Category Archives: WOD

5/22/2019 – WOD

Strength (your choice)
a) Back Squat – 6×3 (4 sec descent + 1 sec Pause @ 80-85%) or OHS – Work up to a heavy single
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 (each arm)

6 Overhead Squats 135/95#
25 Double Unders
—rest 3 minutes then repeat

WOD Notes: This is a Coaches WOD! Put guesses in on my desk! Pick a weight to where you can keep moving the entire WOD, since it’s short! Record total reps for both rounds.

Accumulate 125 AB Mat Sit-ups as fast as possible

5/21/2019 – WOD

Power Clean – 5×2 @ 80-85% + 5×1 (85%+)
—If you feel good, go for a PR

2 Min AMRAP x 10 (with a partner – interval style)
1 Round of “DT” 155/105#
Max Cals on Ski Erg

WOD Notes: This is a coaches WOD! Partner A works for 2 min while Partner B rests. Continue this pattern until you both do 5 rounds each (10 total). You should be able to do one round of “DT” (12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 PJ) in 45-60 sec each round. Score = total cals on ski erg.

Hollow Rocks – Tabata for as many rounds as possible

5/20/2019 – WOD

a) Close-grip Bench Press – Work up to a heavy double, then 3×10 @ 70%
b) One Arm Farmers Carry – 3x100ft (each arm) @ 35% of DL
—Superset a/b

20 GI Janes
15 DB Squats 70/45#’s
Run 600m

WOD Notes: This is a Coaches WOD! Put your guesses in on my desk. First person to 12 guesses wins a free case (leader is Mike F with 7). Goal is to be sub 20 on this WOD. GI Jane height should be above reach if you can do an unassisted strict pu. Scale run to 400m if you can’t run a 600m in under 3 min.

Banded Plank – 10 sets: 30 on / 30 off

Announcement: Murph Shirts/Tanks are in! Please bring in $20 and pick-up! We are doing Murph on Memorial Day. Heats will run every 30 minutes starting at 8am.

5/18/2019 – WOD

25 Min AMRAP – Partner WOD
250m Sled Drag 135/90#
60 T2B
50 Double Dutch Burpees
40 Thrusters 135/95#

WOD Notes: Goal is 2-3 rds. You will work at the same time on the sled drag/burpees. T2B scale = toe through rings or knee above hips.

5/16/2019 – WOD

1 Power Snatch + 1 Full Snatch + 2 OH Lunges – 1 set every 90 sec for 8 sets @ 70-85%
—Skip full snatch if OH Mobility is limited & do 2 power snatches.

5 (DL + Power Clean) @ 70-75% 
10 C2B Pull-ups (Rx+ = 12)
250m Run

WOD Notes: This is a coaches WOD! Put in your guesses on my desk! Touch-and-go the complex & drop the bar between reps. C2B Scale = chin over bar or ring rows. You should be under 15 minutes on this WOD (3 min/round).

Glute Ham Raises – 4×10-15 or Seated Banded Leg Curls 4×20

5/15/2019 – WOD

a) 5×6 – Push Press from push jerk position 55-65% of split jerk
b) 5×2 – Split Jerk @ 80-90%

Conditioning (17 min cap)
15 Russian KB Swing 88/70#
48ft HS Walk or 4 Wall Walks or 2 Laps (feet in sliders)
100ft Dball Bearhug walk 150/100#
15/11 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: This is a coaches WOD! Put your guesses in on my desk! Try to avg 3-4 min/rd.

GHD Sit-up Hold – Accumulate 4 minutes (hold a weight at chest)

5/14/2019 – WOD

Deadlift – 5×8 @ 65-67% (no touch n go)

15 Min AMRAP
12 DB Bench Press 80/45#
2 Rope Climbs (1 legless 15ft + 1 w/ legs 20ft)
25/20 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 4 rds. BP should be unbroken but feel heavy. RC scale = climb with legs to 12-15ft or 3 pulleys/rc.

30 Sec Hollow Rock + 30 Sec Hollow Hold – 5 sets
—rest 1 min between sets

5/13/2019 – WOD

a) Front Squat – 5×4 (4 sec down + 1 sec pause) @ 75-80%
b) One Arm Shoulder Presses – 5×8 (each arm)
—superset a/b

Conditioning (12 min cap)
100 Wall Balls For Time 20/14# to 10/9ft
*Top of every min do 5 Heavy DB Snatches (100/60#)

WOD Notes: This is a Coaches WOD! Please put in your guesses on my desk! The WOD starts with the DB snatches. Try to go heavier than normal. You should try to approach this as an EMOM of 5 snatches + 15 WB.

Weighted Plank – 5 sets: 1 min on / 1 min off

5/11/2019 – WOD

Conditioning (Partner WOD)
For Time (35 min cap)
800m Run
40 Overhead Lunges 155/105#
10 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
120/100 Cal Bike
10 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
40 Overhead Lunges 155/105#
800m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is to be sub 30. Strict Cindy = 5 strict PU + 10 Push-ups + 15 air squats. You will do 10 rounds between you and your partner (5 each) & you can work at the same time. Only one person works at a time on the lunges/bike.