Author Archives: jordy

5/20/2017 – WOD

25 Min AMRAP
20 Plate Burpees 45/25#
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
125m Sled Drag 90/50#
250m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 3-5 rounds. Plate burpee = Getting down on the floor & standing with plate OH. It’s very similar to the DB burpee OH. Use thin 25# & 45# (competition) bumper plates if possible. You will place them on top of an abmat or a shirt to raise the plate off floor, so you can get fingers underneath it each time you pick it up and overhead. RC scale = climb to 15/12ft or 4 up/downs or 12 ring rows. Sled Drag is to the “marcor sign” and back into Rage.

a) Weighted Abmat Sit-ups (heavier than last wk) – 4×25
b) Lat Pullover: 4×12
—Loop a band around high pull-up bar & slide pvc pipe through. Pause for 1 sec at the bottom.

REMINDER: The Rage 5 Year Anniversary Party is today from 11-3pm! Group picture will be between 11:30am-12pm!

5/19/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 72%
—5 sec count down + 1 sec pause in bottom

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 6×4 (each leg) @ 55-60% of FS (heavier than last wk)
—Hold a barbell in the front rack or KB in your hands. Elevate back leg on a bench.
b) Overhead Yoke Carry 3x100ft @ 95-100% of Jerk (lighter than last wk)
—Do DB single arm OH carry if empty yoke is too heavy.
c) Hanging L-Sit (or tuck) Hold (use pegboard) – Accumulate 3 minutes in the least amount of sets

REMINDER: The 5 Year Anniversary Party is tomorrow May 20th from 11-3pm. The Rage Group picture will take place between 11:30am-12pm. Please try to make it if possible as this will posted on the Rage website! Thank you all for an amazing 5 years!

5/18/2017 – WOD

Pwr Snatch + Hng Pwr Snatch + Full Snatch + Hng Sq Snatch
—5 sets. Start @ 70% of full snatch & work up to a heavy complex. 

For Time
1000m Row
12 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
250 Double Unders
12 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
1000m Row

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. If you can’t at least do the 80# ball, you can sub 30 heavy russian kb swings instead of the 12 dball over shoulder, since the 50# ball is too light for some of you. DU scale = 125 DU or 400 singles.

a) DB Bench Press – 4×10 (same weight as week 1)
b) GHD Hip Extensions (weighted) – 4×12 (same weight as last wk)
—hold barbell behind head & pull bar back while pinching shoulder blades together

5/17/2017 – WOD

Pwr Clean + Hng Pwr Clean + Sq Clean + Hng Sq Clean + Split Jerk
—Hang on for all 5 reps. 4 sets: starting @ 75% of CnJ. Work up to heavy complex

For Time
75 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft
30 Clean n Jerks 155/105#
75 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 min. WB should be light to where you can do 20 reps at a time, however if you choose to do sets of 10-15, make sure the rest is short! CnJ should be around 50% of your max (quick singles for all 30 reps).

a) DB Bent Over Rows – 4×10 (each arm)
—Pause at the top of each rep for 1 sec. Less weight than last wk.
b) Front Rack Yoke Carry – 4x80ft (same weight as last wk, just longer distance)
—Should be 115-120% of max FS

5/16/2017 – WOD

Push Jerk – 5×5 @ 75-80%

10 Rounds For Time (with a partner)
10 GI Janes
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 20-28 min. You will do this workout relay (interval) style. Each round is all out, since you will have rest each round. Each partner will do 5 rounds total. You should scale gi janes to 8 if you can’t 10 reps in under 60 sec.

a) Romanian Deadlifts (RDL) – 4×8 @ 70% of 1RM DL
—Use straps. First rep starts at the top of the DL. Heavier than last wk
b) DB Shoulder Presses – 4×10 (use a little lighter than last wk)
c) Hollow Hold – 10 Rounds Tabata

5/15/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×5 @ 70%
—5 sec count down + 1 sec pause in bottom

15 Min AMRAP
12 T2B
9 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/45#
6 Front Rack Lunges 175/115# (55% of FS)

WOD Notes: TD = 6-10 rounds. T2B scale = do 6-8 t2b/round. If you can’t do a t2b, do 12 knee above hips. DB snatches should feel light to where you can muscle snatch them. Lunges should be a moderately heavy load to where you can do all 6 reps in a row, but should feel heavy later in the WOD.

a) Accumulate 50 Strict Pull-ups in least amount of sets/time (with weight)
—Advanced = C2B. Scale = Do 25 negative PU (start at top of pull-up. Lower to the bottom of PU in 5-7 sec).
b) Plank (weighted) – 20 on / 40 off for 8 sets
—Make sure to load weight towards lower back/glutes. Heavier than last wk!

REMINDER: The Rage 5 Year Anniversary Party is this Saturday from 11-3pm. Normal Class schedule with group picture at 11:30am.

5/13/2017 – WOD

3 Rounds – Complete With a Partner For Time
200 Double Unders (partner b must do 15 hollow rocks while partner a is doing DU)
60 Burpees
30 Strict C2B Pull-ups
50 DB Thrusters 45/30#

WOD Notes: TD = 25-35 min. DU scale = 300 singles. You may break up DU up however you like, but one person must do 15 hollow rocks before they can switch to DU. Both partners will work at the same time for burpees, so if you both do a burpee at the same time it will count as 2 reps. Thrusters you can break up however you want, you just have to accumulate 50 reps each round. PU you can break up however you want, you just have to accumulate 30 each round. Scale = ring rows (make them strict).

a) Tabata (10 rounds) Weighted Abmat Sit-ups (heavier than last wk)
b) Overhead Yoke Carry 4x60ft @ 105-110% of Jerk (heavier than last wk)
—Do DB single arm OH carry if empty yoke is too heavy.

5/12/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 15 min to work up to a heavy single

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 4×8 (each leg) @ 47-52% of FS (heavier than last wk)
—Hold a barbell in the front rack or KB in your hands. Elevate back leg on a bench.
b) Lat Pullover: 4×12
—Loop a band around high pull-up bar & slide pvc pipe through. Pause for 1 sec at the bottom.
c) Hanging L-Sit (or tuck) Hold (use pegboard) – Accumulate 2:30 minutes