Category Archives: WOD

7/15/2019 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 6×4 (2 Pause + 2 Normal) @ 80%+ (heavier than last wk)
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12
—Superset a/b

Conditioning (15 min cap)
For Time
40/32 Cal Ski
30 DB Alternating Box Step-ups (2) 50/35# 20″
20 Devil Presses 50/35#
30 DB Alternating Box Step-ups (2) 50/35# 20″
40/32 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Use the same weights for step-ups/devil presses. For the step-ups, you must hold DB on your shoulders & stand up all the way on each rep. The goal for each segment is to take about 2-2:30 min, so you’re looking at a 11-14 min WOD.

Weighted Plank – 5 sets: 1 min on / 1 min off

7/13/2019 – WOD

Conditioning (35 min cap)
2 Rounds For Time (with a partner)
30 Squat Cleans 165/105#
400m Run
40 Push Jerks 165/105#
400m Run
8 Rope Climbs 20ft
400m Run

WOD Notes: BB weight should be around 55-60% of SC/PJ. You can split up work as needed. RC scale = 12-15ft or 3 pulleys/RC. Each segment should be around 2 minutes, so you should be around 12-14 min rounds.

7/11/2019 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×4 @ 75-80% (use a little heavier than last wk)
b) Isometric DL hold – 2×15 sec @ 60%

10 Min Running Clock – 3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
25/20 Cal Assault Bike
—Then with remaining time left Max Dball over Shoulder 125/80#

WOD Notes: Score = total Dball reps. You should be able to have 60-90 secs to get as many reps as possible on the Dball. DU scale = 50-75 DU or 200 singles (should take around 60-75 sec). You should be able to pedal the bike fast, since the DU shouldn’t be too taxing.

L-Sit/Tuck (pegboard) – Flutter your feet/knees. Accumulate 3 minutes

7/10/2019 – WOD

3 Position Snatch – Floor + Below Knee + Above Knee
—6 sets @ 70-85%. 1 Set every 2 minutes.

For Time
15 Power Snatches 135/95#
20 DB Bench Press 60/40#’s
30/23 Cal Row
12 Power Snatches 155/105#
20 DB Bench Press 60/40#s
30/23 Cal Row
9 Power Snatches 185/125#
20 DB Bench Press 60/40#’s
30/23 Cal Row

WOD Notes: PS weight = 60%/70%/80% by rd. You should be able to touch n go a few reps on the first BB then do quick singles on the 2nd/3rd BB. DB Bench Press should be a little lighter than normal to where you can do 20 unbroken the first 2 rounds.

GHD Sit-ups – 4 sets: (10 reps + 20 sec hold + 10 reps)

7/9/2019 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 (2 pause + 3 normal) @ 75-80%

5 Rounds (interval style)
15 Unbroken Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
10 T2B (RX+ = 15)
150m Sled Drag 90/50#
—rest 1 min between rounds

WOD Notes: Pick a WB to where you can go unbroken every rd! T2B scale = toe through rings or knee above hips. You should be able to run with the sled as well but should feel somewhat heavy!. The sled drag is to the “Cantel” Sign. Subtract 4 minutes at the end.

Hollow Rocks (banded) – 30 on / 30 off for 8 sets

7/8/2019 – WOD

Every 3 min x 5 sets:
14 DB One Arm Shoulder Press (7 each arm alternating/non-working arm is at shoulder)
5 High Box Jumps (step down)
8 Strict Pull-ups (Sub: 3-4 negatives)

Conditioning (15 min cap)
For Time
20 Hang Clean n Jerks 185/125#
40 GI Janes
60/50 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Today’s work is very upper body intensive where the Lats, Triceps, & Shoulders will get much of the work. HCnJ (60% of CnJ) should feel moderately heavy to where you can string 5 reps at a time. You shouldn’t be able to do 10 in a row with ease. Pick a bar above your reach if you can do an unassisted PU. Ideally, the HCnJ should take less than 3 min, GI Janes 6 min or less, & 5 min or less for the ski.

Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 on / 30 off

7/6/2019 – WOD

8 Power Snatch 95/65# (RX+ = 115/75#)
50 Double Unders
—Rest 2 minutes
8 Thrusters 95/65# (RX+ = 115/75#)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
—Rest as much needed then:
3 Min AMRAP: Max tire flips (Teams of 4: use big tire)

WOD Notes: Barbell weight should feel light for both AMRAPS. You should be getting 5+ Rds on both parts.

7/4/2019 – Happy 4th of July!

***9am class only today***

Conditioning (compare to 9/2/20139/1/20147/4/20177/7/2018)
“Hot Shots 19”
6 Rounds For Time of:
30 Air Squats
135 pound Power clean, 19 reps
7 Strict Pull-ups
Run 400 meters

—Nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013 while fighting a fire in Yarnell, AZ.

WOD Notes:  TD = 25-40 min. PC = 50% of 1RM. You should be able to touch n go multiple reps or do really fast singles the entire time! For the strict pull-ups I’d recommend doing quick singles with no negative. You may scale by doing kipping or ring rows.