Author Archives: jordy

9/26/2015 – WOD

5 Power Clean 185/125#
3 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 6 GI Janes)
—Rest 3 minutes
3 Rounds For Time
10 Push Jerk 185/125#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
—Rest 3 minutes
For Time
30 DB Snatches (alternating) 80/50#
800m Run

Midline – Day 27
Yoke Carry – 6x50ft
—use a little heavier than 120% of FS

WOD Notes: TD = 3-5 rounds / 5-8 minutes / 5-9 minutes. BB weight is around 65% of both PC & PJ. Approach all of 3 of these WOD’s as sprints. Do not save energy for the next WOD!


9/24/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 15 min to work up to a heavy single

“Wedding WOD” (Dianne, Henry, Tina, & Bri)
Complete With a Partner the following for time:
60 Power Snatches 135/95#
300 Double Unders
60 Thrusters 135/95#
100 C2B Pull-ups
60 Overhead Lunges 135/95#
50 Double Dutch Burpees (50 each)
1K Row

Midline – Day 25
Side Plank – 8×40 sec (100/60# on hip)
—rest 40 sec between sets. Same weight as last week, but this is 10 sec longer. 4 sets each side.

WOD Notes: TD = 25-35 minutes. Try to partner up with someone who is similar in ability level, so that you can use same weight on the barbell. You must switch every 5 snatches & thrusters. You must switch every 10 Lunges. You may split up the DU & pull-ups anyway you’d like. Each partner will row 500m all out!

Reminder: There is no 7pm class tonight. 6pm class will most likely be the most crowded, so partner up and have some fun!


Welcome Thurston, Jess, Rick

9/23/2015 – WOD

Clean – 15 Min To work up to a heavy single

15 Min AMRAP
5 Squat Clean 225/145#
15 T2B
20 Cal Row

Midline – Day 24
4×10 GHD Sit-ups (tempo 15/5#)

WOD Notes: TD = 4-7 rounds. Clean weight is around 70% of 1RM. Scaling for t2b = 15 knee above hip or 8 cal ski erg. 


9/22/2015 – WOD

Bench Press – 5×5 (2 Pause + 2 Tempo + 1 Normal) @ 75%

4 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlifts 255/165#
2 Rope Climb 20ft
50 ft Handstand Walk or 4 Wall Climbs
—Rest 5 minutes
400m Sled Drag For Time 90/60# (compare to last week)

Midline – Day 23
Hollow Rock – 3 Rounds: 1 min on / 30 sec off

WOD Notes: TD = 8-14 minutes. DL weight is 55% of 1RM (relatively light – should be able to touch n go most reps). RC scale = climb to 15ft or 1 lap sled pull with arms only + 5 cal ski erg. Handstand walk or wall climb is considered Rx, so specify which movement you did when recording time. You may scale # of WC if 4 is too many.

Reminder: There is no 7pm class this Thursday! The Wedding Partner WOD is Thursday at 6pm!


9/21/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 (2 Pause + 2 Tempo + 1 Normal) @ 75%

For Time
100 Wall Balls 30/20#
50 GI Janes
Run 1 Mile

MidlineDay 22
10×20 sec weighted plank (190/115#)
—heavier than last week. Rest 60 sec between sets

WOD Notes: TD = 17-25 minutes. You should be able to do at least sets of 10 on the WB (if you can’t do that with a heavier ball, stick with WB weight you normally use). Goal is to be finished WB in 5-6 minutes. For GI Janes, try to use bar just above reach.

Who will be next?


9/19/2015 – WOD

2 Rounds For Time
40 Burpees
30 Thrusters 95/65#
40 KB Swings 70/53#
30 T2B

Midline – Day 20
Front Rack Carry – 5x50ft @ 120% of FS
—use a little heavier than last week

WOD Notes: TD = 15-21 minutes. You may cut the reps in half and do 4 rounds for time if you want to be able to keep moving (mainly bc of t2b…20/15/20/15). Thruster weight is light. 

***Open gym tomorrow from 1-3pm***

9/18/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – (1 pause + 2 tempo + 1 normal tempo) 5×4 @ 80%
—Pause in bottom for 2 sec. 5 sec count down for tempo.

Make-up / Skill Day!

MidlineDay 19
L-Sit (rings) or Tuck Hold – 8×20 sec 
—Rest 60 sec between

9/17/2015 – WOD

5 sets – Halting Snatch + Full Snatch @ 80-85-%

For Time
15 Strict Pull-ups
15 Power Snatches 135/95#
Run 800m
12 Strict C2B Pull-ups
12 Squat Snatches 135/95#
Run 400m
9 Ring Muscle-ups
9 Power Snatches 135/95#
Run 250m

Midline – Day 18
Side Plank – 8×30 sec (100/60# on hip)
—rest 60 sec between sets, heavier than last week. Use plates instead of DB. 4 sets each side.

WOD Notes: TD = 15-21 minutes. Scaling for ring MU = 15 Gi janes. Notice it’s squat snatches the middle round, however do power snatches if mobility is limited.