Author Archives: jordy

8/19/2017 – WOD

***Open Gym: 8am & 9am + Class at 10am***

For Time
1 Mile Run
50 Overhead Squats 135/95#
75 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

WOD Notes: TD = 15-21 min. OHS should be 50% of 1RM (should be able to do all 50 reps in 3-4 sets). If OH mobility is limited, do front squats instead.

a) Snatch Grip RDL – 5×5 @ 120% of Snatch
b) One Arm OH Carry – 3 sets: 50m each arm. Heavier than your 75m carry.

8/18/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 75% 2×2 @ 85%, 1×2 @ 95%, 1×1 @ 100%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 66% of 1RM (little heavier than mon).
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 3×12 each arm (same as mon)

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) L-Sit/tuck (pegboard) – 3 sets ME (rest as much needed between)
b) Sandbag Bear Hug Carry – 100m x 3 sets (heavy)
—Do not drop bag outside

Saturday Schedule
*8am-10am = Open Gym
*10am-11am = Class
—Rage will close at 11:30am!

8/17/2017 – WOD

Power Snatch + Full Snatch – 1 set every 1:15 for 7 sets
—Go as heavy as PS allows. Start @ 75% of PS.

For Time
200m Sled Drag 45/25#
10 C2B Pull-ups
30/20 Cal Bike (18/12 Assault)
250m Sled Drag 45/25#
15 C2B Pull-ups
50/40 Cal Bike (30/20 Assault)
400m Sled Drag 45/25#
20 C2B Pull-ups
70/60 Cal Bike (40/30 Assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. The sled drag should feel light to where you can jog the majority of each round. Rx+ = 15/20/25 PU by round. The 200m mark is the curb to the first parking lot entrance up the street. C2B Scale = chin over bar, ring rows, or banded pu.

a) One Arm High Pulls – 3×12 each arm (same as mon)
b) Bench Press (barbell) – 5×6 @ (80%)
c) One Arm Farmers Carry – 3 sets: 50m each arm. Heavier than your 75m carry.

8/16/2017 – WOD

2 Hang Clean (full) + 1 Split Jerk – 1 set every 90 sec for 7 sets
—start @ 75% & work up to a heavy complex

4 Min AMRAP (3 sets)
2 Rope Climbs (1 Legless 15ft + 1 w/ legs 20ft)
8 Hang Clean n Jerks @ 60% of CnJ
*Max Cals on Rower with time remaining in 4 min amrap
—Rest 3 min between rounds & repeat 2 more times.

WOD Notes: TD = 25-50 cal/rd. Record total cals for all 3 rounds. RC scale = climb 15/12ft with legs for both reps or 2 up/downs + 1 lap sled pull. The 8 HCnJ should be done in 1-2 sets & feel difficult by the 8th rep. You should have about 2 minutes to row all out each round!

a) Bulgarian Split Squats (use BB in front rack) – 3×10 each leg (45% of FS)
—rest 60 sec between legs
b) Bent-over DB Rows – 3×10 each arm
—Pause at the top of each rep

8/15/2017 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 3×5 @ 85% OR 50 Reps for Time at 58% (Stamina)
—No touch n go reps for the 3×5. You must lower under control & pull from a dead stop. You may touch n go reps for the stamina, but no excessive bouncing.
b) One Arm Shoulder Press– 3×10 each arm

4 Rounds For Time
20 T2B
7 Dball over Shoulder 150/100#
100m Dball Carry (on shoulder) 150/100#
70 Double Unders

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. T2B scale = 20 knee above hips, 20 sit-ups, or 10 cal ski. You may keep the dball on your shoulder on your 7th rep then proceed to the carry. The carry is to the curb on other side of the street and back into Rage. Make sure to have dballs right near the garage doors each round. DO NOT drop the dballs outside!! Make sure to alternate which shoulder you use to carry dball each round. DU scale = 140 singles or 35 DU.

a) Hollow Rocks – Tabata (10 Rounds)
b) Single Leg RDL (use BB) – 3×12 each leg (use 25% of DL)

8/14/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 75% 2×2 @ 85%, 1×2 @ 95%, 1×1 @ 100%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 65% of 1RM (same as Fri).
b) One Arm High Pull – 3×10 each arm

12 Min AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees
*Top of every min do 5 thrusters 125/85#

WOD Notes: TD = 70-120 burpees. WOD starts with 5 thrusters (sorry for those who did “31 Heroes”). This WOD is very similar to last Monday, which you should approach it as an EMOM of 5 thrusters + 6-10 burpees. You must face the bar for the burpees & jump/land with 2 feet.

a) Weighted Plank – 4 sets: 1 min / 1 min off (heavy)
b) C2B Pull-ups (narrow grip) – Accumulate 50 reps or 4×5 Neg if you can’t do PU
—Use weight if you can do more than 8 strict with no weight

8/12/2017 – WOD

***8am Open Gym, 9am & 10am classes. 11-1 Open Gym***

Complete With a Partner For Time
400m Partner Sled Drag 135/80#
200 Double Unders (you may work at the same time)
100 DB Front Rack Lunges 45/30# (partner B holds a 15 sec plank)
80 DB Burpee Ground to OH 45/30# (partner B does 12 hollow rocks)
400m Partner Sled Drag 135/80#

WOD Notes: TD = 20-27 min. You will need (2) DB for each group of 2. You may split the work anyway you’d like, but try to split it evenly. The goal is for both of you do get a good workout in, so if one partner has to do more reps to pick up the slack that’s fine. DU scale = 300 singles. You will use 2 DB’s for the lunges as well (regional standard). The recommendation is to switch every 10 lunges and every 5 DB burpee ground to OH. You must do the core work in “()” while partner A works before you switch.

a) Snatch Grip RDL – 4×6 @ 115% of Snatch
b) One Arm OH Carry – 3 sets: 75m each arm. Heavier than your 100m carry.

8/11/2017 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 90%
—Stamina = 50 Back squats for Time at 65% of 1RM (little heavier than Fri)
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 3×8 each arm (same as tues)

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) L-Sit (pegboard) – 8×30 sec or Accumulate 4 minutes
b) Sandbag Bear Hug Hold + March – 3 sets Max Effort (should be 60-75 sec)

Saturday Schedule = 8am open gym + 9am & 10am classes. Open Gym 11-1pm.