Category Archives: WOD

5/26/2020 – WOD

5pm Weightlifting Zoom
Password: 343316

5:45pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 758 4036 9900
Password: 6xTJXk

Snatch – 1 Rep every 45 sec x 15 sets
—Start @ 75% & work up to 90%+ by the end

20 DB Hang Snatches (alternate every 5 reps) 70/45# 
15 T2B
10 Box Jumps 30/24″

WOD Notes: Goal is 11-15 min. You will do 5 reps in a row with one arm before switching. Think of it as a one arm KB swing, but drive elbow high and back as you finish each rep. T2B sub = 15 weighted sit-ups. Choose a higher box than normal for the box jumps & make sure to step down to avoid high impact, since we ran 2 miles yesterday for “Murph”. 

5/25/2020 – WOD

9am Zoom Class…
Meeting ID: 796 2596 2029
Password: 7U9sVR

“Murph” – For Time
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile
***Wear 20/14# vest if you have one!

WOD Notes: You may partition this anyway you’d like! The push-ups will be the most challenging part. Think about using a band or elevate hands to modify the push-ups if you struggle with doing them strict! Use a band or do ring rows for the Pull-ups. If you haven’t been doing a lot of pull-ups the last 2 months, but have access to a pull-up bar tomorrow, please think about scaling the Pull-up reps to 50. 

5/23/2020 – WOD

15 Hang Power Cleans 155/105#
2 Wall Climbs (RX+ = 50ft HS Walk)
12 Front Squats 155/105#
2 Wall Climbs (RX+ = 50ft HS Walk)
9 Power Snatches 155/105#

WOD Notes: Barbell weight should feel moderately heavy for all 3 exercises. HPC should be done in 1-2 sets. FS should be unbroken & PS should be quick singles. If you’re really good at WC, do 3 instead of 2. Goal is to avg less than 4 min/rd. Sub a barbell, for DB’s if you don’t have one. For the PS, do 18 each rd (9R + 9L).

Announcement: We will have one 9am Zoom “Murph” Class on Memorial Day. Please keep in mind that it is not recommended that you do all 100 Pull-ups, if you haven’t been doing any upper body pulling the last 2 months as it could be dangerous. So please think about scaling those back to 50 reps. You should be able to do all the Push-ups & Air Squats though. If you have any questions with scaling please let the Rage coaches know!

5/22/2020 – WOD

5:30pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 771 1268 4223
Password: 6wBYjH
7:15pm Happy Hour
Meeting ID: 773 3130 3398
Password: 3P85nR

-2 Min Cardio
-100m Farmers Carry (2 DB/KB)
-10 Weighted Burpees (2 DB)
-10 DB Curls
-10 DB Push Presses
-10 Goblet Squats
-10 Bird Dogs
-10 Dead Bugs

For Time
1k Ski (Sub: Row, Bike, Run)
400m Farmers Carry (bodyweight)
1k Ski (Sub: Row, Bike, Run)
400m Farmers Carry (bodyweight)
1k Ski (Sub: Row, Bike, Run)

WOD Notes: Use whatever DB’s/KB’s you have available for the Farmer’s Carry. You should have to put down the DB/KB at least 1-2x throughout the carry. The 1k should take anywhere between 3:30-4:30 each set & the FC should take around 3-3:30 min. Goal is sub 20.

5/21/2020 – WOD

5:45pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 714 7037 5240
Password: 6p5tn3

-2 Min Cardio
-10 Burpees
-10 One Leg RDL + Pause each rep
-8 One Arm High Pulls each arm
-8 Bicep Curls each arm
-8 Shoulder Presses each arm
-30 Gorilla Rows (15 each arm)
-10 Bird Dogs
-30 Sec Hollow Rock
-200m Backwards Run (focus on leaning back + stay light on feet)

a) Clean (full) – 5×3 (take less than 45 sec for 3 reps)
b) Push Press – 5×6 (heavy)
—Clean/PP should be at 80%+

10 RFT
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 115/75#
4 Strict C2B Pull-ups (RX+ = 4 Bar Muscle-ups)
150m Run Backwards

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-18 min. You should be able to move throughout the entire WOD. Use one heavy DB or 2 light KB’s if you don’t have a barbell. Strict PU scale = 5-6 towels/ring rows each rd. 

a) Side Plank (weighted) – Accumulate 2 minutes each side
b) Strict Pull-ups – Accumulate 50 reps or 20 Negatives

5/20/2020 – WOD

6:30am Zoom WOD…
Meeting ID: 774 1489 1156
Password: 4isybY

5:30pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 757 4935 3442
Password: 9jWuU0

-3 Min Cardio (build pace)
-10 Weighted Burpees (2 DB)
-10 Hang Curls (2 DB)
-10 Push Presses (2 DB)
-30 Sec Spiderman Lunge Stretch
-16 OH Lunges (1 DB) – 8R+8L
-10 Bird Dogs
-30 Sec Hollow Rock

a) Deadlift – 5×7 @ 75%
b) Lateral + Front Raises – 10 to the side + 10 Forward (20 reps)
—Use 2 DB’s for the Shoulder Exercises. You may rest after 10 reps.

