Category Archives: WOD

11/9/2022 – WOD

Tall Clean – 2×3, Hang Clean – 3×3, Full Clean – 4×3
—1 Set every 1:30. Work up to a heavy triple for each portion of the clean. Try to squat most of the reps & start @ 75%+ for each movement. Tall clean = Start on your toes & pull yourself under bar without re-dipping. You won’t be able to go very heavy on this.

18 Min AMRAP w/ Partner – Total Cals on Assault Bike
***Every 6 Minutes, starting at 0:00 do:
30 Deadlifts 315/205# (65-67%)
6 Rope Climbs 15ft  (RX+ = 20ft)

WOD Notes: Score = total cals on the bike. You should have 3+ minutes on the bike each rd. You may break up the work anyway you’d like & it’s you go, I go. You will do 3 sets of 30 DL + 6 RC (min 0, 6, 12). Each person does 15 DL + 3 RC per rd. RC sub = 2 up/downs per RC, 2 heavy pulleys, or 7 Ring Rows.

a) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – 10×4 (wide grip) or accumulate 40 reps

11/8/2022 – WOD

a) Bench Press (multi-grip, Yukon, camber) – 5×5 @ 75%
b) GHD Back Extensions (4×12) or Good AM’s (4×10)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Use weight for the GHD & pause each rep. Keep back neutral for the Good mornings & stay light to keep form if necessary.

For Time
21 DB Clean n Jerk 50/30#’s
25 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
40/32 Cal Ski
15 DB Clean n Jerk 60/40#’s
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30/24 Cal Ski
9 DB Clean n Jerk 70/50#’s
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
20/16 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 min. You will increase DB’s each Rd for the CnJ. I’d recommend doing more of a push press instead of jerks for the DB’s. I’d break up each round into 2-3 sets max & just try to stay consistent on the BJO & Ski. 

a) Tabata Hollow Rocks – 10 Rounds
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – 4×10 (Close Grip)

11/7/2022 – WOD

a) Specialty Bar Squat (safety bar, camber, yukon) – 5×5 @ 75% 
b) DB Pullover – 4×10 (heavy)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes

10 Hang Power Snatch 115/75#
15 Overhead Squats 115/75#
20 T2B
400m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 min. HPS/OHS = 55% (unbroken but feel challenging). Do 9/1 on the HPS, if you have to break it up once, but do the squats unbroken. If OH is limited, then do front squats instead. T2B sub = 10 T2B + 10 V-ups or banded reverse crunch (lay on ground w/ band in hip crease & pull knee to chest w/ knees bent at 90 degree).

a) Weighted Plank – 5 Sets: 1 Min on / 1 Min off (heavier than normal)
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – 5×8 (40 reps total – normal grip)
—Advanced = weighted or Beginner = banded

11/5/2022 – WOD

3 RFT w/ Partner
125m Backwards Sled Drag + 550m Run + 125m Backwards Sled Drag
30 (Devil Press + Thruster) 50/35# DB’s
100/80 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 45 minutes. Sled weight = 180/125# (heavy). You will drag the sled to the firehydrant, then run around the culda sac & back to your sled. You will work at the same time on the DP+Thrusters. This WOD is will def test your engine as there is very little skill & is mostly grunt work.

November Pull-up Challenge
6×5 Strict Pull-ups (pause for 1 sec above bar each rep)
—Advanced = weighted. Beginner = use band that is difficult for 5 reps.

11/3/2022 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×5 @ 75%
b) Dips (ring/bar) – 4×10  (sub: 4×15-20 HR Push-ups)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. No touch n go on the DL.

15 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
200 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches (m: 145/165/185#) (f: 95/110/125#)
30 Front Rack Lunges (165/185/205#) (f: 110/125/135#)
40 Ring Rows (RX+ = 30 C2B PU or 20 Bar MU)

WOD Notes: Goal is to get 3 rounds. DU sub = lateral hops over a bar or line. Increase the weight on the snatches & lunges each round. Ring Rows = make sure to keep body in a straight line & no kipping them. 

a) L-Sit Tap Overs – 6×15
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – Accumulate 30 reps (Neutral Grip) in the least amount of sets. 

11/2/2022 – WOD

a) Shoulder Press – 1×10, 1×8, 1×6, 1×4, 1×2, 1×1
b) Glute Ham Raises – 4×10 or Leg Curl Sliders – 4×12
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Start @ 75% & increase from there.

3 Min AMRAP x 4 Rounds
12 Push Jerks (increase each rd)
15 T2B
Max Cal Row
—Rest 2 minutes between rds

WOD Notes: Goal is to have at least 1:30 to row each rd. Score = total cals for all 4 rds. Stay between 55-65% for your PJ. T2B sub = T2R or weighted su/LR. 

a) DB Lateral/Front Raises – 4×12 each
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – Accumulate 30 reps (Wide Grip) in the least amount of sets. 

11/1/2022 – WOD

a) Power Clean – 1×5, 1×4, 1×3, 1×2, 3×1
b) GHD or Weighted Sit-ups – 5×15-18
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Start @ 75% of PC & work up to heavy single. You may touch n go if you want.

8 Hang Power Clean 165/110#  
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Sandbag Carry 125/80# 

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 min. HPC = 60% (unbroken every rd). Try to jump over the bar, but you may step if necessary. ODD RD = 150m shoulder, EVEN RD = 100m Bearhug

a) DB Reverse Flies (use bench) – 4×15
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – Accumulate 30 reps (Close Grip) in the least amount of sets. 

10/31/2022 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 1×10, 1×8, 1×6, 1×4, 1×2, 1×1
b) Straight Arm Lat Pulldown – 4×10
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Start @ 70% for set of 10 & increase from there.

10 RFT
10 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
1 Rope Climb 18ft
10/8 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 17-20 minutes. WB should be unbroken each rd. RC sub = climb 12-15ft, 2 up/downs, 3 heavy pulleys, or 8 ring rows. You may keep the monitor running throughout the workout, so it can count the rounds for you, but you will finish at 101/81 cals at the end of the WOD.

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off (heavier than normal)
b) November Strict Pull-up Challenge – Accumulate 30 reps (normal grip) in the least amount of sets. 

10/29/2022 – WOD

For Time w/ Partner
100 Burpees (no jump)
30 Power Snatches 135/95#
30 Clean n Jerk 185/125#
400 Double Unders
1200m Run
30 Clean n Jerk 185/125#
30 Power Snatches 135/95#
100 Burpees (no jump)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 minutes. You will work at the same time for the burpees, DU, & Run. If it’s too cold for you to run, you will Bike 75 Cals on assault bike or 90 on the c2 bike. PS/CnJ = about 65% of both. DU sub = 300 singles/person, 150 Lateral Hops over bar, 400ft versa/person. 

“Carve Your Pumpkin” – Week #4: Day 6 (last day)
Hamstring Work – choose a or b
a) Glute Ham Raises (GHD) – 3×15 or 3×8 Lower from the top (negatives)
b) Banded Hamstring Sliders – 3×20