Category Archives: WOD

4/25/2020 – WOD

15 Power Cleans 135/95#
100 Yard DB Farmers Carry 50/35#’s
12 Thrusters 135/95#
75 Yard DB Front Rack Carry 50/35#’s
9 Power Snatches 135/95#
50 Yard DB OH Carry 50/35#’s

WOD Notes: Goal is 20-25 min. PC/PS should be quick singles and feel relatively light. Use 2 DB’s for all the carries if possible. If you don’t have 2 DB’s, you will do 50 yard FC in left arm + 50 yard FC in right arm (same with OH Carry). Front rack carry just hold one DB in front rack if you only have one.

2 DB Version – 3 RFT
20 Power Cleans 50/35#’s
100 Yard DB Farmers Carry 50/35#’s
15 Thrusters 50/35#’s
75 Yard DB Front Rack Carry 50/35#’s
10 2 Arm DB Snatches 50/35#’s
50 Yard OH Carry 50/35#’s

WOD Notes: See above Notes. If you only have one DB, you will do 2x the Reps of each movement and the wod will take you longer but you should be able to keep moving!

4/24/2020 – WOD

25 Minute Max Cal Row/Bike/Ski/Run With a Partner
Partner A – 25/20 Cals
Partner B – RD 1 = 30 Sec Weighted Wall Sit (DB on Shoulder)
RD 2 = 15 DB Bicep Curls (both arms at same time)
RD 3 = 15 DB Skull Crushers (both arms at same time)

WOD Notes: Goal is to avg 1:30/rd so that you can each get in 8 rounds. After you finish RD 3, you will go back to the wall sit for RD 4 & repeat. You should be giving about 85-90% effort on the cardio, so that you can get right on the assistance work & not have to rest too much. If you don’t have a partner, it will be: 25 cals + wall sit + 25 cals + Bicep Curls + 25 cals + Skull Crushers & repeat until 25 min is up.

Friday Schedule
1) Zoom WOD – 6:30am
Meeting ID: 784 5220 6009
Password: 005567

2) Zoom WOD – 5:30pm
Meeting ID: 713 2990 8182
Password: 073408

3) Zoom Happy Hour – 6:20pm
Meeting ID: 789 7797 1989
Password: 087391

4/23/2020 – WOD

5pm Weightlifting Zoom Link:

Password: 125472

2 Cleans + 1 Jerk – 1 Set Every 90 sec x 6
—Start @ 75% & work up to a heavy single

10 RFT
8 T2B
10 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10ft
30 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 9-15 min. You should be able to maintain the same pace almost every round as you go through this. T2B sub = knee above hips or 10 weighted sit-ups (DB on chest – heavy or behind head – light). If you don’t have a WB you can do one DB thrusters in the front rack (hold both heads with your 2 hands). DU sub = 15 DU or 20 jumping jacks.

Thursday Schedule
Zoom Lifting Class – 5pm

Friday Schedule
Zoom WOD – 6:30am
Zoom WOD – 5:30pm
Zoom Happy Hour – 6pm

4/22/2020 – WOD

6:30am Zoom Class Link:

5×2 – Hang Power Snatch
5×2 – Hang Snatch (full)
—Work on technique & don’t go any heavier than 80%

3 Min AMRAP x 5 Sets
400m Run
6 Bar Muscle-ups or 6 GI Janes (no push-up) or 8 up/downs + 8 Towel Row
***Max Hang Power Snatches 115/75# in remaining time
—Rest 1 min between rounds. Score = total snatches

WOD Notes: The goal is to have at least 30 secs each round to get as many hang snatches. Scale the run back if you can’t run a 400m between 1:30-1:45 even when fatigued. Row 400m/Bike 25/20 cals/60 Jumping Jacks if you don’t have the equipment.

DB Version – 3 Min AMRAP x 5 Sets
400m Run
6 Bar Muscle-ups or 6 GI Janes (no push-up) or 8 up/downs + 8 Towel Row
***Max DB Hang Snatches (alternating) 50/35# in remaining time
—Rest 1 min between rounds. Score = total snatches

WOD Notes: See above notes.

Accumulate 50 Strict Pull-ups
Accumulate 3-5 minutes of Hollow Rocks

4/21/2020 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×2 @ 80%+ + 2×10 @ 65-70%
b) DB Bench Press – 5×10 (if you only have light DB, slow down the tempo)
—Superset a/b every 2:30 minutes

10 Squat Cleans 185/125#
15 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Push Jerks 185/125#
15 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Front Rack Lunges 185/125#
15 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 20. Use same weight throughout the WOD unless one movement is really weak compared to the other. SC = 60% (should be quick singles). PJ & lunges – should be done in 2-3 sets. If you don’t have enough weight, do 5 more reps of each movement.

2 DB Version – 2 RFT
20 Squat Cleans 50/35# DB
15 Burpees over DB
30 Push Jerks 50/35# DB
15 Burpees over DB
30 Lunges 50/35# DB
15 Burpees over DB

WOD Notes: DB must touch the floor on the squat cleans. Try to jump over your DB, but you may step over if necessary. DB should be on shoulders for the lunges. If you only have 1 DB, it is 30 sq cleans + 40 PJ (20R + 20L) + 40 Lunges each round.

