at the end is just a kick to the gut to where I want you to sprint ALL OUT to the finish! Large classes may have to stagger 5 minutes. Advanced athletes should be going in first heat.

Katie & Dianne

7/15/2017 – WOD

20 Min AMRAP
20 Power Snatches 95/65#
20 Thrusters 95/65#
20 GI Janes

WOD Notes: TD = 3-4 rd. PS & Thrusters should be the same weight and should feel very light to where you can touch n go majority of reps. Thrusters should be done in 2 sets max each round. GI Jane scale (if you can’t do a pull-up) = 20 burpees + 20 ring rows.

7/14/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 80%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 51% of 1RM (use about 2-5# more than monday)
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 4×6 each arm @ 100% of 10 RM

Make-up/Skill Day!

7/13/2017 – WOD

a) Snatch (full) – 8×2 (no foot movement on the catch) @ 70-80%
—This drill will teach you to stay more grounded & pull under the bar.
b) One Arm High Pull – 4 x 6 each arm @ 100% 10RM
*Superset a & b. High pulls should feel fairly light.

4 Rounds For Time
10 Bench Press @ 60-65%
7 Tire Flips
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 min. Set up the benches during warm-up to minimize transition time. Bench should feel challenging for 10 reps by the 3rd round. You should try to partner up with someone who will use similar weight on the bench and same tire to flip.

7/12/2017 – WOD

Clean (full) + 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk – 1 set every 2 minutes for 12 min (7 sets)
—start @ 70% of CnJ & work up to a heavy set

2 Rounds (interval style)
35/30 Cal Air Dyne (25/20 Assault)
20 T2B
10 Strict HSPU 6″/no Deficit
125 Double Unders
10 Strict HSPU 6″/no Deficit
20 T2B
35/30 Cal Air Dyne (25/20 Assault)
—Rest 3 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: 6-10 min/rd. T2B Scale = Do 10-12 reps, 20 knee raises, or 20 hollow rocks. Strict HSPU scale = Kip (use deficit if 10 reps will be too easy) or 10 DB Push Presses (should feel very heavy for 10 reps). Use 2 45’s + 1 25lb plate on each side of ab mat for RX’d HSPU. DU scale = 175 singles or 60 DU. Advanced athletes should try to go unbroken on all movements. DO NOT hold back on the first Air Dyne! The calories come off very quickly if you pedal with high intensity!

7/11/2017 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×5 @ 75% OR 50 Reps for Time at 50% (Stamina)
—No touch n go reps for the 5×5. You must lower under control & pull from a dead stop. You may touch n go reps for the stamina, but no excessive bouncing.
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 3×10 (your palm should face forward at the top of each rep)
*Superset a & b together

10 Rounds For Time (20 min cap)
4 Hang Power Cleans 205/135# (70%)
6 C2B Pull-ups
8 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: TD = 10-16 min. HPC should feel heavy especially as you go through the WOD. C2B scale = 6 PU or 6 ring rows. You may kip the PU. Try to set bar up as close to the rig as possible.

7/10/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 80%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 50% of 1RM
b) One Arm High Pull – 3×10 (use the 10 rep max of your weaker arm for the upcoming workouts)
*Superset a & b together only if you’re doing the strength squats*

15 Min AMRAP
60/50 Cal Row
250m Sled Drag 70/35#
20 BearHug Sandbag/Dball Squats 150/100#

WOD Notes: TD = 1-2 rds. Larger classes will have to stagger 4 min. Use a sandbag or ball that will challenge you to do the squats in 2-3 sets. Hold the bag/ball at chest level with arms wrapped around!

7/8/2017 – WOD

4 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlifts @ 65%
20 Lateral Burpees over Bar
30 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft target
400m Run
—Rest 3 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: TD = 3:30-6 min/round. I’d rather see a larger deviation from rd 1 to rd 4, than you hold the same time for all 4 rounds. DL should be unbroken every round & should start to feel difficult by the 3rd rd. Wall Balls should be unbroken as well or done in 2 sets with minimal rest. Scale the 400m run to 250m if you can’t run a sub 1:45 fresh. If your first round takes over 6 minutes, you have to scale whatever movement takes too long, so that you can get inside 6 minutes.

Sandbag March – 3 sets ME (heavy)
—Bearhug sandbag and march in place for as long as possible. Should be between 60-90 sec.