Category Archives: WOD

8/31/2019 – WOD

Conditioning (20 Min Running Clock)
5RFT (with a partner)
20 Push Jerk @ 55%
40/32 Cal Row
***Max Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft in remaining time

WOD Notes: Score = Time + # of wall balls. You may split up the reps anyway you’d like. You should be sprinting on the rower each round & have 5+ min to do wall balls!

Labor Day Schedule
8am + 9am class
10am-1pm: Open Gym

8/29/2019 – WOD

1 Set Every 75 Sec for the first 4 sets – Clean + Hang Clean @ 75-80%
1 Set Every 90 Sec for the 2nd 4 sets – Clean + Hang Clean @ 80-85%+
—You may do full or power depending on your mobility

6 Deadlifts @ 70%
12 DB Bench Press 80/50# DB
24 Gorilla Rows 80/50# DB
250m Run

WOD Notes: You may touch n go the DL or do quick singles. They should feel challenging for 6 reps during the later rds (you could do 12+ reps unbroken fresh). Use the same weights for Bench/rows if possible.

L-Sit/Tuck (pegboard) – Accumulate 4 minutes

8/28/2019 – WOD

Snatch (halting) – 2 Every 90 sec for 10 sets @ 75-85%
—Pause just under knee cap for a sec. Focus on pulling bar through shins when you pause. 

2 Min AMRAP x 10 (with a partner)
50 Double Unders
6 Power Snatches @ 75%
Max Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Each person will do 5 rounds of 2 min on / 2 min off. Score = total cals for ski erg, so do not reset monitors. You should be getting between 40-60 sec each round to ski.

a) DB Skull Crushers – 4×12
b) GHD Sit-ups (5 sec tempo down) – 4×15

8/27/2019 – WOD

Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
10 Front Rack Lunges (build to 2-3 heavy sets. More than 2 wks ago)
6-8 Strict Pull-ups (5 sec tempo down each rep)

10 Min Running Clock – 5 RFT
5 Hang Squat Clean @ 60%
15/11 Cal Assault Bike
*Max T2B in remaining time

WOD Notes: You will record 2 scores. 1) Your time 2) # of T2B. Do not pace the first part!! If I were to pick an RX weight it would be 185/125#, so base your weight off that. They should feel challenging for 5 reps especially during the 3rd-5th set, to where you have to take a few extra sec before you pick-up the bar each time. T2B sub = toe through ring or leg raises to rig.

a) Hollow Rocks – Tabata for as long as possible
b) DB Bicep Curls – 4×12

8/26/2019 – WOD

Every 3 min x 5 sets
a) Hex bar Deadlift – 5 reps (2 sets should feel real heavy)
b) Barbell Shoulder Press (5 sec tempo down) – 6 reps

Conditioning (18 min cap)
10 RFT
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
4 Dball Over Shoulder 125/80#
2 Wall Climbs (RX+ = 30ft HS Walk)

WOD Notes: Goal is to avg 1:30 rds or less, which you should be able to maintain a consistent pace throughout the WOD, since the rep scheme is low. WC sub = 1 climb or 12 shoulder taps w/ feet elevated in pike position.

Weighted Plank – 8 sets 45 on / 45 off

8/24/2019 – WOD

For Time (with a partner)
60 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 135/95#
60 GI Janes (50 Muscle-ups = RX+)
800m Run
60 Front Rack Lunges 155/105#
60 Push Press 155/105#
400m Sled Drag 135/90#

WOD Notes: The only thing you may work at the same time on is the GI Janes/Muscle-ups (if there is room). Everything else is “you go, I go”. You must push press the barbell, no jerks! You should have to switch every 5 reps or so on each barbell movement.

TODAY’s SCHEDULE (every Saturday)
8am = class
9am = class
10am – 1pm = Open Gym

8/22/2019 – WOD

Snatch – 1 rep every 45 sec for 12 reps @ 75-85
—The goal is to work on technique with moderately heavy weight & try to have no misses

15 Min Running Clock – For Time w/ a partner
180 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
10 Rope Climbs 15ft (RX+ = 20ft)
Max Cals on the Ski Erg

WOD Notes: Score = total cals on ski erg. The goal is to have 4+ minutes on the ski erg at the end. You will use a 30 sec on / 30 sec off interval with your partner, so make sure you’re sprinting! WB should feel heavier and you switch every 10 reps.

L-Sit/Tuck (Pegboard) – Accumulate 3 minutes

8/21/2019 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 1 rep every minute for 10 reps @ 80-85%
—Try to go 10/10 with no misses. Only go heavier than 85% if you feel really strong.

Every 4 min x 4 Rounds
400m Run
5 Clean n Jerks (70%)
15/11 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: The goal is to get 45-60 sec of rest/round. Scale the run to 250m if you can’t run a 1:45 400m or faster. You may also sub 200ft on the versaclimber. CnJ should feel heavy to where you have to take a few secs between each rep (45 sec+ for 5 reps). You don’t have to squat them. Try to sprint the bike each round!

GHD Sit-ups – 10×10 w/ 15 sec rest between each set

Saturday Schedule moving forward until further notice is:
8am class
9am class
10am-1pm: Open Gym

8/20/2019 – WOD

a) Deadlift – Quick single @ 85%, then 3×12 @ 65-67%
b) DB Bench Press – 5×12 (heavy for 12)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

12 Min AMRAP
12 DB Hang Snatches (6R + 6L) 70/45#
12 Burpee to Target
12 T2B

WOD Notes: Goal is 5+ rds. Think of the DB hang Snatches as a one arm KB swing. Try to pick a bar above your height for burpees (doesn’t have to be exact). T2B = toe through ring or 12 Leg raises against rig.

a) DB Skull Crushers – 4×12
b) Hollow Rocks – 10 sets: 30 on / 30 off