4/20/2020 – WOD

6:30am Zoom Class Link Below:

a) Back Squat – 5×2 @ 85% + 2×10 @ 65-70%
b) One Arm DB Presses – 5×8 (each arm)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

For Time – Support your Local Box WOD #3
50 dumbbell deadlifts 50/35#
50 AbMat sit-ups
50 box step-ups 24/20″
50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters 50/35#

WOD Notes: DB Deadlifts – Only one head has to hit the floor. AbMat Sit-ups – Sit in a butterfly position, touch the floor behind you & finish by touching your feet. Step-ups are with no weight, but you can RX+ & use both your DB’s. You can switch every 5 reps on the DB thrusters. You should be able to move consistently throughout this and finish under 10 minutes!

4/18/2020 – WOD

For Time
800m Run
20 Power Snatches 135/95#
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
20 SDHP 135/95#
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
20 Clean n Jerks 135/95#
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
800m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-20 min. Use the same weight for all 3 exercises. If you don’t have a barbell, it’s 30 2 Arm DB Snatches 50/35#, 30 SDHP 50/35# (Both DB flat to ground), 30 DB CnJ 50/35#. If you only have 1 DB it’s 2x the amount of reps and you can alternate anyway you’d like!

4/17/2020 – WOD

6:30am Zoom Class (click on link below)…
Meeting ID: 799 3794 6856
Password: 064932

-2 Min Cardio of your Choice
-10 Burpees
-20 Jumping Jacks
-10 Jumping Lunges
-10 One Leg RDL (5R+5L)
-10 DB Hang Curls
-10 DB Push Press + 100ft OH Carry (R) + 100ft OH Carry (L)
-20 Russian Twists (L+R = 1 rep)
Static Stretching (hips/quads/ankles/shoulders)

For Time (w/ partner)
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 Cals on: Rower/Bike/Ski
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Wall Climbs  (RX+ = 20-40-60-80-100-80-60-40-20ft HS Walk)

WOD Notes: At 3.2.1…Rage, Partner A will Row/Bike/Ski 10 cals while Partner B does 1 Wall Climb or 20ft HS Walk. As soon as partner A finishes their calories you switch. Try to SPRINT your calories, since you will get some rest (WC or HS Walk won’t take as long). Continue this pattern until you finish! If you don’t have a cardio machine, you will run 100/200/300/400/500/400/300/200/100m by round. If you don’t have a partner you will just do the entire thing by yourself which is 250 cals + 25 Wall Climbs. 

4/16/2020 – WOD

***Snatch Zoom Lifting Class at 5pm today!

2 Rounds
90 Sec Cardio (Bike, Row, Ski, Run). Build pace esp 2nd rd!
12 One Leg RDL (6R + 6L) DB
10 DB Hang Curls
10 DB Lunges
10 DB Push Press
50ft OH Carry (R) + 50ft OH Carry (L)
20 Sec Hollow Rock
Spiderman Lunge Stretch (2nd rd only)

Clean (full) + 2 Jerks. 1 set every 90 sec x 6
—Build to a heavier set than last wk since this is only 2 jerks. Start @ 70%.

8 Front Rack Lunges 135/95#
8 Push Jerks 135/95#
Run 200m

WOD Notes: RD 1-3 = 8 FRL + 8 PJ @ 135/95#. RD 4-6 = 6 FRL + 6 PJ @ 155/105#. RD 7-9 = 4 FRL + 4 PJ @ 185/125#. If you don’t have access to a lot of weights just choose 1-2 diff set of weights throughout. Goal is to go unbroken on the barbell each round. Goal is 15-18 min.

2 DB Version – 9RFT
8 DB Lunges (on shoulders) 50/35#’s
8 Push Presses 50/35#’s
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Goal is to go unbroken on the DB’s each round. If you have to break, make sure it’s right after doing the 8th lunge each set. If you only have 1 DB, it is 14 Lunges + 14 PP (7R + 7L) each rd.

4/15/2020 – WOD

-2 Min Cardio (Row, Bike, Run, Ski) – Build to fast pace by the end
-10 Weighted Burpees w/ strict Push-up
-20 Mountain Climbers
-30 Jumping Jacks
-12 Suitcase DL (6R+6L)
-12 Hang DB Snatch (6R+6L)
-20 Gorilla Rows or rowing variation (one arm)
-12 Single Leg Glute Bridges w/ pause at top (6R+6L)
-30 Sec Hollow Hold
-30 sec sprint on any cardio machine

6:30am Zoom Class Link:

Snatch (halting) – 2 Every 1:15 x 10 sets @ 70-80%
—Pause just under knee cap. Focus on pushing with legs off floor, keep bar close as you pull knees back. Stay light & work on technique

For Time
25 Devil Presses 50/35#
15 Bar Muscle-ups 
100/80 Cal Row
15 Bar Muscle-ups
25 Devil Presses 50/35#

WOD Notes: Bar MU sub = 30 C2B/Chin over Bar Kipping PU, 20 Strict PU, or 30 Towel Rows (through door). Goal is 15-20 minutes. If you don’t have a rower use a bike, ski erg, or Run 1200m. If you only have one DB is 35 reps each round instead of 25.