5 Rounds (interval style)
12 Overhead Lunges 135/95#
18 Weighted Sit-ups (RX+ = 15 T2B)
15 Lateral Burpees over Bar
—rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD Notes: OH Lunges should be challenging for 12 steps, but you shouldn’t be failing. If you don’t have a barbell, you can do 16 One Arm OH DB Lunges (8R+8L) & use the heaviest DB you have. Try to hold a light weight behind head for Weighted Sit-ups or heavy one on your chest. Burpees should be a sprint, since HR will drop after sit-ups & you will get 1 min rest after the burpees. Goal is to avg 1:45-2:15 per round and be consistent.

5/19/2020 – WOD

5pm Weightlifting Zoom Class
Password: 749383

5:45pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 773 1431 3723
Password: 4T6Eu2

2 Position Snatch – 1 Set Every 90 sec x 8 sets @ 65-85%
—Floor + Above Knee. Build to heavier than last weeks 3 position.

8 Box Jumps (high)
12 DB Bench Press (heavy)
15 Russian KB Swings 88/70#
20/16 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 min (3-3:30/rd). Try to use a tall box for the box jumps so that you have to really load & jump high! Remember to pull knees up & land in a deep squat & stand to finish the rep. DB BP should be heavy for 12 unbroken each round. If you don’t have heavy DB’s, slow the tempo down. If you don’t have a KB, you can use either one or 2 DB’s.

5/18/2020 – WOD

-2 Min Cardio
-30 Jumping Jacks
-20 Mountain Climbers
-10 Burpees
-10 Bird Dogs (pause each rep)
-30 Sec Spiderman Stretch + Pigeon Stretch
-30 Sec Ankle Stretch (each side)
-10 Suit Case DL
-10 Tempo Goblet Squat
-10 One Arm High Pulls (each arm)
-30 Sec Low Plank Hold

6:30am Zoom WOD…
Meeting ID: 737 1616 6064
Password: 8VNxUJ

5:30pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 797 6047 3329
Password: 1zAXhS

Every 3 Min x 5 Sets
a) Back Squat – 5 Reps (5 sec eccentric – heavier than last week)
b) One Arm High Pulls – 8 Reps

For Time
30 Clean n Jerks (full) 165/105#
***Top of every min starting at the 0:00 mark, do 25 Double Unders.

WOD Notes: Goal is is 8-12 min. Use about 60% of CnJ. Scale back DU to 15 if you’re not proficient with them. DU sub = 25 singles or 12 jumping jacks.

5/16/2020 – WOD

Every 2 Minutes For as Long as Possible
10 Thrusters 135/95#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
***Add 2 reps each round. Keep going until you can’t complete the reps in a 2 min window. Once you fail, rest 5 minutes and do…
For Time
1 Mile Run

WOD Notes: After you complete the 10 thrusters + 8 burpees, you will rest the remainder of the 2 minutes. 2nd round = 12 thrusters + 10 burpees. Continue with this pattern until you can’t complete the reps in that 2 min window. Goal is to get into the round of 16 thruster/14 burpees. If you don’t have a barbell, it’s the same thing with 2 DB’s, but do the same rep scheme as burpees. So 10/10, 12/12/, 14/14, etc…If you have heavy DB’s stick with the original rep scheme.

5/15/2020 – WOD

6:30am Zoom WOD…
Meeting ID: 732 8731 7367
Password: 8adGHk

5:30pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 795 6702 2021
Password: 0r05M2

6:30pm Zoom Bingo
Password: 906550

-2 Min Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, Ski)
-10 Suitcase DL (5R+5L)
-10 DB Hang Cleans
-10 DB Push Press + 50ft OH Carry (each arm)
-30 Double Unders or 30 Double Hip Tap Jumps
-20 Mountain Climbers
-10 Burpees
-30 Sec Hollow Rock
-10 Single Leg Glute Bridges + Pause (each side)

For Time
20 DB (alternating) Hang Snatches 60/40#
30/25 Cal Assault Bike
40 DB (alternating) Hang Snatches 60/40#
50/40 Cal Assault Bike
60 DB (alternating) Hang Snatches 60/40#
70/55 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: DB should feel relatively light to where you can rep through at least 10-15 reps unbroken even when fatigued. Think of the hang db snatches as a one arm swing & guide the db close by bringing elbow up as you finish with your hips & squeeze butt at the top of each rep. If you don’t have an assault bike, you can do the same amount of cals on a rower/ski erg, Run 600/1000/1200m by round, or ride your bicyle for 1000/1500/2000m by round. The cardio portion should take around 2/3/4 min by round.